Necromantic Myth

Chapter 809: Star Worm (24/98)

  Chapter 809 Star Worm (2498)

  When the so-called star worm appeared, Liu Zhi was controlling the Adariyat to fly up.

  He did not spot the star worm in the first time. Adariyat was not good at this point. As long as he entered the interior of the hull and wanted to know the outside world, he had to use various observation methods released by Ryuzhi.

  However, this method is somewhat unobservable.

  And this star worm is the most unobservable existence.

  This star worm can actually travel in the twisted void, feeding on various floating platforms or outside asteroids.

  I didn’t know how long ago, I came here for some reason and was sealed at the bottom of the floating platform.

  This time, if the druid hadn’t said that there was such a dangerous thing as the Adariyat, this huge monster would not have been released.

  As a monster that can move in the Twisting Void, the Star Worm is actually like a bug that does not know how many times it has been magnified. It can jump in the void like the Adariyat.

  This time he appeared directly at a position less than 100 meters above the Adariyat.

  Compared with the size of the Adariyat, this little distance is nothing at all.

  Tigut, who was operating the Adaryaat, felt that something was wrong for the first time.

  He didn't see any difference, but the soul that was let off by him felt abnormal from the wind.

  He chose to turn the direction for the first time, and flew in the other direction.

  With the speed of the Adariyat, coupled with Tigut's protection of the periphery of the Adariyat, it happened that the Adariyat missed the core attack of the Star Worm.

  The star worm only bit off about one-twentieth of the platform outside the Adariyat, and the seven most critical ships were not lost.

   But even so, Liu Zhi was taken aback.

  He did not expect to encounter such a thing here.

  Yagiji ordered the spider artillery to attack the star worm, while mobilizing the spider infantry to the deck.

  Ryuzhi understands that if he wants to deal with that kind of big thing, he must use powerful firepower to concentrate his attacks.

  The star worm that can bite off one twentieth of one’s hull with just one bite, that’s what you need to deal with.

  At this time, the human knights and druids on the ground also saw the blow.

  The human knight turned to look at the druid, "Is this the trap you call?"

   "It was not originally. I found a friend to ask, but you can't. If you can lead him to the valley I designated, you can destroy his boat with this one."

   "Okay, but are you sure you can destroy that guy's city?" The human knight asked worriedly.

The druid held a rune in his hand and said seriously: "Of course, if it weren't in my control, this guy with no IQ would swallow the entire floating island, and then leave here swaggeringly to go to the next floating island. Sky Island."

  When the druid spoke, Liu Zhi also started to deal with the star worm in front of him.

Facing such a big guy, he naturally wanted to extract the soul for the first time, but he found helplessly that this guy only has the instinct to survive, and there is no soul, which means that all he eats is the instinct to live. , Even if his soul was taken away, he would eat like this.

  And Liu Zhi also saw that there were traces of human control on this star worm.

  It can be seen that someone has gotten some method to control the star worm.

   Thinking of this, Yanagi immediately thought of the human knight who had escaped.

  Before he rode a dragon, Liu Zhi's men could catch up quickly, but now without the dragon, Liu Zhi's men can't catch up. This is obviously abnormal.

   "All the phantom flying dragons and spotted brook beasts all attack, and kill the human knight for me. If there are other people around him, kill them together."

After   , Liu Zhi turned his gaze to the star worm.

  Because of missing the Adariyat, the star worm bit out a void passage, and the body just crawled in.

   And when he crawled into the void passage, he didn't care about the attack from Liu Zhi.

  The position where he bit open the void passage is exactly where he fell about 300 meters. As a result, his head has crawled in for a long time, and his tail has not completely passed through the passage through which he crawled out.

  The plasma cannon of the spider artillery used this opportunity to constantly attack the star worm.

  But no matter how he fights, the Star Worm has no injuries at all.

  Yagiji tried the bone spear, and he had to bless the penetration effect three times before he could pierce the bone spear. Besides, all the effects were of no use to the star worm.

  Looking at the characteristics of the star worm, Liu Zhi understood what it was all about.

  This guy makes a living by moving and engulfing stars in the twisting void. Normally, his body will bump and bump, and sometimes it will sweep into the stars.

  If you don’t have a thicker skin, you won’t be able to withstand such damage.

  Plus now that his body is so big, he can't figure out how thick his skin is, and he doesn't need to resist a small injury at all.

  Faced with this situation, Liu Zhi frowned. His methods were useless in the face of this huge creature.

  Maybe the one who can really take down the star worm in one blow may be the white light that destroyed an island in the giant battleship that Liu Zhi saw last time.

  That is also a type of plasma cannon, but Liu Zhi is still not sure how to do it, whether to continuously increase the amount of plasma liquid in the plasma cannon, or to inject a lot of energy into it.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head. How could he be like a goblin now, he wanted to add a little more in everything.

  No, now is the time to face the star worm. See how the opponent is going to deal with it.

While Liu Zhi was still thinking about this, the star worm bit out an exit from the sky above the Adariyat. His body hadn’t finished walking, and the head of the worm had already bitten out. .

  This time Ryuzhi and Tigut have seen everything. The Adariyat moved sideways, and the goblin automatic missile flew towards the star worm's mouth.

  The power of the goblin automatic missile is very powerful, but the star worm can eat even stars. After being blown up, not only did it not respond, but it accelerated to bite towards the Adariyat.

  At this time, all kinds of thoughts flashed in Liu Zhi's mind, and finally his hand even touched Thor's Destroying Teeth on his waist.

  Is it necessary to use eternal tranquility?

  Yiu Zhi couldn't judge for a moment.

  (End of this chapter)

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