Necromantic Myth

Chapter 918: Terrible things (15/119)

  Chapter 918 Terrible things (15119)

  When the Governor of Malacca turned on the total energy source buried in the ground, Liu Zhizheng was getting farther and farther away from Malacca.

  Ryuzhi is ready. He plans to get better around Southeast Asia to see if there are other gains. After that, he will fight a few times with the fleet of the Sidar Empire or the Eagle Nation to beat his reputation.

With the current spread of this technology, this battle may take about one to two days to ferment. It may take nearly twenty days for his name to reach the ears of the Queen Eagle or the Emperor of the Sidar Empire. .

  Before this, Liu Zhi still has to keep brushing his reputation, lest he can't complete his mission, and the next time the Druid wants to advance, he will have more trouble.

  Liu Zhi had already made plans, and when his fame was hit, he raised the banner of resistance.

  Professing to be Sea King or something, anyway, he already has the title of King of the Wilds, and it is actually quite reasonable to call himself Sea King.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi changed himself to the title of King of the Wilds.

  The crown belonging to the king of the wilderness appeared just three inches above his head.

  At the moment the crown appeared, the nearby ghosts and Yanagiji's men all knelt down.

  Yagiji nodded in satisfaction. He knew that this time the mission was stable, and the level 6 druid was no longer a dream for him.

   Just as Liu Zhi was thinking about what he would do in the future to bring him more benefits, suddenly there was an explosion in the direction of Malacca.

  The voice was quite loud. Liu Zhi and the others were already far away from Malacca, and they could hear them clearly.

  Yuzhi felt that the situation was not right, so he flew directly out of the Space-Time Revenge and looked over there in the sky.

   But at this time, the location is all in the same black fog, and nothing can be seen clearly.

  Ryuzhi hesitated for a moment, and let Vednina and the others stay in the space-time Vengeance. They activated the star beacon, and sent him to Malacca after a teleportation.

  The location of the star beacon on Malacca was laid by Liu Zhi when he went to sea from Malacca last time, so that he could return here quickly when he had the opportunity.

  But Liu Zhi only teleported out, so he stomped on the air and fell directly into the water.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi has the ability to move on water. He immediately ran on the water. After running a few steps, Liu Zhi took the opportunity to fly into the air.

   At this time, Liu Zhi is considered to take a look at the situation below.

  He noticed that the entire Malacca seemed to be shrouded in a huge vortex and tornado.

  The whirlpool tornado covering the entire Malacca, it feels a bit like the golden route of the Sidar Empire.

   But the scope of coverage is clearly larger.

  The entire whirlpool and the tornado look like two different things, but at this time the two have been mixed together.

  A tornado composed of black wind and black mist envelops the entire Malacca.

  The huge whirlpool on the water was the origin of the tornado, and it happened to swallow most of the city of Malacca.

  As for all the warships that had stayed on the nearby sea, they were fleeing madly at this time.

  But the suction power of the vortex is too great, no matter whether it is the Death Star ship or the Dreadnought Invincible ship, there is no way to escape the fate of being swallowed by the vortex.

  No matter how hard they tried, they were dragged into the whirlpool bit by bit.

   Also dragged into the whirlpool were the residents of Malacca City. Their houses, like those warships, were shattered under the influence of the tornado, and were swallowed by the whirlpool bit by bit.

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Zhi's heart tightened.

  He doesn’t know what’s going on here, but he understands that he can’t stay here anymore.

  Although he is flying in the sky now, but the huge tornado does not matter whether you fly or not, Liu Zhi can already clearly feel the suction from there.

  Yagiji didn't want to jump into the tornado at this time, the ghost knew what was going on.

  He hurriedly flew toward the outside, and when he was ready to stay away from the tornado's suction, he would open the portal and leave.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly heard a voice in his ear.

  It seems to be the time emitted when the machine is turning.

  This sound sounded like a broken clock walking, and it was still stuck after walking, but it was this inconspicuous sound that made Yanuji feel the creeps.

  He felt as if someone was staring at him. As long as he moved around, he would be cut off in the next instant.

  This feeling is the first time Yanagi has encountered since entering the game.

  Even in the southern swamp plane, he didn't feel that way when he watched the battle of several god-level bosses.

  This feeling made Ryuzhi stand stiff in the air with his hands and feet, and he did not dare to move.

  After a long time, the voice slowly disappeared, and Liu Zhi was relieved.

  But in the next instant, Ryuji felt something shooting straight behind her back.

  Ryuzhi's first reaction was to jump forward.

  But when he was about to pounce, he saw a new whirlpool appeared under the surface of the water in front of him, which seemed to be the whirlpool coming from Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji reacted quickly. Without thinking about it, he pulled out Thor’s Destroying Teeth with his backhand, and he faced him with a sword.

  Since the various attributes of Ryuzhi have been upgraded, he can already naturally use the Bekas swordsmanship to kill, eternal tranquility.

  Following Liu Zhi's return, the sword shot.

  The world suddenly quieted down.

  Even the sound of tornadoes and whirlpools swallowing everything disappeared. Everything here seemed to be a silent film, without any sound.

  After that, Liu Zhi only felt that Thor's Destruction Teeth in his hand seemed to have pierced something.

  He didn't take a closer look, he drew his sword out, and flew forward. After flying seven or eight steps, Liu Zhi directly activated the teleportation technique of the starry sky road sign, sending himself out of this ghost place.

   teleported out from there, and Liu Zhi landed on his Space-Time Avenger in an instant.

   Before Liu Zhi could breathe a sigh of relief, a voice came from his ear.

  "Fortunately, you shot, or we don't even know how to die."

   "Yeah, thank you for doing it!"

   "Where is this?"

  Liu Zhi turned his head and found that several weird-looking humans were thrown onto the deck of the Space-Time Revenge.

  Yagiji knew one of them. It was the Death Star Captain who had previously dyed the sea water black.

  While the others dressed up similarly to them, Yanagi believed that they should also be the captains of the Death Star or Dreadnought.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi flashed an idea in his mind. He tidyed up his clothes and supported the imaginary crown on his head.

   "I am the king of this sea, and you are now on top of my territory..."

  (End of this chapter)

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