Necromantic Myth

Chapter 810: Dragon Slayer

   Chapter 810 Dragon Slaying Knight

   Just as Liu Zhi had a headache on how to deal with the star worm, the Phantom Flying Dragon had also found the human knight and druid who had fled to the side.

As soon as he saw the phantom flying dragons, the human knight said with a serious face: "Be careful, these are very difficult dragons to deal with. They have no magical ability, but they move super fast, and they are connected with each other. Inter-cooperation is quite in place, there is no need for communication at all, and it is difficult to deal with."

   "You come to find a way to hold them, I am controlling the star worm, it is not convenient to shoot, as long as the sky city is destroyed, the rest is nothing." The druid judged the situation at a glance.

In fact, even if the druid doesn’t say anything, the human knight also knows that he must go up on his own at this time. Although the druid is like him, it is infinitely close to level 4, but the route he takes is the nanny route. His playing in the battle simply caused him to die.

   And the immediate attack on Adariyat still fell on the druid's hands. If he was distracted and the Star Worm was out of control, the situation would be over.

  So the human knight took out another weapon, which was a long knife that looked strange.

  Looking at the knife, the Druid was taken aback first, and then said: "It seems you have made a choice?"

"Yeah, I thought too much at the beginning and wanted to grow up with a dragon. Although this is slow, it will be better in the later stage. I didn't expect such a thing to happen at the last moment. Now there is no other way but to go. Back to the original path.

Dragon slayer, kill 1000 powerful dragon beasts, 20 of the dragon-level, all the flying above have the final say, as long as you kill them all, my path to dragon slayer will be finished. half. "

  After finishing talking, the human knight swung the long knife in his hand. This long knife was the weapon he used long ago, called the skinning knife of the dragon slayer.

Before deciding to raise a giant dragon, the human knight started by taking the route of the dragon slaying knight. Starting from level 1, he regarded dragons as his enemy. Starting from the two-footed dragon, he killed it. How many dragons.

  This also makes his promotion route more and more difficult. When level 4 to level 5, he needs to kill at least 20 adult dragons.

This way of promotion makes human knights have to think about the future. Adult dragons are not so easy to deal with, and this time there are 20 adult dragons. After that, he needs to go to level 9 to level 10. How many dragons, what kind of dragons should you kill when you reach level 11?

  It is precisely because of this idea that the human knight changed his direction, from the dragon slayer knight to the dragon knight.

  Now that Ryuzhi has broken his dream, the human knight has to take out the skinning knife of the dragon slayer and prepare to become a dragon slayer again.

   stood at the forefront with a long knife, and the human knight shouted at the phantom flying dragon in the sky: "Come on, here I am."

  The Phantom Flying Dragon hasn't flew down yet, the Banxi Beast rushed over a group first. On the Banxi Beast, there are several Titan creations.

  Although they have left planet E-96, the strength of these Titan creations has not weakened at all.

  As the Spotted Stream Beast rushed down, they lifted their hands, and a laser beam shot towards the human knight in this way.

  The human knight had encountered the laser attack of the Titan creation before, knowing that they had such an ability, when the laser was hit, he began to dodge as soon as he took off.

  And the Banxi Beast also took this opportunity to pounce on the human knight.

  I don't want the human knight to dodge because of this opportunity.

   Seeing the Banxi Beast flying down, the human knight who was jumping into the air cut it down with a single knife.

  The knife cut open the body of the Banxi Beast, and directly cut the Banxi Beast in half.

  After cutting off a spotted stream beast, the human knight rushed forward and smeared the blood from the knife on his armor.

  At the same time, the human knight turned his hand, and the long knife greeted another spotted stream beast.

  Seeing such a situation, the Druid was also relieved, he knew that his companion had entered his fighting rhythm.

  As long as the dragon slaying begins, the attack power of the human knight will become stronger and stronger. At the beginning, only one dragon beast may be killed in a single blow, and five or six dragon beasts may die with a single blow later.

  However, the spotted brook beasts didn’t know this. In a blink of an eye, another group of spotted brooks rushed down.

  The human knight killed the spotted brook beasts with one sword.

   And there are more and more blood and knife marks on his body, and his combat power is getting stronger and stronger.

  Many spotted stream beasts were killed, but no spotted stream beasts stopped. Instead, a new batch of spotted stream beasts arrived here.

  It can be seen that Liu Zhi has already discovered the situation here, and he will naturally kill the guy who controls the star worm.

  When the Banxi Beast was lost, some Titan creations also fell to the ground. Holding the laser sword and force field shield in their hands, they met the human Qi Shinichi frontally.

  The human knight, who was quite relaxed when killing the Beast, was not as relaxed as before when facing the Titan Creation.

  After his long knife slashed on the force field shield, he couldn't cut the force field shield as easily as he cut the skin of the Banxi Beast.

  Instead, being caught by the two Titans' creations, he was a little rushed to deal with it.

The Titan creators understood the situation of the human knight at a glance. When he used this knife, he had more and more damage to dragons and beasts, but against other creatures, this powerful damage was gone. .

  Although he is now at level 4, he can deal with everything in front of him, but he can no longer easily kill him like before.

  The information found on the Titan Creation side quickly reached Liu Zhi's ears.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, and directly ordered: "Locate the star beacon, I want to move the Adariyat over."

   The order here was reached, and there were several Titan creations not far from the human knights, and they began to arrange the star beacons.

   Their actions attracted the druid's attention, and the druid shouted: "No, stop them."

But the human knights have been trapped by several Titan creations, and the Beasts know that the human knights have a strong ability to deal with them, so they have been flying in the sky without getting down, even if the human knights want to break through. There is no way to do it.

  Looking at the human knights fighting helplessly, the druid shouted loudly: "Don't hide anymore. Use your trick. If you don't rush to stop them, we will all be done."

  (End of this chapter)

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