Necromantic Myth

Chapter 801: Player body (20/98)

  Chapter 801 Player Ontology (2098)

  The sudden roar was not directed at Liu Zhi alone, nor was it a spiritual voice, but a voice from underground.

  The sound was so loud that all the creatures on the Adariyat heard it.

  Ryuzhi naturally heard all this, but he ignored it and directly ordered: "Don't worry about him, attack again."

Only after Yuji's order was given, there was another change in the valley. A huge figure made up of countless red stones appeared. That figure was very similar to the female paladin who attacked Yuji before, regardless of her appearance. Okay, or the weapon in her hand is exactly the same as the female Paladin who escaped.

Of course, something different from the previous female paladin is that her body is made up of countless red stones of the same size. Looking at it from a distance, she is quite perfect, but when you get closer, you will find this With a huge body of forty to fifty meters high, it looks like it is a Gaole toy assembly.

"I knew it."

  As soon as he saw this situation, Liu Zhi finally showed a smile on his face.

   "I just said how can a person of that size appear silently and disappear quickly."

  While speaking, Liu Zhi let out the thunder of death facing the giant.

  This time, the death thunder did not cover the entire valley like before, but aimed at the huge human form.

  But the figure is too big. Even if the Adariyat is strengthened on the Death Thunder, there is no way to fly it out.

   Instead, the figure moved closer to the Adariyat.

  The hammer hit it on the spot and hit the Adariyat like a baseball.

  The 1,500-meter-long Adariyat actually retreated several tens of meters under this blow.

  This made Ryuzhi also a little surprised.

He didn't expect the huge human figure in front of him to have such power. This erroneous judgment caused Ryuzhi to lose his first move. After defeating the Adariyat, he attacked four or five times in a row. Go to the Adariyat.

  For this, Liu Zhi was quite upset.

  In fact, he has already seen what is the situation of this player. As a necromancer, Liu Zhi is very sensitive to soul issues.

  The player didn’t know if she found her way forward, or what was the reason. There was a problem with her body, and her soul was usually hidden in the avatar made of the ruby ​​statue.

  At the same time in this underground, she is still making a cloned body suitable for her body.

  However, whether it is a red jade statue or a cloned body, it is not her body. Her body is a red cube the size of countless fists in this valley.

  From the previous situation of the statues in the valley, these cubes were taken to the outside city, which is the core of the stone giant's enlightenment.

For the sake of wisdom, batches of stone giants will rush to this valley at the end. Only a small part of the stone giants can take the new red cube, and the remaining stone giants will turn into statues and fall into this valley. .

   And when they are broken, their bodies will become a new red cube, blending with everything in the valley.

  Relying on this method, this player has gathered so many red cubes and can make such a huge body.

  Originally, this player shouldn't have thought that he would take out this body in such a short time.

She should have a detailed plan, as to what level the number of red cubes in this valley has reached, and what level her soul has to reach, she combined into a huge body in one fell swoop, merged the soul into it, and broke through level 4. Road limit of level 5.

  If Ryuzhi didn't want to understand everything in it before, she might be attracted by her arrangement, and only noticed the hidden cloning equipment, thinking that this player was hiding here to clone the most suitable body.

  Maybe after the player is not found, Ryuzhi will leave.

  But Ryuzhi wanted to understand the key here.

  The most important thing is that his death thunder can cover the entire valley.

  The red cube hit by the thunder of death will lose its combinatorial effect.

  In order to prevent these years of hard work from being wasted, and in order to prevent the destruction of his own soul, the player had to activate the means he had prepared for many years in advance and took out his own new body.

  Although this body has not reached the player's final standards, and the soul has not been integrated, her strength is infinitely close to the level 5 level.

  From the fact that she can defeat the Adariyat with a single blow, it can be seen that her power has exceeded the imagination of normal people.

   Guessing the opponent's situation, Liu Zhi immediately made a decision to disassemble that person's body. As long as the opponent's body is broken up and the opponent is not allowed to continue, he has a chance to win.

   "Plasma cannon, attack with full force."

  Under Yanagi's order, all the spider artillery fired again on the huge humanoid side.

But this time, the effect of the attack was not so good. The huge humanoid moved his hand forward, and a red square shield appeared in front of her. The plasma cannon’s attack hit this square shield without much effect. .

After    exploded, the square shield remained as it was, and it didn't seem to be thinner or weaker at all.

  Yagiji did not call a stop here, and all the spider artillery had no plan to stop. After one wave of attacks were ineffective, the second wave of attacks was immediately used.

  At the same time, the automatic goblin missiles also began to prepare. A large number of energy stones were pressed into the machine of the automatic goblin missiles. As for aiming, that was the least necessary thing. Then the big enemy is in front of you, and there is no need to think about it.

  Taking this opportunity, Ryuzhi was also flipping his own magic there.

  With the magic circle here in Adariyat, Ryuji's magic power will be magnified many times, but the attack must be targeted, there is no targeted attack, and it will be ineffective against such a big enemy.

   Just now Liu Zhi also saw that the Thunder of Death has a certain effect, but it is not used now.

  The best way to disperse the enemy is naturally the falling of stars.

  Regardless of whether the opponent is an individual or the countless red cubes gathered together, the falling stars can attack in a targeted manner.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi took a deep breath.

  Under the spell of Yanagiji, a beautiful blue halo appeared on the head of the huge humanoid who had withstood the frontal attack of thousands of spider artillery.

  (End of this chapter)

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