Necromantic Myth

Chapter 698: Raid

   Chapter 698

  Ryuzhi will take his men along the path of the woods, knowing that the enemy is prepared and will not change direction, so he makes sense.

  In fact, after discovering that the Zerg had established a base on the island, Liu Zhi had planned how to attack the Zerg base.

  He knows that the Zerg has established a base on this island for many years, and he will definitely do some defensive work.

  The last time the flying dragon came over, they would be attacked, which shows that their defense system is good.

  No matter where the attack is from, as long as there is no way to attack successfully, it will turn into a tug-of-war, and it will be Liu Zhi who suffers.

So when Ryuzhi determined the opponent's location, Ryuzhi did not directly attack from the sea, but made a big circle and landed from the other side of the island, in order to attract the enemy's attention to him. .

   Judging from the current situation, Liu Zhi’s plan has been completed quite well. Now the Zerg’s focus has been placed on the woods, and it can be seen that as long as he appears, this is a difficult battle to deal with.

  But Liu Zhi has been preparing for so long, in order to attack from this direction?

  Don't be kidding, Liu Zhi beckoned to the flying dragons, took some ore from the ground and handed them into their hands.

  These flying dragons have the ability to communicate with each other. Liu Zhi only needs to think about his own thoughts, and they will know what to do.

  These flying grabs grabbed the ore that Liu Zhijiao had passed by, and hovered in the sky.

  All those ores were marked by Liu Zhi as a star in the sky.

  Of course, these star beacons were all marked together. When the flying dragons were flying, Liu Zhi took advantage of the large amount of ore on the ground to arrange a teleportation array for teleportation.

Because the amount of ore on the ground is quite large, Liu Zhi is not afraid of wasting at all. When he arranged the teleportation array, he arranged a fairly large teleportation array, which was enough to send all his subordinates to the designated location. .

   had all his subordinates stand in the teleportation formation, and Liu Zhi sent a signal to the flying dragon in the sky.

  Those flying dragons quickly threw out and flew towards the Zerg’s lair.

As soon as the flying dragon flew out, it was immediately detected by various organs in the Zerg base.

  The Big Three under the Zerg Base were also stunned. They didn't expect a group of flying dragons to rush out.

   Cerebral worm said quickly: "It was the flying dragon who passed by here last time. I had left them all behind if I knew it. I didn't expect that they would dare to come over now."

  At this time, the avatar of the queen of insects said there: "Last time I told you, let me go, but you didn't believe it, now you believe it, you useless brainworm."

In the end, the brood clone asked: "What should I do now? I have turned the towers into ground spikes. These ground spikes have improved their defense power and attack range, but they have no air defense capabilities. How do these flying dragons fight? "

   "In this case, we can only use our reserves, and use all the self-explosive bats."

  Listening to the words of the Cerebral worm, whether it is the queen of the worm or the clone of the brood, they are a little unwilling. They are lurking here, and they have prepared so many things, in fact, it is for a plan.

  In this plan, a large number of explosive bats need to be used. Each base has a bottom line provided. If too many explosive bats are lost, they will not complete the task and will be punished in the end.

Thinking of this, the mother nest clone said: "Now it’s not a rush to transform the air defense tower. There is no problem with energy. Our base has enough energy, but we don’t have time. Those flying dragons rushed directly to our base. We’ve made preparations for the impact, so we don’t have time, so let’s take the blast bat out."

  The Cerebral worm finally made a decision when he heard it. He didn't see any movement, and there was a whistling sound from the depths of the Zerg base.

  The sound was like a high-speed fighter rushing through the valley.

A group of small things like bats rushed out from the depths of this base. These bats are not big, and they form a group of three. The expanded wings look like they are used to maintain balance. Instead, there is a row on the back of the bats. The jet holes, they use the airflow from these jet holes to fly.

  It is also for this reason, so their impact speed is still very fast, almost in a blink of an eye, they rushed out of the hole in the ground of the Zerg base.

  But they didn't expect it anyway, the flying dragon had no intention of rushing down, and when it flew to the center of the Zerg base, it directly threw the ore that Liu Zhi had given them.

  The ores were not big, and no one stopped them when they fell. After a while, all the ores were scattered around the Zerg base.

  However, all the Zerg bases are covered with purple fungus blankets. This kind of ore is quite obvious. The worker bees that were originally hidden will quickly rush out, trying to put those ore away.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi launched the teleportation formation.

  He and his men appeared in the middle of the Worm Nest for the first time.

   Their luck is quite good, the least appearing location is not on the periphery of the Zerg base, but closer to the underground entrance of the base.

After    appeared, Yanagi directly stretched out his hand, "All the young eagle samurai, disperse and attack freely, and the Golden Skeleton Shield Guard approaches me."

  While speaking, Liu Zhi put his hands together, and a bolt of lightning was pulled out of his palms.

  These are some methods used by Lightning Bolt. The power of Yanji's Lightning Bolt is not bad, but what Yaniji likes the most is not the power of Lightning Bolt, but that he can change his mind.

  This lightning bolt is better than the magma fireball that Yuji is currently releasing. The power of the magma fireball looks great, but it hasn't changed much.

  On the contrary, lightning bolts can become lightning balls, lightning whips, and lightning chains. As long as Liu Zhi thinks, it is not difficult to form a lightning network.

  Yagiji just wanted to gather Lightning Bolt this time.

  As a result, he was not ready yet, he heard the sound of buzzing in his ears, and a large group of bat-like flying insects flew out.

  Yagiji didn't think much at the time, and threw the lightning gathered in his hand towards that side.

  These lightnings fly faster than those bats, and when they hit the bat, they caused the bat to explode on the spot.

  As soon as he saw such a situation, Liu Zhi knew that he had won the lottery.

   "Find the direction where the bats came out. That is the core position of the base."

  Under Ryuzhi's order, the falconers quickly searched for it, and soon they found a passage on the ground like a vent hole.

  It’s just that these passages look a little small, and it seems that they can only allow bats to rush out of them.

  (End of this chapter)

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