Necromantic Myth

Chapter 915: Melee (14/119)

  Chapter 915 The melee (14119)

  Because the big bang was brought by five hundred plasma guns and a dreadnought ship, the huge waves hit the nearby sea instantly.

  Ryuzhi’s Space-Time Vengeance occupies itself as a ghost ship, and it becomes a ghostly state at the moment when the huge waves are lifted. The waves directly pass through the space-time Vengeance, and it does not affect the Space-Time Vengeance.

  But the small ships nearby, as well as the two large fleets that were stuck in the Malacca Strait, are not good. Under the impact of the huge waves, chaos happened directly.

  At this time, in Malacca, the Governor of Jamaica also felt the arrival of a huge wave.

  He felt the power of this huge wave for the first time. If he didn't stop it, maybe a huge wave would come down and most of the city of Malacca would be destroyed by the huge wave.

  But just when he was about to give orders to find a way to stop the huge waves, he suddenly saw the Death Star fleet belonging to the Sidar Empire and the Dreadnought fleet belonging to the Eagle Nation outside.

  An idea appeared in his mind.

"Why do I want to rescue the fleets of these two nations? Here is a quarter of the power of these two nations. They were destroyed. Even if the country of Jamaica cannot be restored to its original level, it will not be affected as before. Two countries suppressed."

  With this thought, the governor suppressed some of the thoughts in his heart and gave orders to the last three Vulcan cannons.

   "Be prepared to attack, everything is waiting for my order."

  And in the Dreadnought Fleet and Death Star Fleet, some people also feel the situation here.

  After all, a Governor of Malacca has a level 5 level. How can there be no masters in the two fleets that are related to the fate of the two nations?

  On the Death Star Fleet, the captains of the three special Death Star ships are all Level 5 masters. It is for this reason that they can make some modifications to the Death Star ships.

  On the Dreadnought Fleet side, there are also four Level 5 masters, namely the Fleet Commander and Deputy Commander, plus two Captains of Invincible Ships.

  This is the latest arrangement of Eagle Nation. Originally, in the Dreadnought Fleet, every twelve Dreadnoughts would have a Level 5 squadron commander.

  But since they started to build the invincible ship, the level 5 masters have been transferred to the past. Their original plan was that every invincible ship’s captain would have a level 5 or higher presence.

  Even if they cannot do it now, they will have to achieve this goal in the future.

  So this also caused the situation of insufficient manpower and chaotic command in the Dreadnought Fleet.

  The two fleets reacted differently to the huge waves in front of them.

  Because of the ship's shape, the Death Star Fleet felt the arrival of the huge waves for the first time.

   Among the three Level 5 beings on the Death Starship, one of them controls the power of the sea.

  He came out of the black Death Starship, and stood on the water just like Yanagi had done before, "The black abyss swallows the excess waves."

  After speaking, he hit the water with a punch.

  As his punch went down, the water that had started to be turbid was directly dyed black.

  Then the black water turned into a huge whirlpool, seeming to want to swallow the huge waves that came.


  At exactly this time, Liu Zhi’s Space-Time Revenge appeared at the top of the giant wave.

  He saw the blow from that person, and at the same time guessed that person's thoughts, and that person's actions were considered the most fundamental way.

  He has already seen that the key to this crisis is sea water. If there is no such sea water, or if the waves are smaller, the impact on these fleets is actually not great.

  The length of the ships of these fleets is more than two hundred meters, and the displacement is quite high. Generally speaking, ordinary wind and waves cannot overturn the ships.

  As soon as he saw the other party's behavior, Liu Zhi immediately flashed a thought in his mind.

  Can't let him lower the water volume.

  Although it set off a huge wave, it was not what Liu Zhi wanted to do.

  But the current situation is quite favorable for Ryuzhi. If the huge wave is allowed to calm down, then Ryuzhi will have a lot more difficulty if he wants to fight the entire Death Star fleet and the Dreadnought Fleet.

  Ryuzhi didn't think too much, and just did it on his own impulse.

  Yagiji, who was on the Space-Time Revenge, pushed the ship's moving speed with all his strength.

  The whole ship is like a fish swimming, swimming upstream in the sea and rushing to the most chaotic position of the two fleets.

  Yagiji's shot was also noticed by those 5th-level existences.

  The first to respond was the Governor of Malacca, who issued an order to the Vulcan Cannon.

   "Seeing that the ghost ship is not there, attack the ghost ship with all your strength."

  Under the governor’s order, the Vulcan cannon moved directly, and a large number of white sparks appeared near the muzzle of the three Vulcan cannons.

The artillery on the side of the Vulcan Cannon really obeyed the orders of their governor. As for the fleets in the nearby waters, they were not put in the eyes of these soldiers.

  At this time, the people in the two fleets also reacted, and they could see the situation in front of them at a glance.

Liu Zhi has already rushed into the two fleets. The Vulcan Cannon said that he was attacking the ghost ship. It also said that it was in the past. As for the Death Star or Dreadnought ship accidentally injured by the Vulcan Cannon, it was accidentally injured. They have nowhere to go even if they want to be reasonable.

   But now let the fleet retreat, it is impossible to let the ghost ship out.

  At this time, a captain on the invincible ship said: "Support the defensive cover, don’t worry, the ghost ship’s defense is weaker than ours, we just need to keep ourselves..."

  He hadn’t finished his words yet, and Liu Zhi had just arrived in front of this invincible ship while driving the Space-Time Revenge.

  The dreadnought was killed just now, and Liu Zhi's self-confidence has improved a lot at once.

  Now he feels that he can touch the legendary invincible ship.

  With such confidence, Liu Zhi controlled the Space-Time Revenge and went directly against the Invincible Ship.

  The sailors on the invincible ship reacted quickly and directly put up the defensive cover.

  Unlike dreadnoughts, invincible ships have significantly more defensive covers, with a total of three layers.

  Yagiji’s ghost ship just hit the defensive cover, and the virtual hull was bounced out. It can be seen that there must be a defense against energy in the three-layer defensive cover.

   Just when Liu Zhi was about to strike again, Liu Zhi suddenly felt something wrong behind him.

  He doesn't need to turn his head to look, he can know that it is the Vulcan Cannon attacking him.

  Yagiji immediately turned the rudder and activated the penetration function of the Space-Time Revenge.

  This function can make the ghost ship completely virtual and pass through the real thing.

After   Yagiji activated this skill, the ghost ship ran directly from the left side of the invincible ship to the right side.

  At exactly this time, the attack of the Vulcan Cannon arrived, and it was still three strikes.

  (End of this chapter)

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