Necromantic Myth

Chapter 919: People rescued by accident

  Chapter 919 People rescued accidentally

When Liu Zhi was talking, Vidnina also just walked in front of him. The eight swords in her hand had different movements. It can be seen that Vidnina has completely mastered the eight. Using the arm, you can use eight different moves at the same time.

  This is just a common situation for Liu Zhi.

  But for these people in front of them, the appearance and attitude of Widnina surprised them.

  They all know that the eight-armed naga are all kings among the naga, but the attitude of the eight-armed naga towards Ryuji in front of them is clearly like a guard, guarding in front of their own king.

  With such an attitude, there is no way to see the identity of Liu Zhi.

  Perhaps just as Liu Zhi said, Liu Zhi is the king of this sea.

  He is unifying the underwater world in this sea area, and the Naga clan is the first to surrender.

   Thinking of this, the eyes of these people looking at Liu Zhi were different.

  But at this moment, a man looked at Liu Zhi: “This is the eight-armed Naga who appeared in Malacca before, the sword queen?”

  Liu Zhi glanced at the man suspiciously, and finally seemed to remember, as if someone said that Vidnina was the queen of swords, it seemed that it was when they left Malacca.

  "Eagle countryman?"

   "It seems that this is the case. We know how can a Naga queen be born randomly without a background? It turns out that you caused the trouble."

   "What do you mean by this, what is the trouble I caused?"

  Yiu Zhi didn't want to hear it anymore. What caused him to trouble him, he brought Vidnina over, just want to do a few tasks, OK, where is the trouble?

However, looking at the appearance of these people, it is difficult for them to count the destruction of Malacca on his head, but what does the destruction of Malacca have to do with him? It is obviously that the Eagle Nation and the Sidar Empire mobilized warships and wanted to rob him. Is Malacca okay? What does this matter have to do with Sandro?

Liu Zhi, who was somewhat dissatisfied in his heart, snorted heavily.

  Afterwards, some undead appeared behind Liu Zhi, especially those spider infantry who had been ghosted, and directly raised their scythes in both hands and surrounded them.

  These people just remembered that they are now on Liu Zhi's territory, and judging from the current situation, they have no idea how many troops Liu Zhi can recruit.

  Otherwise, the situation here has already affected the environment. It is not a wise choice to be an enemy of Liu Zhi here.

  So the few people quickly pulled the one who was talking and told him to shut up first.

After   , someone stood up and said to Liu Zhi honestly: "May I know where this is?"

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, then he glanced at the situation around him and understood why they were talking like this.

  Because of the ghosts outside, the surrounding environment has been shrouded in yin at this time. Above the Space-Time Revenge, there are thick clouds, and the sun can't shine.

  A ray of lightning illuminates the surroundings. Under the light of the lightning, everyone can see it, and there are no living people standing around.

  It’s no wonder they think randomly.

  Liu Zhi is not used to this style. When he first came to such a place, he might think that he was dead.

Liu Zhi also ignored the attitudes of these people. He put his hand on his chin and thought about it seriously. "Don't worry about where it is, tell me what's the matter with you, why did you follow me? Get up here?"

   "Didn't you bring us here?"

  Yiu Zhi shook his head. He really didn't want to bring these people back, but how did they appear here?

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, he remembered that before leaving, he seemed to stab a sword at something. That blow was that Liu Zhi could now use the most powerful swordsmanship, and his killing skills were eternal and peaceful.

  The reason why he stabbed this sword was entirely because Liu Zhi felt dangerous.

   Right, it's dangerous.

  Yagiji recalled the feeling he had encountered before, the feeling of hairy all over his body, and he has not forgotten until now.

  "I heard a sound just now. It seemed like a machine was turning, but it seemed to be stuck. I took a blow to that sound and then immediately retreated. Have you heard this sound before."

  After Liu Zhi reminded this, these people all remembered.

   "It seems to be like this. I heard it. The sound seems to have stayed for so many years and the clock is turning again."

   "Yes, I heard it too, but I only heard it once, and I felt something crawling on my back."

   "I heard it too..."

  Listening to a few of them, Liu Zhi's face also became serious, what is going on, what is the situation of that voice before.

  The sound is obviously the sound of some machine.

  But they couldn't tell what machine it was.

   Judging from the current situation, these people were killed directly when they encountered any situation before they had reacted.

  If it wasn't for Liu Zhi who happened to pass by and inadvertently returned with such a blow, maybe these few had already been digested.

   Even so, the situation of these few people is not very good, at least they don't know anything, and they are not even sure whether they are dead or alive.

  The last man suddenly said, "I might know what it is."

  Ryuzhi looked at this man, and he noticed that there seemed to be some ocean atmosphere around him.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that there seemed to be a hint of lightning power in the breath of the ocean.

  Yagiji frowned, "Druid?"

   "Well, the advanced profession of druids, oceanographers, have sufficient understanding of ocean currents, creatures, and storms, and they are a relatively common druid profession."


  Liu Zhi secretly said in his heart, do you have a different understanding of the word common? This kind of thing that I have never heard of, where needles are common.

  But several others here quite agree with this statement. It seems that this kind of oceanographer is a fairly common profession.

  "Did you see it?" Liu Zhi no longer asked about the druid promotion, but asked about what he cared more about.

   "No, after hearing that voice, I didn't feel anything, but I can communicate with the sea. Just now, the sea told me some news, so I know what it is."

   "Oh, what is that?"

  "Listen to the memories of the sea, three hundred years ago..."

  (End of this chapter)

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