Necromantic Myth

Chapter 800: What forgotten (19/98)

  Chapter 800 What's Forgotten (1998)

   Looking at Vidnina, Liu Zhi decisively ordered.


  But the question is where did that player escape, and where is Ryuzhi going to chase him?

  This made Liu Zhi quite embarrassed. He was about to pick up the ruby ​​shards scattered on the ground to see if he could find the enemy. The spider infantry under his men who were still guarding here rushed out.

  These spider infantry rushed out quickly, as if the enemy's location had already been clarified.

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then remembered, the red jade statue seemed to have sprang from the ground, and the female enemy seemed to sprang out from the ground too, and the enemy was underground.

  After making a judgment, Liu Zhi quickly led down to chase underground.

Rushing down the platform where the red jade statue came out, Liu Zhi noticed that the road to the underground passage had been opened up by the spider infantry. Liu Zhi took Vidnina, as long as he walked along the main road. Just fine.

After a while, Liu Zhi discovered the secret room that was supposed to be used to store the red jade statue.

  The reason for this judgment is entirely because it is connected to the outside platform, and Liu Zhi can even see that the red jade statue is sent to the track on the ground.

At the same time, he also saw the pedestal where the red jade statue was placed here. It was something that matched the pedestal of the red jade statue. Just by looking at it, Liu Zhi could be sure that the previous red jade statue was charged on this pedestal And strengthened.

  But it really made Ryuzhi sure that this was the place where the red jade statue was stored, or the magic circle on the ground.

Liu Zhi noticed that this magic circle was 60% similar to the magic circle that Liu Zhi saw last time on planet E-96. There are some magic patterns on it, and Liu Zhi also knows that it has the effect of strengthening soul control. There is a magic pattern that resonates with the soul.

  It can be seen from this point that the clone of this red jade statue should be made by the player himself.

  Or this is the way the player used to strengthen something, but Yuji is not a paladin, and he doesn't know some of the player's thoughts.

  But this is enough for Liu Zhi. Looking down this magic pattern, Liu Zhi can naturally find the location where the opponent's body is hiding.

  After turning around here, Liu Zhi ordered: "Look down to the southeast to see if there are any passages that you haven't found."

As soon as Ryuzhi's order was passed down, a large number of spider infantry rushed towards the south east. There were originally two passages in the field, but they were all dead ends.

  After the spider infantry found that there was no way to advance, they turned back.

  Now under Ryuzhi's order, these spider infantry rushed there again, even if they encountered a dead end, these spider infantry did not stop.

  Under the constant collision of the spider infantry, a secret door was knocked on a dead end soon.

  Then the spider infantry rushed into this secret door like a tide.

  When the news reached Liu Zhi's ears, there was already a rumbling explosion behind the secret door, and it could be seen that a large number of items were blown up there.

  Hearing the explosion, Liu Zhi also felt that something was wrong, and he hurried over there quickly.

  After passing through the secret gate, Liu Zhi knew why he felt wrong. He unexpectedly saw many statues here that resembled the red jade statues he had destroyed before.

  All of these statues are semi-finished products. Many statues have only one shape carved out, and many have not even carved their faces.

  When Liu Zhi rushed over, these statues were all blown up. It seemed that some people didn't want Liu Zhi to get these statues.

And rushing down the passage, Liu Zhi also saw a lot of experimental props that were blown up. The style of those props should be used for biochemical experiments. Liu Zhi's current knowledge is relatively broad, and he can see it at a glance. Come out, these experimental instruments are used to make human clones.

  Although there is no way to tell what this player is doing here from the immediate situation, but Liu Zhi believes that the player is not far away.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi rushed forward, rushing to the front of the team, rushing to the end of the road.

  After rushing here, Liu Zhi's footsteps stopped instead. He looked at everything in front of him with a little puzzled. The situation he imagined did not happen, and the escaped player did not appear here.

  This made Liu Zhi a little speechless. He stood in place and seriously recalled what happened when he came to this valley. He always felt as if he had forgotten something.

  "Wait a minute, I think what went wrong."

Liu Zhi walked around the place twice, "No, I found the secret room of the red jade statue. It was the player’s first clone location. This is the place to charge her clone and strengthen control. Now I found out again. After the clone point, although I don’t know what it is for, it should be the key to the entire base.

  But where did I forget? "

After turning around two times, Liu Zhilai raised his head, "The valley, the role of this valley, if I am the player and make a clone here, then I should hide everything in my house instead of hiding the valley like this. Everything in it is shown to everyone.

  Not to mention using the things in the valley to strengthen the statues, and even form a city of stone people.

  This is wrong, quite wrong. "

  Thinking of this, Ryuzhi directly ordered: "Leave me all out of the valley and return to the Adariyat."

Under the order of   Yagiji, all the spider infantry quickly retreated along the way they came, not caring about the materials here that had not been destroyed.

  And Liu Zhi just glanced at the situation here, then turned his head and left, not caring about the cloning experiment equipment on the ground.

  Under the order of Yanagiji, all the spider infantry retreated to the vicinity of the Adariyat.

  And Ryuzhi returned to the Adariyat one step earlier.

  Seeing that most of his spider infantry had withdrawn, Liu Zhi gave an order: "All spider artillery and goblin automatic missiles will attack this valley and destroy it for me."

  After giving this order, Ryuzhi returned to the magic circle of the Adariyat, strengthened his magical effect, and dropped a lot of death thunder on the valley.

  Under the command of Ryuzhi, the thunder of death fell from the sky like a black chain, constantly hitting the ground of the valley, and together with the plasma cannon of the spider artillery, it turned over the entire valley.

   Just as Ryuzhi was about to attack the valley again, he heard a voice.

   "You are looking for death."

  (End of this chapter)

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