Necromantic Myth

Chapter 916: Chaos

   Chapter 916

  When the Vulcan Cannon attack fell, Ryuzhi's Space-Time Revenge just bypassed and turned into the invincible ship to face the Vulcan Cannon attack.

  The captain of the invincible ship saw this situation, and hurriedly called: "Defense cover, fully support the defense cover."

But everything is up, the combined attack of the three Vulcan cannons fell on the defensive cover of the invincible ship. Although the invincible ship is designed for the Vulcan cannon, the ship is a ship, and the Vulcan cannon that extracts ground energy is the same. There is no way to compare.

  The defensive cover of the invincible ship had faded to almost invisible at the first strike, and the defensive cover had disappeared by the second strike.

The third attack of the Vulcan Cannon directly exploded the invincible ship into two pieces. Only the level 5 master flew away from the invincible ship and escaped from the blow. The remaining sailors were all exploding. Be swallowed.

  At this time, the ghost ship also appeared on the side of another invincible ship.

At this time, Liu Zhi also knew that it was not a conservative time. The artillery doors on both sides were all opened. At the same time, the spider artillery on the deck was fixed in position, and countless plasma cannon shells flew from both sides of the Space-Time Revenge. Out, flew to the surrounding without any target.

  Because there were too many ships squeezed here, even if the target was not determined, the plasma cannon of the spider artillery smoothly hit the nearby battleship.

  Some of the captains of those warships have not reacted yet, have not supported the defensive cover, and some have already supported the defensive cover, but have not taken the ghost ship seriously.

  Some are evading the Vulcan Cannon that may fall, and some are facing the huge waves coming.

  In short, the scene was chaotic, which brought many effects from the spider artillery attack.

  In a series of explosions, at least seven Death Star ships and six Dreadnought ships were destroyed under the attack of plasma guns.

  At least nearly a dozen Death Star ships and more than a dozen Dreadnought ships were damaged.

  This made the commanders of the Death Star Fleet and the Dreadnought Fleet quite annoyed, and they commanded at the same time: "Attack, attack me."

  But it was too late, and Liu Maru didn't expect that his casual blow would bring such a result.

  After allowing the Spider Cannon to complete three consecutive firings, he quickly defocused the Space-Time Revenge, dived into the water and left here quickly.

  After the blur, the speed and agility of the Space-Time Vengeance have been significantly improved. Coupled with the effects of the blur, the attacks of the two fleets on the ghost ship did not cause much damage to the ghost ship at all.

   On the contrary, the battleship and the battleship suffered a lot of losses because of this attack again and again.

  The Governor of Malacca over there can't take care of the others. The Vulcan Cannon has already taken action, so he has no reason to leave these fleets.

  The current situation is quite favorable for him.

  Now is the best chance to kill these two fleets.

Standing on the top of the Governor’s Mansion and watching the scene in front of him, the Governor whispered, "Don’t blame me, you destroyed my two Vulcan cannons, and this time it’s not me targeting you, it’s a ghost ship. The ghost ship’s head is to blame for everything."

   After finishing this sentence, the Governor lifted his hand and waved down heavily, "Vulcan cannon is attacking with all its strength, and the target is the three Death Star ships, and the invincible ships. Invincible, right? I see how invincible you are.


  Whether the Vulcan cannon’s attack is targeted, how can those captains who have been mixing at sea all the year fail to tell.

  In the beginning, they could also find excuses to say that they were attacking the ghost ship. Now they can't tell who the Vulcan cannon muzzle is turned against.

  For a time, these warships turned around one after another, set up their defensive covers, and wanted to threaten Malacca with their main guns.

  But the Governor of Malacca made such a decision, naturally taking the cause and effect into consideration.

  The reason why he dared to turn his face at this moment was entirely because a huge wave not far away was about to hit him.

  The size of the huge wave, the Governor had estimated in his heart, and he also had a good understanding of the power and defensive power of his own Vulcan Cannon.

   The two Vulcan cannons that were destroyed before, were inexplicably sneak attacks on both occasions.

  To really fight, his Vulcan cannon can withstand at least a salvo of the main guns of at least one fleet.

  And the most important thing is that the main gun salvos, it must be aimed at. The governor does not believe that under this huge wave, there is any ship that can maintain balance.

  Malacca’s actions were seen by all the captains. For a while, the reactions of these captains were obviously different.

  The three Death Star ships are the focus of the Vulcan Cannon, but they have no idea of ​​retreating. The red Death Star ship hit the nearby Vulcan Cannon the first time.

  This blow made a fiery red attack like a flame. After the attack was ejected, it flew towards the Vulcan Cannon like a meteor.

  The Governor looked at the attack like a flaming meteor, with a disdainful smile on his face.

   "Despicable imitator."

  Yes, the main gun of the Red Death Star ship mimics the attack method of the Vulcan Cannon, but the gun is smaller and replenishes energy more slowly.

  The Vulcan Cannon can fire two shots per minute, and the Red Death Star ship, after one shot, there is no need to recharge it for ten minutes.

   And because of the size and power of this red meteor, the governor did not take it seriously.

  "Autonomous defense, the main body is charged, before the huge wave arrives, kill them all."

  At this moment, Liu Zhi looked at the opportunity, and once again rushed out of the neighborhood.

  This time, Yanagi did not rush into the chaotic fleet.

  He can see the current situation, and then rush inside. That is what a fool does.

  Yagiji made a detour from a distance on the edge of the battlefield, drawing a huge arc.

  When it was closest to the battlefield, the spider artillery on the side of the battlefield fired at the same time, and the plasma gun fell on the battlefield like a meteor.

After   Three shots, Liu Zhi left quickly, without any thoughts of seeing the outcome of the battlefield.

However, at this time, Liu Zhi also understood that his spider artillery was still weaker. Although the plasma gun was powerful, no matter its range or launch speed, there was no way to compare it to what Liu Zhi encountered on planet E-96. Those Zergs.

  The plasma cannons of the Zerg can really hit the space from the ground.

  Yagiji has no way to do this, only the power is not enough to make up the number, and the distance cannot depend on the speed.

  It’s like rushing to the edge of the battlefield and firing guns, such as checking that he has the range of a Zerg plasma cannon, where is such an adventure.

  While sighing in his heart that his own subordinates are not doing enough, Liu Zhi withdrew from the battlefield.

   Judging from the situation in front of him, he can no longer participate in this battle. He should watch the excitement from a distance.

  He only needs to know what the final fight was. As for the next thing, it depends on luck.

  (End of this chapter)

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