Necromantic Myth

Chapter 942: Treasure Box·Plane

  Chapter 942 Opening Treasure Box·Plane

  Nether Palace·Scarab Secret Hall.

  Liu Zhi gave out four gift packs and put them on the ground, where the special box-opening goblin red gloves were talking about his younger brother and sister.

  "My sister White Gloves is a bad goblin. She didn't learn well in engineering, and she has no motivation to do anything. However, it seems that I haven't seen my brother Black Gloves for a long time, and I don't know where he went to play again."

  Liu Zhi, who was about to let Red Gloves open the box, looked up and glanced over there. He found that Red Gloves seemed to ignore his brother's disappearance.

   So he asked curiously: "Don't you care about where your brother has gone?"

  "Is there anything to care about? Every time something happens, it is not dead. I feel that even if he is thrown elsewhere, he can safely come back alive."

  Well, what you said makes sense.

  Ryuzhi did not ask any more, but motioned for the red gloves to help him open the box.

  Red Gloves are used to the fact that Liu Zhi asks him to open a box from time to time.

  There were only four boxes to open in front of me, and the red gloves opened the box without hesitation.

  [Hint: Open the A-level VIP package to get professional props (architectural design drawing)*2, random task props*1, common currency*4800]

[Reminder: Open the Class B professional gift package, and get professional equipment (Necromancer, boutique)*1, professional props (Necromancer, camp building plan)*1, professional props (Necromancer, architectural design drawing)*1, professional skills (Necromancer) *1, common currency *3000]

[Reminder: Open the C-level professional gift package, and get professional equipment (druid, boutique)*1, professional props (druid, camp building plan)*1, professional props (druid, architectural design drawing)*1 , Vocational Skills (Druid)*1, Common Currency*2000】

  [Hint: Open the B-level treasure package to get plane props (architectural design drawing)*1, plane equipment*1, common currency*10000]

  Looking at the universal currency sprayed out of the box in large quantities, watching those flying out like models, Yanagi's eyes lit up.

  In this harvest, there are not only targeted professional equipment and props, but also plane props and equipment.

  This was the first time Liu Zhi had encountered it. He immediately looked at the plane props and plane equipment he took out of the treasure package.

  Looking at it, Liu Zhi was also stunned. The two changed the appearance of the original props and equipment models, and the two bronze **** were directly placed in front of Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji has no way to see what is inside the bronze ball from the outside. Even from the appearance, the two bronze **** are almost exactly the same.

  Liu Zhi picked up one of the bronze **** and immediately got the corresponding information prompt.

  【Plane Circulator Design Drawing: Plane core building, the upper limit is level 1, the number of uses is 1 time, and one plane circulator can be built at the designated location. 】

  【Plane Circulator: The core controller of the plane. After it is built, it can actively control the cycle of plane weather, weather, life and death, and control the effects of plane energy circulation. It is a necessary building for plane control. 】

  【Description: Although the plane cycler does not affect the regular operation of the plane, it only controls the weather and energy of the plane, but it is better to communicate with the plane consciousness when building it. 】

This situation made Liu Zhi also stunned, and then he understood what this thing did. This is a city's control of a plane. As long as this plane circulator is in place, the weather on the plane will be controlled by Liu Zhi. Influence and control.

  At that time, what kind of environment he wants to transform the plane into is all determined by Liu Zhi.

  If you are in an uncontrolled plane, this is a direct challenge to plane consciousness, and there will definitely be conflicts at that time.

  Liu Zhi also understands things like this. He thought about it for a while and finally made a judgment.

  "It is a reasonable arrangement to build this face cycle instrument on the side of the Scarab Secret Hall. The Scarab Secret Temple controls the entire Hades, and this face cycle instrument controls the weather on the plane."

  Ryuzhi talked and arranged the task.

   Then he picked up another bronze ball.

  【Plane Fragment (Small): This is a small plane fragment that can be integrated into the plane to provide a piece of land no more than 40,000 square kilometers in size for the plane (random land type)]

  Looking at this simple explanation, Liu Zhi couldn't help but snorted.

  This is a good thing.

  He just understood the classification of planes, and also understood that land is the key to planes.

  This is an increase of 40,000 square kilometers of land, which is equivalent to adding an island larger than Taiwan Island into one's own plane.

  Regardless of the type of the newly added land, this gives Liu Zhi's subordinates a lot of land in the demiplane that is still being upgraded.

  It is necessary to know that the original half-plane of Ryuzhi has an overall area of ​​only about 100,000 square kilometers. If the speed is fast, it can circle this land in a day.

  Almost a third of the land has now been increased, which is very important for the future development of Liuzhi.

  Understanding this, Liu Zhi immediately walked out of the Scarab Secret Hall with a plane fragment.

   "Ed, come here."

  Yagiji finished speaking, the plane consciousness Ide appeared in front of him.

  Looking at the silver Ide who looked very similar to his own, Yanagi always had the urge to squeeze a face for Ide.

  After all, this face is not a clone of Ryuzhi, he is just a subordinate of Ryuzhi, and he is not connected with Ryuzhi like Shandro. Ryuzhi is very unhappy that such a guy exists.

  Ed didn’t know what Liu Zhi was doing towards him.

  After seeing Liu Zhi, he lowered his head quite honestly.

Liu Zhi pointed to the open space next to the Scarab Secret Hall and said: "I will build a plane cycle instrument there. Come here to have a look when you have time. In addition, this is for you. See when you can melt this fragment. Come into our plane."

  Yagiji threw the bronze ball that way and threw this thing into Ide's hands.

  Ed as a plane consciousness, he knew what it was as soon as he got the bronze ball, and quickly calculated how long it would take to fuse the face fragment.

"It takes me about a year to integrate this piece of land into our land, but if I do this, the speed of the original plane will slow down, and it will be time for the demiplane to upgrade the plane. It will be delayed for another three years or so."

  "What if you upgrade the plane first and then merge?"

   "In that case, it will take about four years to integrate this piece of land into our land."

  (End of this chapter)

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