Necromantic Myth

Chapter 943: Open Treasure Box·Things to Advance (3/130)

  Chapter 943 Treasure Box Opening·Things to Advance (3130)

  "Follow in first." Liu Zhi quickly made a decision to integrate this land into the previous semi-plane. When his family is ready to transform the underworld ecosystem, they can also transform together.

  Otherwise, it will take a long time to deal with this matter after waiting for the plane upgrade to complete before incorporating this piece of land.

  At that time, his plane will be missing another piece, which is uncomfortable.

After arranging the plane consciousness to go, Liu Zhi returned to the Scarab Secret Hall, where there were many things waiting for him to sort out.

Among the things in the treasure chest this time, Yanagi noticed that there was a silver statue. The statue looked like a tall castle. The size and color were so conspicuous among all the statues. The castle statue was picked up at the first glance.

   "It's hard to say that this is a design drawing of a city. If it is, it would be great."

  But when he picked up the statue, Liu Zhi knew that he was thinking too much.

  【Eye of the Dead, Alpine Castle Design Drawing: The core building of the Undead City, the upper limit is 7 levels, the number of uses is 7 times, and a mountain castle can be built at a designated location. 】

[Alpine Castle: As the core building required for all cities to upgrade, the Alpine Castle has a high status in all cities, and the Alpine Castle in front of you has been affected by some, and it has become the exclusive upgraded building for the City of the Dead . 】

  【The Eye of the Undead: Only undead units, servants, and professionals are allowed to enter the mountain castle to advance to the ranks. 】

  [Description: The undead who enter the high mountain castle must be level 4 or 9 and have enough people to enter the high mountain castle to become a level 5 or 10 high-level unit. 】

  Looking at this thing, Liu Zhi couldn't help but snorted.

  This is a good thing. Liu Zhi knows that his troops actually have a direction for advancement.

  Like a young eagle samurai, you can advance to the rank of eagle samurai after level 5.

   But how to advance, Liu Zhi has no idea at all.

  It now appears that this high mountain castle is for the undead troops to advance to ranks.

  As long as the level of the undead forces under Liu Zhi meets the requirements, for example, it has reached level 4, and the experience of reaching level 5 is full, then he can enter the mountain castle to advance.

  This is a good thing for Yanagi.

  He had various problems before, a large part of the reason was that his subordinates were good at cannon fodder, not even the elite troops.

  The high-level troops he can take out are just a few people. If they really want to be on the battlefield, they are of no use at all.

  For this, Yanagi carefully read the explanation of Takayama Castle.

  This high mountain castle has seven levels. At level 1, you can put seven types of arms to advance at the same time, and then add one more unit to each level. At level 7, there can be a total of 13 units to advance in the high mountain castle.

  Each unit can only enter according to its own team organization. Troops without organization will not be able to enter the mountain castle to advance to the ranks.

   Liu Zhi also agrees with this point. Although this is a bit more troublesome, it is not like other situations. It is not possible to arrange people to enter when the experience is reached, but this at least guarantees the promotion of Liu Zhi's main force.

  Yagiji thought for a while, but did not build this mountain castle on the side of the Hades.

  Instead, people built the mountain castle in the twisted passage before, and at the same time, the gymnastics class gave a dead order. The mountain castle must be built in the shortest time and raised to level 7.

Liu Zhi is very clear about how many undeads he has under his hands. If all these undeads succeed in formation, how big a unit will be. Judging from the situation that 13 formations are promoted together once a week, in the next period of time During the time, Takayama Castle will be very busy.

  After arranging the alpine castle, Ryuji focused his attention on the architectural design drawing that was placed with the alpine castle.

  It was opened together from the VIP package. Although the quality is bronze, it looks like it is very interesting.

  It is a semi-finished model. The whole model looks like a huge bowl, but if you look closely, you will find that it is actually an arena.

  It’s just that this arena only has a middle field, but there is no place for the surrounding spectators. It looks quite incomplete.

  【Design drawing of the arena under construction: ordinary building, the upper limit of the level is 5, the number of uses is 3 times, and one arena can be built at the designated location. 】

   [Arena under construction: an ordinary arena, which can put 300 people into a battle at the same time, but it can be single-to-one, or many-to-many. The winner of the arena will gain experience and even form a new formation. 】

  【Note 1: The strong who wins 100 games in a row in the arena will leave a statue erected around the arena. The strongest who wins 1000 games in a row will have the strongest attributes that will affect the battle in the arena. 】

  【Note 2: The number and level of people entering the arena at the same time are affected by the level of the arena. 】

  It can be seen from the description here that this arena is not as good as the alpine castle, but it can also be seen that this arena is the place where Liuzhi's subordinates must come before entering the alpine castle.

  Only after gaining experience here and upgrading the level, can I arrange to advance to the mountain castle.

   "This is built on the outermost periphery of the Hades."

  Liu Zhi glanced at the map of the Hades, and made a decision. He originally wanted to build the arena in the core of Hades, but there were several considerations that made him change this idea.

  On the one hand, a large number of troops will go back and forth in the arena every day. It is unrealistic for some troops to enter the core area of ​​the Hades.

  On the other hand, the arena will become bigger and bigger, but the upper level on the side of the palace will be smaller. To build the arena in the core of the palace is to seize the territory of other buildings.

Moreover, there will be a large number of powerful troops on the arena. If the Underworld encounters an attack, the gladiators here can quickly get in place, put them at the core of the Underworld, and then want to run down, it will take a long time. of.

  After the arena was put down, Liu Zhi picked up what was placed beside the statue.

  It was a boat in a bottle, which reminded Liu Zhi of the situation he encountered in the last game.

It’s just that the ship in a bottle in front of you is a little different from the normal ship in a bottle. It’s a dreadnought ship in a bottle. The dreadnought ship in a bottle can move, and it can move forward and speed up in the bottle. , The action of the main gun salvo comes.

  【Bottle Ship·Dreadnought Ship: This is a ship that integrates engineering masterpieces. Those who hold a bottle ship will get a +1 effect in shipbuilding, engineering, or artillery. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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