Necromantic Myth

Chapter 902: Unintentionally sending the dead

  Chapter 902 Unintentionally sending the dead

  When they spotted the enemy fleet, both Vidnina and the Spinning Spiderwoman became nervous.

  Three days are enough for them to dig out the huge stone statue, and now a large number of spiders are dragging the stone statue out of the pit with cobwebs.

  When she heard the news, Vidnina didn't have any comments, nor did the Spinning Spider Girl have any comments.

  So the spider troops who arranged to guard this place were ready to attack according to the order left by Ryuzhi.

  At this moment, Widnina's hands holding her eyes suddenly moved.

  The pair of eyes turned one direction on their own, looking at the position where the fleet had attacked, as if they had found something there.

  If it is an ordinary person, this eyeball has such a reaction, and perhaps he has already taken a look at it curiously.

  But Vidnina has no such curiosity. Apart from protecting Ryuji and practicing her own swordsmanship, Vidnina has no other ideas.

  After turning the eyes on the pair of arms in one direction, Vidnina just glanced in that direction, and then did her own thing.

  So the only opportunity to communicate with this fleet was wasted by Vidnina.

  When the fleet reached a certain distance near the island, a spider artillery stood out.

  The commander of that fleet spotted the huge spider artillery for the first time, and saw that behind them turned into a dark blue body, the commander hurriedly issued an order.

   "Send a signal, saying we want to talk to them."

  But the answer to him was an oncoming three consecutive shots.

  The spider artillery killed all the fleet ships approaching here according to Yanagi's request.

  They don’t have so many ideas. This fleet has reached the attack position, so it’s better to destroy it.

  So the Spider Artillery shot three consecutive shots in the first time.

  The fleet may have come to negotiate. When they came, they did not expect that they would encounter an attack.

So they didn’t even support the defensive cover, and the commander was too confident. When they encountered an oncoming attack, they were not even prepared at all, so they were hit by the plasma liquid of the plasma gun. Arrived.

  These ships are better than the previous two ships. Their ships are significantly larger, and they are all warships.

  But in this case, whether it is the commander or the sailor, it is a mess.

  They come in a hurry to consider how to defend and how to fight back.

  Now those sailors have jumped into the water one after another, wanting to dive into the low water and escape this overwhelming attack.

  If Vidnina were here, they would notice that some of the sailors who jumped into the water were murlocs, and some were naga with only arms.

  It is different from the corpse soul naga under Ryuzhi. The naga here are all Hennaga, and they are mainly male Hennaga. All of these are cannon fodder in the Naga kingdom.

  They came this time because they heard that an eight-armed Naga appeared. In the Naga's kingdom, it was directly like a queen. This was an opportunity for them.

  Now the Naga Queen does not have a kingdom of her own. Joining in now, they can immediately change their status from cannon fodder to elite, and their status will be directly promoted.

  It is precisely because of this that they have gathered so many people in such a short time.

There were even a group of murlocs coming over. They believed that with the existence of the sword queen, Vednina, they could establish a Naga kingdom overseas, and in the end they could even set foot from a mermaid princess all the way to a Naga kingdom like the Eagle Queen. The queen throne of the empire.

  Know that this is the age of the sea, and it is also their age.

  But they didn't expect that they had just arrived here, and they hadn't sent a signal to put forward the conditions. There was a wave of attacks on the face.

  This attack directly dissipated all their thoughts.

  Those murlocs and naga jumped into the water, some wanted to escape, some wanted to swim to the island, and wanted to see if they could seize the opportunity from Vidnina.

And their confusion gave the spider artillery a new opportunity. After the spider artillery killed those ships, it did not stop its own attacks. Instead, after discovering that there were murlocs and naga swimming towards this side, Covered shots were carried out on the sea.

  Those murlocs and naga may be able to escape the attack if they dive into the deep sea, but they all want to swim towards the island, then they will show their bodies somewhat, and the spider artillery will not hit anyone they hit.

  At the same time, the Spider Infantry and Spider Shield Guard quickly stepped forward.

  Spider infantry rushed towards the murlocs and naga on the sea, while the Spider Shield Guard blocked the spider cannon to prevent anyone from rushing to the spider cannon.

  At this time, Vidnina also saw the situation there.

  She did not make a move, but nodded to the other soul Naga, which was the existence of the other six arms under Ryuzhi.

  Unlike Vidnina, this unnamed corpse soul Naga is a fighting freak. What she likes most is to rush into the enemy's crowd and let the whirlwind slash.

  For all the battles, this corpse soul Naga was very excited, not to mention that the battle in front of her was the sea battle she was most familiar with.

  It's just that Vidnina has been suppressing her before, so she has no chance to play.

  Now that Vednina doesn't care, the Soul Naga will naturally rush out.

  At the same time, she also brought two sea-separator troops, which were temporarily brought by Ryuzhi to the Soul Naga from the beginning.

  Although the Soul Naga does not have command power like the hero, Liu Zhi gave the order that when the Soul Naga charges, the two sea dividers will charge together.

  In such a charge, it happened to meet those murlocs and Naga troops head-on.

  As soon as they saw the Soul Naga leading the team, the murlocs and the Naga troops knew that something was wrong.

  Because the six-armed Naga came out, this is also the leader of a party in the Naga kingdom.

  However, the Naga Queen in front of her has a six-armed Naga as her subordinate, which shows that the power of the Naga Queen has taken shape, and they have no chance to join again.

  And their arrival has provoked the safety of Queen Naga.

  So they died unjustly this time.

But they were unwilling, and there was still a chance. At this moment, a male Naga with some golden scales stood up and said loudly: "I have a secret, I want to see the queen, I want to... …"

  Before he could finish his words, the Soul Naga jumped right in front of him, and the heavy battle axe in his hand chopped off his head.

  (End of this chapter)

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