Necromantic Myth

Chapter 933: Attack from the sky (20/119)

  Chapter 933 Attack from the sky (20119)

  Liu Zhi didn’t know what the Eagle Nation and the Sidar Empire thought at all.

  He didn't even think about the problem of Aozhou. He stopped outside that supply point, on the one hand, to wait for the return of the Soul Naga, on the other hand, he wanted to see how many ghost ships were left.

  Now that the Soul Naga is back, the apparent increase in the number of ghost ships has obviously come to an end, and Ryuzhi doesn't want to have extra branches.

  Let the Soul Naga return to his cabin, and after taking the corpses of Hai Naga to deal with, Ryuzhi controlled the fleet and headed towards the golden route of the Sidar Empire.

  Liu Zhi didn't know, his every move was in the eyes of the supply point officials.

  In addition to being the ‘governor’ of the supply point and the town’s mayor, that official actually has another identity, a retired member of the Eagle State Military Intelligence Bureau.

Although    is only a level 3 professional, he still has some means of surveillance.

   Seeing that Ryuzhi was not heading in the direction of Ozhou, but in the direction of the Indian Ocean, the governor showed a trace of disdain on his face.

"You want to lie to me, there is no door. You have to go straight to Aushu. I also admire your courage. I didn't expect you to be scared by the fleet of my Great Eagle Empire. It's useless. I will report all your information to the Queen. Up."


  Ryuzhi didn't even know that the person who was being supplied was giving a small report.

  He still acts according to the plan of interest.

  Before he was approaching the golden route of the Sidar Empire, he suddenly felt that the sky seemed a bit wrong.

  The wind on the sea stopped, and the sun seemed to be hidden in the sky.

  The sky is a strange green, there seems to be something, gathering energy in the sky.

  As soon as Liu Zhi saw this situation, he felt that this thing was like the eye of Horus in his half plane.

  Now that he is in his own half plane, he can also use that legendary gem to do such a thing.

  But what's the situation in front of you?

   Who is this for?

  Yuzhi hadn't reacted yet, he suddenly heard the sound of a mechanical jam coming from nearby.

  The sound was the sound I heard in Malacca last time, but this time the sound jammed more seriously, as if the watch was about to fall apart.

  As soon as he heard this voice, Liu Zhi's heart was tense.

  The feeling last time has not disappeared in his heart.

  That is the first time since Yanagi entered the game, he felt that he had encountered a natural enemy.

  Know that when Ryuuji entered the game for the first time, even if he faced the giant snake, he didn't have much fear.

   Pressing his hand on Thor’s Destruction Tooth, Liu Zhi took a deep breath and calmed his mind. He could hurt that terrible guy last time, and he must be able to do it this time.

  At this moment, Ryuzhi suddenly felt the ground shake, and then he noticed that the nearby coastline seemed to split in all directions.

   Liu Zhi's mind quickly flashed across the nearby terrain, and he found that his location was exactly on the other side of Malacca.

  If you go ashore from here, after passing through a huge forest, you will see a Vulcan cannon in the innermost part of Malacca.

  It’s just that the jungle terrain on this road is not easy to walk, and no one wants to come here.

  But as soon as the coastline in front of me cracked, the situation was different. The seawater on the Malacca side seemed to have been stimulated, and it actually rushed towards this side.

  Liuzhi noticed that the remaining three artillery gods over the Malacca Ruins were brought over by the sea.

  The Vulcan Cannon, which was originally fixed on the top of the mountain, was not affected by leaving the foundation. Instead, it was charging continuously, as if it was about to attack something.

  Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the green light spots in the sky, then glanced at the Vulcan Cannon pouring here, he felt as if he was in trouble.

Liu Zhi turned the rudder of the ship, "Pull up all the sails for me, and control the sails. We have to go against the current, increase our power, and let the ghosts move me. I let them follow the boat instead of letting They came to enjoy it."

  Under Ryuzhi's order, the Space-Time Revenge quickly turned around. The ship changed its direction and rushed toward the cracked coastline.

  Actually, even if it is a land-based boat, Ryuji’s boat can be done, but he did not use this method before.

  Now it’s different. Liu Zhi feels that the situation in front of him is absolutely problematic. He doesn’t want to stay here as a bait or target. He needs to flee to a safe place.

  In front of Liu Zhi, there are only two choices. One is naturally going south and heading to the Ozhou route, and the other is going upstream and following the newly opened river towards Malacca.

  Anyway, the Vulcan Cannon in Malacca has been brought here by the sea, and there is no defense if you want to come to the Malacca Strait.

  Moreover, it was relatively close to the golden route of the Sidar Empire, and Liu Zhi just didn't want to make too many circles.

When the   Space-Time Revenge moves like this, the three ghost ships behind will naturally follow.

  Four sailing boats rushed up against the current in the ghost's arms, and they happened to collide with the huge waves rushing over from Malacca.

  If it’s a normal ship, it might be beaten back by a huge wave like this.

  But these are all ghost ships. As soon as the huge wave hit, Liu Zhi activated the ghost movement effect and easily passed through the huge wave.

  And the three Vulcan cannons brought by the huge waves also seem to have discovered the actions of the Space-Time Revenge. They even wanted to turn their guns to attack the Space-Time Revenge without anyone controlling it.

  Liu Zhi looked at this situation and quickly ordered the spider artillery to launch an attack. No matter whether he could destroy the Vulcan cannon, he must at least prevent them from attacking him.

   But Ryuzhi's order was still a bit late.

  When he gave the order, all the green in the sky had been concentrated on one point.

   Then Liu Zhi felt that the green light spot locked his Space-Time Revenge and locked himself.

  Yagiji didn't even think about it, drew out the Soul Devouring Eye Staff, and used a magic on the Time and Space Revenge.

   "Shuttle through Hades!"

Although the Space-Time Revenge is a ghost ship, it actually has the effect of the Hades.

  Liu Zhi’s ability to shuttle through the underworld can be used as long as it is the underworld, and the entire underworld can be brought to or out of the underworld.

  The same is true for the Ghost Ship. When Liu Zhi brought the Space-Time Vengeance to the underworld, a green light fell from the sky, and it happened to be where the Space-Time Vengeance was before.

   Then everything around it turned green, and the air seemed to freeze.

Then, centering on the place where the green light fell, everything including the sea water began to be glazed, and the ghost ships and ghosts that were sent to the underworld with no hurry, three Vulcan cannons, and nearby All the plants have turned into green glazed bodies.

  (End of this chapter)

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