Necromantic Myth

Chapter 934: Channel open

  Chapter 934 The channel opens

  Di di di di di!

  Crack, click!

  Di! Click! Beep! Click!

  Under a weird sound that sounded like a broken watch jumping wildly, a noise like a piece of glass shattered slowly.

   Centered on the location where Ryuzhi had escaped before, everything was turned into green glazed objects. The entire range was quite huge, covering the island of Sumatra where Malacca was halfway inside.

  Everything in this enveloped area, whether it’s alive or dead, whether it’s water or land, whether it’s an entity or a ghost, has all turned into green glaze.

  Looking at it from a distance, it feels like a small potted shadow made of colored glaze.

  But on the entire island of Sumatra, the situation is different. Most of the island has become solid, and even this green glazing is still spreading to me at a slow rate. This is a devastating effect.

  If it is not handled properly, it may not be long before this sea area will be completely glazed, and eventually the entire earth may even be glazed.

  At this moment, a crack appeared near the place where the green light fell.

  In the next instant, the green colored glaze collapsed down centered on the crack location, and all the colored glaze was shattered into fist-sized pieces.

  A force like a tornado swallowed the broken glass.

  In the end, a huge glass-like vortex was formed there.

  The vortex seemed to be fixed, but it didn't bottom out.

  The size of the entire whirlpool is more than half the size of the island of Sumatra. It can be said that more than half of the island has been completely erased from the map.

  In the original location of Malacca, there was only a giant whirlpool that looked bottomless, and it looked like a mine in Bingham Canyon.

  It's just that the vortex here is glaze-colored, and the nearby seawater also appeared because of this huge and fixed vortex, and rushed towards this side.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi’s Space-Time Revenge also jumped out of the underworld.

  This is not because Liu Zhi once again launched the Hades Shuttle skill. Although Hades Shuttle can send the entire city to the Underworld, or bring the city out of the Underworld, it needs a cooling time.

Although the level of Yuji's shuttle has been improved, the cooling time has been reduced a lot. I will buy one. There is absolutely no possibility that you will be able to quit soon after entering. Yanji is actually caught by this game. The underworld was thrown out.

  And one reason for the embarrassment is that the Space-Time Revenge is no longer a Hades, but a new prototype of the Hades.

  If it is in Liu Zhi's demiplane underworld, Liu Zhi has absolute control over everything, and he can stop the Space-Time Revenge in his own underworld.

  But it doesn’t work in this game. The Space-Time Revenge has entered the underworld, just like the Underworld has entered the southern swamp plane.

  That was quite taboo, and the Underworld drove out the Space-Time Revenge in the first place.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi's strength is good, and when the Space-Time Vengeance escaped, he also brought the green light in. It only took a while.

  It was this little time, so Liu Zhi just missed the most dangerous opportunity.

  If he comes out one step earlier, it may happen that the mysterious power is the strongest. Maybe he will turn into a turquoise glass body like the three ghost ships and countless ghosts under his command.

  Of course, it’s not a good thing for Yanagi to come out now.

As soon as    appeared, the Space-Time Vengeance fell directly from above the whirlpool and headed towards the center of the earth together with the sea water poured into the whirlpool.

  It feels like playing a pipe-style water slide in a water park. It's dark and moving at high speed, and I don't know where the bottom is.

  The water splashing on his face, the black channel that was getting smaller and smaller, made Liu Zhi quite uncomfortable.

  When he was trying to stabilize the situation in front of him, he saw the picture in front of him, it seemed that a channel that shouldn't be there appeared in front of him.

  Yagiji suddenly thought of a situation.

  Is this the channel that plane consciousness made him look for?

  The thoughts in Liu Zhi's mind flashed, controlling the Space-Time Revenge, and then turning forward, following the newly-appearing passage and driving in.

  After the Time Kong Vengeance entered this passage, his eyes changed from the black environment to the green light.

  At the same time in this channel, the sound of mechanical jamming sounded.

  Yagiji looked at it and knew that the mechanical sound before it was exactly the same as the mechanical sound that appeared in Malacca, but there was no longer the feeling that made Ryuzhi creepy in this sound.

  And the green light in the eyes is the green light in the sky before.

  Although Liu Zhi didn't see the effect caused by the green light in the end, the appearance of this glazed channel can explain everything.

   These two terrifying powers all appeared here, and Liu Zhi rushed in. This was simply seeking a dead end.

  But after rushing into the passage, Liu Zhi found that the passage was not too dangerous. Whether it was the green light or the stuck mechanical sound, Liu Zhi was not embarrassed.

  Yagiji only noticed that the walls of the passage were rapidly turning into glaze, and at the same time, under the glaze, there seemed to be some very gears rotating.

Those gears are obviously broken parts. Sometimes it's just a gear stuck in the glaze-colored channel wall, but the gear is turning honestly. Although Yanagi didn't see it too real, he believed in the gears. It is still playing its due role.

  Although he didn't understand the principle very well, Liu Zhi understood that at this time, don't make trouble for yourself, just follow the passage, and he would treat it as if he hadn't seen the struggle here.

  With this kind of thinking, the Space-Time Revenge successfully drove down for about a hundred miles, and slowly the green light dissipated, and the surroundings began to turn into that kind of dark environment.

  It’s just that the sound of gear jams is heard from time to time in Liu Zhi’s ear, and that voice is always reminding Liu Zhi that someone is one step ahead of him.

This feeling made him quite uncomfortable. He controlled the rudder with one hand, and put the other hand on the Destroying Tooth of Thor at his waist. At the same time, Vebinina stood in front of him with eight long swords. , No matter how Liu Zhi persuaded him, he was unwilling to leave.

  Fortunately, although the road was tense, there was no jaundice, and it drove down more than three hundred miles. Liu Zhi's Space-Time Revenge seemed to have broken through something, and even rushed into a space.

  At the moment of entering this space, Liu Zhi only felt as if he had entered the starry sky. There were countless starlights on the wall of the space, and a dark blue translucent constellation figure was sleeping in the middle of the space.

  (End of this chapter)

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