Necromantic Myth

Chapter 811: Kill the human knight

  Chapter 811 Killing a human knight

  The strength of the human knight is good, but his overall view is not as good as the druid who has been standing behind.

   And he himself knew this. After being urged by the druid for a few words, he knew that there must be something wrong with the situation.

  So he immediately started to act, the dragon slayer's skinning knife in his hand moved forward, and behind him, many spotted brook beasts appeared.

  These are the spotted stream beasts that he killed just now.

   And this is exactly his ultimate move. He can add all the auras of the dragon beasts he beheaded to his body. Every time a dragon beast is killed, his strength or agility will increase.

  And these accumulations can also be used together, as it is now.

  The spotted stream beasts that had just been beheaded had appeared behind him, and gathered towards the tip of his sword.

  The Titans have already experienced many battles. Facing such a situation, they raised their left hand at the same time, forming a thickened force field shield in front of them.

  If it were the previous human knight’s attack, this kind of force field shield would definitely be able to block it.

But this time the situation was different. The several Titan creations that stood in front of the human knights instantly felt as if they had been collided by more than a dozen Danxi Beasts. They didn't react at all, and they flew upside down on the spot. Going out, it hit the ground heavily.

After   , the human knight also used this shock to break through the defense line of the Titan Creation, and rushed to the Titan Creation where the star beacon was placed there.

  Since the hearts of the Titans are interlinked, Liu Zhi also knew about this in the first place, and he immediately understood what the other party wanted to do.

  This is to destroy the star beacon and prevent oneself from sending the Adariyat over.

  Liu Zhi glanced at the situation in front of him, he did not wait for the starry sky beacon to be completely placed, he directly turned on the starry sky beacon's transmission method, and forcibly launched a teleportation.

  Of course, Ryuzhi understood that this transmission would definitely not be able to transmit the Adariyat.

The layout of    has been discovered by others. If such a large object is forcibly teleported over, it will be attacked in all likelihood when the Adariyat appears.

  At that time, the Adariyat had just jumped out. If the opponent grasped the opportunity, he could directly put the Star Worm in this position, and then the Adariyat would not be able to escape even if it wanted to.

  If you want to break the game, you have to kill the two people there.

  Yagiji has received news from Titan Creation.

   Of the two people there, one should be controlling the Star Worm, so he hasn't taken a shot, the other has the ability to slay dragons, and his combat effectiveness against giant dragons will be significantly improved.

   However, against ordinary enemies, that person’s combat power is equivalent to the level of a normal Level 4 player. Although his strength is not weak, he still has no way to do it if he wants to be a thousand.

  Want to understand this, Ryuzhi immediately changed his plan. He used the starry sky beacons on the spider infantry on the Adariyat.

  This time Ryuzhi directly pointed out nine thousand spider infantrymen, and used the way of teleportation of the starry sky to circle the Adariyat. At the same time, there were some creatures such as death beasts and black panthers.

  At this time, the human knight also rushed to the position where the Titan Creation placed the star beacon.

  Seeing this step, the druid said directly: "Destroy their set coordinates to prevent them from teleporting."

  At this moment, the teleportation point of the starry sky beacon flashed white, a black figure rushed forward, and a death beast rushed onto the human knight.

  When the human knight charged just now, it just emptied the power accumulated from the previous killing of the Danxi Beast.

  The current human knight is just as Liu Zhi guessed, a level 4 player.

  The death beast threw out so, it knocked the human knight back a few steps.

  Then the human knights and druids saw an incredible situation, and a large number of spider infantry came out from the teleportation point.

  They were a team of sixty people. After they rushed out, they rushed towards the human knight.

  A batch of rushed out will immediately charge forward, and then a new wave of spider infantry will quickly make up.

  In a blink of an eye, the spider infantry of Team 150 rushed out of the teleportation point. In addition to rushing towards the human knight, they also rushed towards the druid not far away.

  The druid was shocked when he saw this.

  He never expected that Liu Zhi would do such a thing.

  As a druid, all he can use is his natural allies.

  Under a few spells, some treants stood up from the nearby underground and faced the spider infantry.

  And the human knight also hacked to death a group of spider infantry with a knife.

  But the spider infantry was originally a force made by Yuji to serve as cannon fodder. Their design was to slash the enemy.

  So when the human knights hacked to death batch after batch of spider infantry, these spider infantry did not back down. Instead, after a batch of death, they immediately made up another batch, in order to be able to slash the human knight.

  Although this human knight is very powerful, although he is wearing heavy armor, he can't keep fighting in the face of the spider infantry like the tide.

  In the beginning, he could kill a spider infantry with a single cut, but later it was not enough. Sometimes it often took three to four swords to kill a spider infantry.

  At first, a dozen spider infantry surrounded him, and there was no way to hurt him.

  However, as the number of spider infantry increased, the armor on his body was slowly destroyed. Now his body is full of wounds, and even some wounds almost killed him.

   "Dandelion, nourish blood." The human knight cried loudly.

  But the druid had no way to support him. The spider infantry moved very fast. They rushed through the tree trunk summoned by the druid and rushed to the front of the druid.

  The druid also had to retreat quickly to prevent himself from being overtaken by these spider infantry.

  Druid retreats like this, the human knight will naturally not be supplemented with life. In the end, under the impact of the spider infantry, the human knight was chopped for hundreds of times and was hacked to death by the spider infantry.

  After confirming the death of the human knight, the spotted brook beasts in the sky dared to rush down, and they chased the escaped druid.

  They all know that the current situation is all caused by this druid, and as long as that druid is killed, the giant star worm in the sky can be resolved.

  The druid who was on the run also discovered that the situation was wrong. He looked down at the spell used to control the star worm in his hand and bit his tooth.

   "If you don't let me get better, don't think about it yourself."

  (End of this chapter)

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