Necromantic Myth

Chapter 941: Final settlement

  Chapter 941 Final Settlement

  After arranging the plane consciousness Ide at the origin of the plane that was slowly forming, Liu Zhi returned to the gate of the Hades.

As soon as it landed, Liu Zhi saw the Space-Time Revenge and a large number of undead being teleported out, but their luck was not as good as Liu Zhi's. The Space-Time Revenge was thrown into the nearby river, and those who hadn't paid attention to it before. The undead are scattered outside the palace.

  Liu Zhi noticed that among these undead, there is still a living person.

  Take a closer look, isn’t that the shipbuilder who was brainwashed by Yanagi in the first place?

  Liu Zhi thought for a while and then realized that this shipbuilder should have been modified by Liu Zhi's soul and brainwashed with the pocket watch, so he was recognized by the plane consciousness as his subordinate.

  So when sending someone over, I packed him up and sent it over.

  It can be seen from his clothes that after escaping from the privateer, this man has been living a very peaceful life without being hunted down, and encountered no different situations.

  Liu Zhi couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect that he had also escaped from the privateer, so there was so much trouble on his side.

  Fortunately, at this time, the mission completion message that Liu Zhi hadn't heard for a long time popped out, which drew part of Liu Zhi's attention, otherwise he didn't know how long he would struggle with this matter.

  [Reminder: The player ends the mission early, and the player will exit the game in ten seconds... (Ding! Delayed release of affected news)]

  [Warning: The player’s message is delayed, please don’t move it, otherwise the transmission will be wrong and it will not be protected by law...]

  [Prompt: The result continues... (Delayed...)]

   [Reminder: The player's basic mission-Sandru's ambition has not been completed, and no reward has been obtained. 】

   [Reminder: Players complete the VIP mission-the flame mission on the Sea of ​​Iron and Blood, score A, and get a VIP gift package of A level. 】

  [Reminder: Player's career upgrade task-the ghost captain task is completed, score B, and get a B-level professional gift package. 】

   [Reminder: Player's career upgrade task-the king of the sea task is completed, score C, and get a C-level professional gift package. 】

   [Reminder: Players' treasure hunt mission-Ghost King’s resurrection plan mission is completed, score B, and get a B-level treasure gift package. 】

  [Reminder: Treasure Hunt for Players-Ghost King’s Resurrection Plan (Continued 1) The mission is completed, score A, get A grade... (In error, the gift package is missing!)]

  【Warning: The gift package is missing, according to the rules &*%¥……】

  [Reminder: Player task score 210, (basic task 0 points, VIP task 90 points, career upgrade task 60 points, career upgrade task 40 points, treasure hunt task 60 points, treasure hunt task (beep), total evaluation B level]

  Looking at the system prompt in front of him, Liu Zhi couldn't help but sighed that the plane consciousness method, he could even intervene in the game system, and even affected the transmission of player messages, and gave the reward to Liu Zhi in advance.

  And such a master will be sealed in a certain place, and the control of the law of the plane will be taken away. It can be seen that this game is not that simple.

  Liu Zhi reminded himself that he must not just mess around just because his level has been upgraded.

  5th level, even the Novice Village has not been released yet.

  No, Liu Zhi suddenly found that something was wrong. What did the information prompt just now say, the job upgrade task, the King of the Sea has completed it?

  Liu Zhi quickly flipped through the attribute bar to check some of the previous information.

   Only then did he notice that there seemed to be some hints before, telling Liu Zhi that he had completed this task.

【Ding! The player's druid level has been raised to level 6. 】

   Scrolling forward again, Liu Zhi saw another prompt.

   [The record of the player facing the Dreadnought Fleet head-on, has been seen by many crew members, your strength has been recognized by them, and at the same time you have conquered a group of Hennaga forces and become the ghost king on the seas of Southeast Asia. 】

  Further forward, there is no more information.

  Yagiji thought about it seriously. This should be the second time he fought the Dreadnought Fleet.

At that time, the Dreadnought Fleet also counted Liu Zhi, woke up Liu Zhi, and told Liu Zhi with facts that Liu Zhi's team was okay to fight alone. If it was really put on the battlefield, it was Liu Zhi's commanding ability. , Will compensate all of his troops.

  But Liu Zhi never expected that after such a battle, even if his mission was completed?

  What is going on here?

  Liu Zhi thought about it seriously, then took a closer look at the system prompt, and finally figured out a situation.

  It seems that this mission does not necessarily require Ryuuji to defeat the entire Dreadnought Fleet. Although he was taught to be a man by the Dreadnought Fleet, it is a fact that he confronted the Dreadnought Fleet head-on and defeated most of the Dreadnought Fleet's warships.

  Not only the crew of the Dreadnought Fleet saw it, but even the Death Star Fleet hiding aside.

  So Ryuzhi's strength is recognized.

  The most important thing is that before this battle started, Heinaga sent a six-armed guy out to challenge Ryuzhi. No, it was to challenge Vidnina under Ryuzhi.

  This battle was taken over by the Soul Naga, so this is considered to have reached a contract, and the Soul Naga won, and the Hai Naga forces in the Eagle Country will all return to Liu Zhi.

  As for these hainagas, they didn’t come here in the end...

  No, when he thought of this, Liu Zhi seemed to have noticed something. He quickly contacted Sandru and asked him about the situation in the real world of the demiplane.

   Soon Sandru sent some information back. When Ryuzhi returned, a group of Hennaga appeared in the real world for no reason.

  When these henagas appeared, they were quite ignorant. They didn’t know why they appeared here.

The most important thing is that there are quite a lot of these Hennaga, it should be an ethnic group that already has a certain civilization. Among these Hennaga there are a number of adult Hennaga, as well as many ordinary Hennaga and juveniles. Naga.

  The only thing that hasn’t been transported is the eggs of Heinaga.

  Listening to the news, Liu Zhi couldn't help but sighed, "It seems that the person is really polite."

  For the subordinates who were sent to the door, Liu Zhi would naturally not want it. He asked people to arrange these haenega in the sea of ​​the real world, and then took out the treasure chest this time.

  Yagiji planned to open the treasure chest first, tidy up the contents, and then study and improve himself with peace of mind.

  This time the level 6 druid is a cheap one for nothing.

  There will not necessarily be such a good opportunity next time.

  Ryuzhi still needs to lay a solid foundation for him now. At least he needs to ensure that he will not be dragged down in the command of strategic battles.

  (End of this chapter)

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