Necromantic Myth

Chapter 901: Second boat in a bottle

   Chapter 901 The second ship in a bottle

  Liu Zhi looked at such a big stone giant, but he also felt funny. He didn't expect [Hidden Nautical Chart] to be so good at playing, and everything can be hidden.

  This kind of thing is useless, it is really useless waste, but it really falls into the hands of the person who wants it, it is a treasure.

  For Liu Zhi, he now has a very suitable reason. He needs time to stay on this small island. Digging such a large stone statue is a reasonable reason.

  At the same time, he had a more reasonable reason for building a big ship, and he needed to transport the stone statue away.

  This is a good reason.

  Yagiji nodded affirmatively for himself.

After   , Liu Zhi asked the undead to deal with the huge stone statue, and he found another group of undead to cut down the trees to prepare the ship.

  Because she found the treasure, the Spider Girl Fangming was fine. She ran over and watched Liu Zhi design the boat there.

  As soon as he saw the pattern Liu Zhi was drawing on the ground, Fangming Spiderwoman said, "This is a three-masted ship with a demon-change."

   Liu Zhi was shocked when she heard that, the spider girl spinning the life did not understand shipbuilding at all.

  But he saw the design drawing in front of Liu Zhi at a glance. Although this was just a casual sentence, it also reminded Liu Zhi that his design of ships had entered a routine.

  Like the battleship island before, if he didn't get the design drawings of the Ark at that time, and didn't make the Adariyat, would he also use the magic to change the three-masted cover wheel to make another magic change?

  Yagiji stood up, swiped on the ground, and erased the half-drawn design drawing.

   Then he raised his head and looked at the construction site. The giant stone statue had its head dug out. The head of the stone statue looked like a giant stone lion head, with a fierce face and curly hair.

  I also painted cyan paint on the face.

  Although the cyan pigment has been oxidized after being buried in the soil for many years, it is still possible to see the style of the stone statue before.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that the eyes of the stone statue were coated with a layer of light gold. I don't know what means, the eyes looked like a lightning bolt passing by under the sun.

  Riuji is now quite sensitive to lightning.

  At a glance, he could see that the stone statue in front of him was activated with lightning power.

  Liu Zhi didn’t know why, he always wanted to give the stone statue a thunder of death directly to see if the lightning power representing death and destruction could activate the stone statue.

   At this moment, the spider girl who ran down to see the stone statue's big head rushed up again.

   "Look, what did we find, is this a treasure too?"

   Spinning Spider Girl took the thing on her hand, flicked the spider web and jumped in front of Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji didn't care much at the beginning. With such a big treasure here, is there anything more precious than this thing?

  But in the next moment, Liu Zhi's eyes were not calm.

  He saw Female Fangming Spider actually holding a boat in a bottle in her hand.

  The bottle is a fairly normal rum bottle. It can be buried in the dirt for a long time, and there is still a lot of dirt on it.

But Liu Zhi didn’t notice them at all. What he noticed was the boat with the surface in the bottle. The boat turned out to be a real boat, and it looked like it was still traveling in the sea. From time to time, there were some people yelling. What can be seen, the ship in this bottle carries magical power.

  If this were the case, Yanagi would not be surprised, but the style of the bottle reminded him of something.

  From his backpack, he took out the broken bottle with a hint of ocean smell.

  Looking at the bottle in his hand, Liu Zhi knew what he had encountered.

   bit his teeth, Liu Zhi commanded on the spot: "You start logging and preparing planks, and I will start building ships when I come back."

   After speaking, Liu Zhi picked up the boat in the bottle from the Fangming Spider Girl, and took it into the backpack along with the broken bottle.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi was about to fly, Vidnina was also a little anxious. She stopped Liu Zhi, as if she wanted Liu Zhi to take him over.

  But now Ryuji wants to verify one thing, he is not going to take a boat or run over the water.

   "Vidnina, you are waiting here. I will be back when I go over. In addition, I have left a star sign here. If anything happens, I will escape back. You don't have to worry about me."

After saying that, Liu Zhi turned to look at Fangming Spider Girl again, "You let the spider troops defend me, let the spider artillery star me at the nearby sea, and kill all the ships that want to get close to this sea. ."

  After arranging the matter, Liu Zhi stepped on both feet and flew into the air towards the last location of [Hidden Nautical Chart].

  The location is a little far away. Even if Liu Zhi flies in the sky, it will take two to three days to fly.

  Originally, Ryuuji planned to dig out the treasure here, and then completed the task of Captain Ghost before going to find this thing.

  But the thing about the boat in a bottle made Ryuzhi see a different place.

  He felt that his mission in this game was affected a bit.

  Or someone is using a different method to notify themselves.

  Recalling the legend of the ghost ship in this world, Liu Zhi has a feeling that the ghost king may not refer to the powerful undead, but the world rules that were changed more than three hundred years ago.

  If this is the case, then things will be troublesome this time.

  Judging from the legend of ghost ships from time to time on the sea, the rules of this game are not reconciled to be changed in this way, turning the whole world into this kind of technological tree.

  He must be waiting for someone somewhere, maybe with just one introduction, the war that will sweep the entire game will start.

  And this introduction may be in the mission of Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi wonders if his shoulders can withstand such a lot of pressure.

  So now he must go ahead and take a look to see if there is another boat in a bottle in that place.

  Is there someone reminding me of the ghost ship story?

  For this reason, Liu Zhi was unwilling to wait on the desert island anymore. Even if he flew forcibly, he would fly to the location of the last treasure.

  When Ryuzhi left, he arranged everything, especially the spider army, so that they could stare at the ships that wanted to go to the island. At first, nothing happened.

But on the third day after Ryuzhi left, a fleet seemed to be coming here. All the ships of that fleet were eagle-like coffin plates. The largest one was fifty meters long, which was more fearless than fearless. The ship is going to be a smaller destroyer.

   And this fleet has a clear goal, and it comes directly to this small island.

  (End of this chapter)

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