Necromantic Myth

Chapter 945: Treasure Box·Grave Head Tavern

   Chapter 945 Treasure Box Opening·Grave Head Tavern

  【Design of Terry Head Tavern: Undead city building, the level is capped at level 6, which can be used 6 times in total. After collecting enough materials, you can build the Terry Head Tavern at a designated location and upgrade it 5 times. 】

  【Terry Head Tavern: A tavern full of undead style, it comes with a zombie shopkeeper, but because it is a tomb head tavern, the food and drink here are mostly related to the undead, and other people may die after eating. 】

  【Note: If you are not satisfied with the hero who appears in the Tomb Tou Tavern, you can spend some money to turn him into an undead. 】

  This explanation made Ryuji quite satisfied with the tavern that looked like a cemetery in front of him.

  It can be seen that this Terry Tomb Tavern exists for the purpose of choosing heroes for Ryuzhi.

The two taverns that Liu Zhi currently has, one salted fish tavern is mostly composed of seamen or sea-related races and professionals. Although Liu Zhi himself is considered a master in the shipbuilder, he is also considered equivalent to the ocean. I understand, but he really doesn't want to face the sea and the murloc every time he goes out of the game.

  So for the heroes in the salted fish tavern, Yanji didn't want to see a single one.

  As for the heroes in the goblin tavern, they are not bad, but the problem is that the goblin’s style, Ryuzhi, knows quite well, and he wants money.

Each of these heroes is more expensive, and the goblins have a wide range of friends. The heroes that appear here are of different races and professions. Sometimes they are not what Liu Zhi wants. Sometimes the profession is clearly right, but the people are not undead. Let them come and command Undead, really embarrass them.

Therefore, the appearance of the Terry Tomb Tavern in front of us is just in line with Liu Zhi's intentions. Liu Zhi is in need of such a tavern to recruit heroes. The most important thing is that if something is wrong with the hero's race, he can also spend money to transform it. Into the undead.

   "Build this on the second floor of the Hades. I remember there is a platform there, so that the newly created heroes can directly live in the Hades."

  Liu Zhi opened the map and took a look. He immediately chose the location and arranged the grave tavern.

  The situation is different from the situation of Terry Tomb Head Pub. The other is a camp-type building design drawing.

  The architectural design that Liu Zhi received last time was an ancient tree of life, which was finally transformed into the Adariyat by Liu Zhi.

  This time Ryuzhi didn't know what he would get again.

  He took a look at the architectural blueprint of the camp.

  It was a statue that looked like a carriage. What dragged behind the carriage was not a carriage, but a bottle filled with green liquid, and various pipes were filled around the bottle.

  【Plague Carriage Design Drawing: Campsite building design drawing, the upper limit of the level is 2, it can be used 2 times in total. After collecting the appropriate materials, a new campsite can be established in the designated building, and it will become the core building of the campsite. 】

  【Plague Carriage: The core building of the camp, choose one of the two architectural functions. After choosing this, it cannot be changed and affects the attributes of the entire camp. 】

[Function option 1: Plague camp, the carriage is disassembled, and the plague tank inside forms a plague territory. It comes with four large, six medium, and eleven small buildings, which can form a camp with certain combat power at a designated location. . 】

[Function option 2: Carriage camp, the free movement of the carriage forms a camp, it is impossible to build a plague territory, you can move the location of the camp at will, with two large, three medium, and six small buildings, you can move the location of the camp at will . 】

   [Explanation: The core building of the camp is not a council hall, and cannot affect the level of the camp, nor can it turn the camp into a new city. 】

  This explanation made Liu Zhi's eyes bright, and he reacted to what was happening with this kind of carriage.

  This plague carriage, like the old tree of life before it, has two options of moving and camping.

  If you move, the carriage will always drag the plague tank, which will provide energy for nearby buildings, and the carriage can move around. Ryuzhi can arrange this camp at any location at any time.

  But as long as the plague jar is not put down, the characteristics of the plague jar will not be able to play its due role.

  But after taking the plague tank out of the wagon, releasing the plague inside, and forming a plague territory, it is impossible to take the plague back, so that you can only camp here permanently.

  This is the same as the ancient tree of life taking root on the earth.

  Liu Zhi also needed a mobile camp, he thought about it and finally left the plague carriage.

  As a result, all the gift packs for undead career advancement were opened, and then Liu Zhi's gaze turned to the last item.

  That is the reward package when his druid level is upgraded to level 6. Although this package is only C level, Liu Zhi believes that the gap between the level 5 package and the package below level 5 should be very large.

  Otherwise, how to reflect the strength of players above level 5?

  Yagiji quickly picked up the vocational skills that belonged to the Druid.

  The reason why I picked up this first is entirely because the professional skills of this one are too big.

  The previous professional skills of the Necromancer looked like a scroll.

  The vocational skills of the druid in front of him are like a large book that is more than one meter long and fifty centimeters thick.

  The writing is made of bark, and the pages inside look like leaves.

  It can be seen from the current situation that the skills introduced in this book are no longer a separate skill.

  This is definitely a skill system.

  This thing should be the same as the lightning system, first the lightning bolt, then the electric current, and then the thunderstorm, etc., go on one line of thought.

  Liu Zhi picked up the thick bark book in front of him and opened it carefully.

  When he turned the first page, he saw a huge wave coming.

  [Ocean Book Level 1 (Ocean System Basic Skills): Ocean Druid basic skills, each level can automatically comprehend the corresponding corresponding skills. 】

  【Note 1: When mastering the Level 1 Ocean Book, you can learn the storm skills and make waves on the sea. 】

  【Note 2: Non-oceanic druids need three times the experience to learn the skills in the ocean book. 】

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, he felt that this didn't seem to suit him. His druid route should belong to the harvest or sky system, and the oceanic druid had no connection with him.

  Why is there such a book suddenly this time?

Liu Zhi was a little curious. Suddenly he thought of his last mission in the game. He quickly flipped through his own attribute column. Finally, he found that the title of Ghost Sea King appeared in his title column, and it was this title. , Making him a druid of the ocean system for the time being.

  (End of this chapter)

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