Necromantic Myth

Chapter 940: Half plane upgrade (2/130)

  Chapter 940 Half Plane Upgrade (2130)

  The matter of the game world, after leaving, Ryuji didn't know anything.

  At this time, he has returned to his own half plane.

  It’s just that this time I don’t know why. The place where he appeared was not at the door of the Hades, but in an inconspicuous space in the half plane.

  This space is a space that has just been reclaimed, and all the surrounding soil has just been excavated.

When    fell here, Liu Zhi always felt that something was missing.

  He thought about it, and was surprised to find that in order to send him out, Planar Consciousness skipped the evaluation stage of the task by the game system and sent him directly to his half plane.

   Feeling the heavy box in his hand like Mount Tai, Liu Zhi only felt that there was something wrong with the original stone of the plane in his hand.

  Otherwise, the plane consciousness will not be messed up like this.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi is not a person without background. He immediately contacted the communication channel of the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group and explained the matter in detail.

The ranks of the fourth natural disaster return home group are much higher than Liu Zhi.

  The weakest one of them also has a level of 15. I don’t know how many things have been experienced.

  As soon as I heard Liu Zhi's explanation, several letters came back soon.

  Liu Zhi looked at the past one by one, and found that the personalities of the fourth natural disaster return home group were not very similar.

"I know about this. The rough stone of the plane origin in my hand is probably obtained from someone else, and its attributes are not consistent with the attributes of the game world, otherwise the plane consciousness of the game world will melt by itself. Because of the different attributes, if you force it into it, you may give birth to a new plane consciousness, so..."

  It is like this explanation from the beginning to the end, and one or two details will be added from time to time. It is the reply from the wisdom god. He can say that he has clearly stated all the situations that he can think of.

  But what was said here was a long story, and Liu Zhi couldn't stand it anymore.

  "You give me the rough stone of the face source, and I will give you another one!"

This simple, straightforward answer comes from the guild administrator, the No. 2 star lord, who handles things like planes and stars the most. He has several plane origin stones in his hands. If Liu Zhi is just If he wanted such a thing, he would change it at will.

  "This may be your opportunity. I can help you figure out a way to deal with other people's methods, but you need to take down the original stone of this plane by yourself."

  This is the response of the guild leader, the guild leader, the strongest guild, and the master who controls the time.

  This is the first time Liu Zhi heard his response. No matter what Liu Zhi said before, the big man didn't say much.

  Liu Zhi also understood that this kind of big-name figure always has a lot of things to be busy with, and he has a clearer understanding of the situation of the original stone from those few people.

  He knows why this thing is rejected by the plane consciousness, and at the same time, he also understands that this thing is just useful for him.

  The difference between his demiplane and the real plane is only plane consciousness and plane origin.

  After supplementing the upper plane consciousness and the origin of the plane, this plane will automatically leave the plane to which it was originally attached and enter the void.

  This time will take about ten to fifteen years.

  After entering the void, the new plane will find a relatively stable place to fix it, and absorb the plane fragments or continental fragments in the void, and slowly expand the area of ​​the plane.

  In the end, how big the entire plane will become depends on how much power the master of the plane exerts here.

  However, during the ten to fifteen years when the demiplane was transformed into a plane, the plane was still mainly stable and would not change much.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also learned about the level of planes and the relationship between players and planes.

Generally speaking, there are only three levels of formal planes, and there is only one continent. Regardless of the size of the continent and the land area, this plane will be called the miniature plane, which is the smallest of the planes. But there are things that all planes should have in this.

  Including weather, underworld, everything is indispensable.

  When there are two or more continents on the plane, this plane will be called the medium plane or the planet plane. The continent and the continent need to be connected by sea ships or other means.

  The plane where Liuzhi Fireblade City is located is such a medium-sized plane.

  Finally, there is a large-scale plane composed of many planets, also known as the cosmic plane. The situation at the E-96 planet that Liu Zhi encountered last time was similar to this.

  There are too many statements about the relationship between players and planes. Many mini-planes or even semi-planes with only one continent can support players to enter the game.

  Like the southern swamp plane, it is just a plane that is about to be swallowed, and it raises an unknown number of players, and there are even several existences close to level 15.

  Of course, there are some players who monopolize a plane from birth, and even control several planes after they reach adulthood.

  Such a person is called the son of the plane before level 10, the **** of the plane before the 15th level, and the lord of the plane after the 15th level.

  Players who do this will automatically get the corresponding title when they enter the game, and at the same time let all players know this, so that some players will not be dumbfounded and do something that should not be done.

  If Ryuuji's demiplane is successfully upgraded this time, he will also get the title of a son of a plane.

  In his plane, he can mobilize anything at will, and he can even do something directly ignoring the rules of the plane.

After reading the information, Liu Zhi opened the box and poured out the drop of silver liquid inside.

   "Ed, are you there?"

Only when Liu Zhi finished speaking, a figure exactly like him appeared in front of him. The figure was made of silver liquid and was wearing a robe made of leaves. He stood in front of Liu Zhi with empty hands. With Liu Zhi's orders.

   "I brought the original stone of the plane, you prepare it, we are going to upgrade this demiplane."

   "There are still some gaps in the half plane. Do we need to make up for it before upgrading?"

"No, we have a full ten years to slowly make up. You are here to watch the demiplane upgrade, and the plane deviates from the original plane. I will deal with the rules of the plane, and we will work together. It took ten years to hold this face in your hands."

  Planar Consciousness Ide looked at the drop of silver liquid that had been integrated into the space, watched some silver liquid seep out from the ground, and slowly nodded his head.

"it is good!"

  (End of this chapter)

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