Necromantic Myth

Chapter 808: Druid shot (23/98)

  Chapter 808 Druid shots (2398)

  Since the launch of the Adariyat and the guidance of big bosses, Liu Zhi's views on some things have changed.

  Originally, he still had the idea of ​​doing it himself, but now everything is shot by the spider artillery.

  I didn’t get it done, either it was not enough once, or the number of concentrated spider artillery was not enough.

  Fight twice if it is not enough once. The number is not enough. There are still thousands of such spider artillery in the Ryuzhi Adariyat, and it is enough to activate them all at that time.

  Liu Zhi had the same attitude towards this weird forest below.

  While watching the Banxi Beast could not catch up with the enemies, Liu Zhi made a decision and destroyed the forest with spider artillery.

  Under his order, all the spider artillery sticks out their heads on the Adariyat, and began to spray plasma cannons at the woods below.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Yanagi looked down. The power of the plasma gun was not too great. At least it did not cause too much shock wave after the explosion. After all, the plasma gun is usually aimed at tanks and other heavy tanks or battleships. For spaceships, most of the desired effects are armor-breaking effects. The big bang is not actually the style of plasma cannons.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi usually uses plasma cannons to shoot volleys. Sometimes, he naturally thinks that plasma cannons are very powerful.

  It seems that Liu Zhi’s method this time has not been chosen.

  Thinking about it for a while, Liu Zhi immediately asked someone to switch to the goblin automatic missile.

  Especially when using goblin automatic missiles, Liu Zhi made people use the red cube just obtained from the valley.

  At this time, it is no longer the Titan creation under Liu Zhi's that controls the goblin automatic missiles, and Liu Zhi has arranged some engineering goblins here.

  These engineering goblins load bombs inside it can be called a desperate one.

  Previously, Titan Creations loaded bombs into the goblin automatic missiles, all relying on calculations.

  And these goblins deal with it, it depends on luck and their thoughts at this time.

  With the efforts of these goblins, the goblin automatic missiles were quickly launched.

When those missiles flew out, Liu Zhi almost couldn’t stand it anymore. The missile was more than two meters high and almost didn’t eject. After flying out, the missile swayed in the air. It seems that there is no motivation.

  From this point, Liu Zhi was a little worried whether he would encounter something different.

  After all, the ability of the goblin, Liu Zhi has seen him, he thought about it, and gave the order to let the Adariyat fly a distance into the sky.

  When the Adariyat rose a certain distance, the first missile finally landed on the ground.

  When the missile fell into the woods, Liu Zhi saw a white light flash by.

  The white light also contained a hint of the power of holy light, but more of it was the power of punishment like a flame and the shock wave caused by the explosion.

  Compared with the plasma gun, the power of this missile is obviously much greater.

  A missile went down, and half of the forest was destroyed in this way. The human knight was bombarded by the missile before he escaped from the forest.

  Fortunately, this human knight also knows his own characteristics, and his strength and agility have always been strong.

  When encountering this situation, the human knight actually raised the spear in his hand and waved it constantly, slamming a path abruptly.

   But his luck ended here, and when he was about to rush out of the woods, a missile slammed into his vicinity.

  The human knight raised his hand and threw a spear, trying to fly the missile.

  But just as he threw his spear, a voice came from his ear.

  "The thorns are entwined."

  "Advanced Friends of Nature."

   "The Force of Nature."

  Under these three magics, a huge cane popped out from the ground, just hitting the missile.

   Then a huge tree man appeared next to the human knight, using his body to block the power of the missile explosion.

  After that, a natural force was injected into the human knight, and his injuries were almost repaired.

   "Go this way."

  At this time, a druid's voice came from the ears of the human knight.

  He looked up and found a road paved with dandelions in front of him.

   "Hurry up, what a daze, we don't have much time."

  In the druid's urging sound, the human knight ran quickly. His movement speed was not slow. This time he had guidance. He didn't need to think about the direction, just just follow.

  As a result, his movement speed has obviously increased a lot.

  In a blink of an eye he ran out of the woods and headed in the other direction.

  After he ran out of the woods, he naturally attracted the attention of the phantom flying dragon in the sky. Several phantom flying dragons screamed twice in the sky and chased there.

And Liu Zhi naturally saw this situation. He looked at the direction in which the human knight was escaping, and found that it was not the center of the floating island, not the location of the three cities. He thought about it, and chasing it over should not cause it. What unnecessary trouble.

   So Ryuuji ordered the Adariyat to chase after her.

  But slowly Ryuzhi realized that things seemed a little bit wrong.

  The human knight seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance. No matter how the Phantom Flying Dragon pursued, he would always escape the influence of the Phantom Flying Dragon for some reason.

  Although it seems quite dangerous, this human knight has been hanging Yanagi and them all the time.

  Now Ryuzhi immediately issued an order: "Stop, step back, and get ready to leave here."

  But it was too late. Under the guidance of the human knights, they had arrived near the territory of the previous druids.

  When the Adariyat stopped, a gust of wind blew, and a large number of dandelions flew towards the Adariyat.

   "Another player?" Liu Zhi flashed a thought, and said to the following, "Strong wind."

  Yagiji’s strong wind is a sailor skill, which is not counted as a normal skill, but as long as the mental power of Liuzhi is strong enough, the wind he blows will be strong enough.

  Under the strong wind from Ryuji, all the dandelions that flew toward the Adariyat were blown back.

  But it fell into the trap of the druid.

  The druid who slowly appeared in front of the human knight looked up at the battle in the sky, with a confident smile on his face.

   "Brother, can you still fight?"

  The human knight was upset when he heard it. He squeezed his chest and said, "I can still fight."

  "Well, then prepare to fight. Do you know what to do with this enemy who can only use cities to suppress people? Then destroy his city, come out, Star Worm."

  (End of this chapter)

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