Necromantic Myth

Chapter 803: Well equipped

  Chapter 803 Good Equipment

【Ding! You defeated the opponent players in the promotion and got 642 record. The faction is biased towards order. 】

【Ding! You have acquired knowledge about professional Paladins (Naaru series) from the memory of player XXX, and mastered the employment standards and promotion criteria of professional Paladins. 】

[Professional Paladin (Naaru) Employment Standards: Master the power of the Holy Light (0/1), Lighten the Body and Flesh (0/1), Kill 10 enemies corrupted by darkness (0/10) (Note: Minimum employment standards). 】

  【Professional Paladin (Naaru) promotion criteria: Paladin (1)-Naru (6)-Muru (11) -....... 】

  When he fell to the ground, Liu Zhi had already seen some of the information he had received.

  It can be seen that this player took the route of the so-called Naaru paladin, turning himself into a holy monster.

  It's just that he is a good person, he didn't have much advantage in the route of becoming this kind of monster, and finally turned himself into what he is now.

  All the red cubes here are energy stones with the power of holy light. Although they are not as good as the ores that Liu Zhi obtained on planet E-96 last time, they can still be used for charging.

  Ryuzhi glanced at these cubes, then dropped the Adariyat down, and asked the undead on it to transport these red cubes to the Adariyat.

  Although these cubes are not suitable for the energy required for the combustion of the Adariyat, they can still be used as materials for the goblin automatic missiles.

  Liu Zhi believes in the power of goblin technology. Even if it is a stone, the goblin can blow them up.

  While the undead were packing up the materials here, Liu Zhi called the black gloves over again.

   "Black gloves, did you know that there are many good things underground, and there is an experimental base below."

   "Really?" His eyes brightened when the black gloves heard this.

   "Of course, it's just that the experimental base was bombed. I think you should be able to find something useful from the explosion."

  When the black gloves heard it, he jumped and said, "Of course, it is my instinct to find the right thing from the exploded laboratory, there is nothing I can't find."

  Looking at the confident look of the black gloves, Liu Zhi pointed him a way and let him go down.

  After that, Liu Zhi picked up the fragment that had lost the holy light, and a strange feeling appeared in Liu Zhi's heart. He screamed wildly in his heart. This is a player item, which he can use.

  Liu Zhi quickly took out the identification magnifying glass and looked at it. Under the magnifying glass, the fragment that had lost the holy light was only the size of a palm. Through the red, it looked like a piece of red jade that had been cut into thin slices.

  The size of this red jade is just enough to be held in the palm of the hand, and on the edge of the red jade, a dark golden light can be seen from time to time, which looks like a holy light that has not completely dissipated.

  【Dim Naaru Core (Deputy, Shield)】

  【Level: B】

  【Equipment requirements: Strength 7.2, Constitution 7.8, Spirit 7.9】

  [Feature 1: Holy Light Force Field, activates the Holy Light Force Field shield, which can resist 3000 damage (equivalent to a plasma cannon strike), and the cooling time is 10 minutes. 】

   [Feature 2: Invincible Realm, Paladin’s exclusive skill, when the Paladin activates the invincibility effect, it can change from single invincibility to all invincible allies within three meters. 】

[Feature 3: Holy Light Blessing, activates the last light in the Naaru core, stimulates the player's body, can temporarily increase the player's level by 1 (up to 7 levels, time 30 minutes), and can only be used twice (2/2) )】

  【Explanation: Although the light is lost, the existence of the core of Naaru still means that the person has embarked on the path of Naaru, and the power and light of Naaru will last forever. 】

Looking at this explanation, Liu Zhi couldn’t help taking a deep breath. This is a good thing. Let’s not talk about the force field shield that can only be used once in 10 minutes. The latter two skills will directly let all the saints. The knight player grabbed his head.

  This thing is good even if you don’t use it.

  And now Ryuzhi can still be used.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, first hung the Naaru core on the back of his left hand, as long as he turned his wrist, he could take this thing into his hand and quickly set up the holy light force field shield.

  After several attempts, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, let's see what the guy has left. With such a big body, it's impossible to have such a little equipment."

  While talking, Liu Zhi looked for it.

   Soon he found something new at the location where the red jade statue was killed in battle.

It is a small statue similar to the red jade statue. The size of the statue is the same as the statue when Liu Zhi took out the undead servant, but the texture of this statue is different from that of the undead servant. The whole statue is red. Jade.

  【Puppet: Holy Light Red Queen】

  [Occupation: Paladin]

  【Level: Level 1】

  [Abilities: mechanical creatures (immune to poisonous attacks, immune to blindness, mental magic), flower sword (swordsmanship level +1), holy light shield (automatically generate defensive shield), divine revenge (generate divine energy to attack the enemy)]

  【Explanation: This is a puppet made of ruby ​​jade. Because the owner is a paladin, she brings the power of the paladin. In battle, she will never forget the meaning of the paladin, which is punishment. 】

  Holding the Holy Light Red Queen, Liu Zhi thought about it very seriously, and released her.

After    appeared, Liu Zhi noticed that the Queen of Holy Light in front of her looked exactly the same as the red jade statue he had killed before, and even the head was about the same, except that the statue was made of red jade.

  The Holy Light Red Queen in front of her was made of red stone. She looked dry and mammoth, not round at all.

  At the same time, this statue did not have the ability to make a sound. After standing up, she stood next to Ryuuji. It looked more like a statue than Videnina.

  No, she was originally a statue-shaped puppet.

  Liu Zhi did not try to test the combat power of the Holy Light Red Queen.

   let her follow behind her.

After   , she found the position where she had fought with the female player before.

  The female player escaped from here. Although I don’t know what method she has, there should be some good things that can be found nearby.

Sure enough, Liu Zhi turned over here, and finally found the hammer that the female player was holding in the underground. As soon as he took this hammer, Liu Zhi felt it. This hammer has been used by the female player since the weakest. The weapon, after so many years, this thing has also brought the player's effort and strength.

  (End of this chapter)

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