Necromantic Myth

Chapter 802: Kill the player

  Chapter 802 Killing Players

  Meteor, if it falls like a torrential rain.

  Every time you hit, a red cube that makes up a huge human figure will be broken into pieces.

  In almost an instant, the shooting star emerging from the halo cut off half of the head of the huge humanoid creature.

   Soon the huge human form reacted, and Liu Zhi saw that the red cube on his body was rushing to his head quickly, quickly mending the knocked-out part of his head under the starlight.

  It can be seen that this man is repairing his head.

  This is exactly what Liu Zhi wants. Liu Zhi understands that even if he borrows the magic circle of the Adariyat, his star fall is not unlimited.

  After all, his magic power is limited, it is impossible to fight like this forever.

  But the huge human figure didn't know this. He thought that what Liu Zhi released was the extraordinary effect unique to the falling of stars.

If it’s that trick, maybe it’s easy to knock down the huge human-shaped head at first, but the more you get to the back, the more you can’t support it. After all, the power of the falling stars is too big, it’s big enough to hit a red cube. It's a bit wasteful.

  On the contrary, the falling stars in front of him is the most suitable method. Liu Zhi wiped out the red cube on the huge human head layer by layer.

  Under such an attack from Ryuji, the huge human figure knew that he could not let Ryuuji go on like this. He kept twisting his head and body, trying to move his head out of the scope of the halo.

  But Liu Zhi has been controlling the halo. No matter how he moves, there is no way to avoid Liu Zhi's attack. Instead, because of his twisting, Liu Zhi guides the starlight to hit his neck.

  At this moment, the huge human figure was also annoyed, and he waved the hammer that was also made of red cubes to hit the halo.

  But the halo is made up of starlight at all. This smashing down not only did not smash the halo, but instead smashed the red cube inside the hammer a lot.

  As for the square shield in his hand, there is no way to move it to the head at this time, because the spider artillery is fully attacking.

  If there is no square shield to resist, it may not take long before this huge body will shatter.

Seeing that two-thirds of the head of this huge humanoid was broken up, the huge humanoid opened only half of its mouth and roared, and a large number of red cubes poured out of it, forming a new helmet wearing a helmet. Head, reconnected.

  The helmet seemed to be aimed at the starlight, and it could actually be opposed to the starlight, protecting the head that had just been connected without any problems.

But he never thought that Liu Zhi is a necromancer, he uses starlight magic here, completely because he did not find where the opponent’s soul is hidden. After all, there are so many red cubes, that player can’t take his own soul. Disperse it into each cube.

  He will definitely be like a lich, with a red cube acting as his phylogeny, to store his soul.

  Of course, the player himself should be a Paladin. He can do this in terms of soul, which is already quite remarkable.

  It is very unlikely that you want to be like a lich, rebirth anytime, anywhere through the phylactery.

  He can only hide his own soul in countless red cubes. Before the soul is attacked, he releases these red cubes so that the red cubes can block the wave first.

   And when he makes some big movements that change the body, he naturally needs to use the power of the soul.

  Liu Zhi missed the opportunity at the beginning, but now it is different. He used the falling of stars to elicit this kind of power.

  Just as Liu Zhi thought, as the head of the human figure was destroyed by more than half, the player had to jump out and find a way.

   "I caught it."

  Liu Zhi smiled, then closed his eyes, and all the nearby souls appeared in front of him.

  In the eyes of his soul, he has locked the soul of the other party. It is a normal-looking soul, and the state of the soul is exactly the same as before suddenly jumped out to attack Liu Zhi.

  It’s just that this little soul is well hidden, and she will hide herself quickly when she moves.

  Sometimes it will actively change the position of hiding.

  If it weren’t for Liu Zhi who had spotted her at the beginning and kept staring at her moving, she might have run away.

   "Now you run."

While talking, Liu Zhi stretched out his hand. At this time, Liu Zhi's soul extraction has reached level 7, which is infinitely close to the legendary level. For a player whose soul is less than 5, Liu Zhi can still handle it easily. .

  As Liu Zhi pumped back, the soul of the player who was shifting his position felt that he was entangled in something.

  She only came in a hurry and looked up, and found that her soul seemed to be caught by a giant hand, flying quickly to the Adariyat.

  This situation scared the player. She quickly activated various props on her body, trying to save her soul.

  But this player was not playing this in the first place, and the things in her hands were not aimed at the soul, so she became what she is now, and always wanted to find a suitable body for herself.

When the soul is drawn out, how can her props have a skill that is about to approach the legendary level? You must know that Liu Zhi's soul gathering has dealt with the powerful soul of the Protoss, and the player's soul can be strong. How many.

  In a blink of an eye, this soul was caught by Liu Zhi.

  He didn't think much, took out the box, and stuffed the soul into the heart-like gem in the middle of the box.

  After doing all this, Liu Zhi raised his head and looked out.

The huge human figure that has lost its soul seems to have lost power. Standing still, the plasma cannon fired by the spider artillery, he didn't know that he was holding a shield to block it. After being attacked, he didn't know the new red cube. Make it up.

  Under the fire of the three waves of plasma cannons, the shield in the huge humanoid hand was destroyed, and the plasma cannons of the fourth wave were fired at once.

  The huge human figure just fell apart like a domino being pushed.

  Countless red cubes fell on the ground, losing their due luster.

  In those cubes, there is a obviously different ruby ​​cube that is slowly cracking open, revealing a core fragment with holy light inside.

  It's just that the holy light on the shard is getting faint, and finally disappeared completely after a few flashes on the shard.

  When the holy light disappeared, Liu Zhi also got a prompt, and he killed a player.

  After receiving this prompt, Liu Zhi walked out of the Adariyat and flew towards the location where the player collapsed.

  (End of this chapter)

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