Necromantic Myth

Chapter 946: Opening the treasure box and closing (4/130)

  Chapter 946 Treasure Box Opening·Ending (4130)

  As long as he can learn, it is no problem for Liu Zhi.

  He learned this ocean book on the spot.

As mentioned in the same description, after learning the ocean book, he began to comprehend the druid skills related to the ocean on his own. The strong wind is very similar.

  It’s just that this kind of strong sea wind can only be used at sea, and this kind of strong wind can set off big waves and overturn the ship.


  Liu Zhi felt his own understanding, and he found that he had made some progress in the study of wind.

  This is enough for Ryuuji.

After   Yagiji, his eyes turned to professional equipment.

  The last time Ryuuji got the equipment of the druid, he got a nursery garden that he could carry with him at any time, but the things he gave this time were obviously not the case.

  I don’t know if it was because of the mission this time. The things given this time seemed to be leaning towards the sea.

  The same is true for the professional equipment this time. It is a bronze horn. This horn looks like a horn horn, but the surface is carved with patterns of underwater fish schools.

[Deep-sea horn: The most basic prop of the druid of the marine system, without any attribute blessings, but this horn can be blown underwater, making a sound that only fish or deep-sea creatures can hear, in underwater and ocean Biology communicates. 】

   [Explanation: Communication and communication are another ability of druids. As long as they can communicate, all animals will be partners of druids. 】

  Looking at the attributes of this professional equipment, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction. He had been on the surface of the sea, and he knew what he was most worried about in underwater battles.

   is not an effect such as underwater breathing. Generally speaking, those who can enter the water to fight will have a little underwater breathing ability.

  But underwater communication has become a big problem. The sound is not easy to spread underwater, and at the same time, most people have no way to speak, because most people often have a mouth and the water is poured into the mouth.

   Therefore, the role of this deep-sea horn in underwater communication and connection, let Liu Zhi see another way of thinking.

  He can study how to issue various commands underwater.

  After having a certain idea, Liu Zhi's eyes turned to the last two architectural design drawings.

  The architectural design drawing of the camp also looks like a big tree, but there are no street lights or huts on the big tree.

  At first, Liu Zhi thought that he had received another ancient tree of life, but he did not expect that this camp building design was not the case.

  [War ancient tree design drawing: camp building design drawing, the upper limit of the level is 2, it can be used 2 times in total, after collecting suitable materials, you can build a new camp in the designated building and become the core building of the camp. 】

  [War Ancient Tree: The core building of the camp, choose one of the two architectural functions, after choosing this, it will not be able to be changed, and will affect the attributes of the entire camp. 】

  【Function option 1: War form, ancient trees take root to form a battle fortress, with three large, five medium, and eleven small buildings. At the same time, ancient trees have combat methods such as throwing. 】

  【Function choice 2: Defensive form, ancient trees take root to form a defensive fortress, with three large, five medium, and eleven small buildings. At the same time, there are defensive nets such as thorny walls around the camp. 】

   [Explanation: The core building of the camp is not a council hall, and cannot affect the level of the camp, nor can it turn the camp into a new city. 】

This situation made Liu Zhi also stunned, and then he realized that there were two choices here, one attack type and one defensive type. However, after setting up the camp, the route of the camp was determined, and there was no more. Opportunity for change.

  It's just that Liu Zhi thought for a while, and found that he hadn't established the need for a forward base for the time being, and this thing might not be used temporarily.

  Compared with the design drawing of the ancient war tree, the architectural design drawing is much simpler.

  It was a model that looked like a cave, but Yanagi felt a little weird. How could this cave look upside down?

  Looking more closely, Liu Zhi found out what this was. It was obviously something used to raise fish underwater.

  【Deep-sea fish nest design drawing: Marine Druid basic building, the upper limit is level 3, the number of uses is 3 times, after collecting enough materials, you can build a deep-sea fish nest at the designated location and upgrade it twice. 】

[Deep-sea fish nest: a base for training and cultivating large swimming fishes. According to level 1, ordinary dolphins and swordfish can be trained to detect combat fishes, level 2 can train deep-sea mounts such as sharks and giant seahorses, level 3 It can train fighting fish creatures such as deep sea squids and giant whales. 】

  This thing is similar to the sky bird's nest that Liu Zhi got last time, except that one is for the sky and the other is for the ocean.

This is also a supplement for Liu Zhi. The Sky Bird's Nest last time, Liu Zhi has been built to level 3, and some things have been trained. There are some special flying seats in Liu Zhi’s Hades. The ride can be sold and used.

  The existence of this deep-sea fish nest at the moment can play a considerable role in improving Liu Zhi's underwater strength.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and directly gave this deep-sea fish nest to the sea area of ​​the palace outside the palace, and it was managed by the undead marine creatures that occupied it.

  After arranging all kinds of things, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction. When he was about to put things away, he suddenly seemed to think of something.

  He remembered that when he released plane consciousness in the last game, he seemed to have encountered an arm that destroyed the lightning core he wanted to bring back.

  No, it was he who destroyed the arm along with the lightning core.

After   , he seemed to have picked up something that looked like a finger from the fragment of that arm.

  According to Yuji's judgment at the time, that finger must be a piece of equipment.

  It's just that at that time, Liu Zhi could only run away, so there was no time to check the properties of that thing.

  Now that he is free, Liu Zhi also took out an appraisal magnifying glass, touched the finger out again, and swiped it on top of the finger.

  In the next instant, that finger turned into a finger-like dagger, and a cold light flashed on the fingertips of the finger.

  【The fingertips that cut the space (short dagger)】

  【Level: C+】

  [Equipment requirements: Agility 7.3, Constitution 8.9]

  【Feature 1: Space cutting, every time this dagger is pierced out, it can pierce the space, allowing the tip of the dagger to appear anywhere within ten meters. 】

   [Explanation: Because of the space ability, this dagger is C-level, and because the space ability cannot be controlled, this dagger can only be C-level! 】

  The attributes of this dagger made Liu Zhi shook his head involuntarily. This dagger was good if it was good, but it was not good if it was bad.

  Ryuzhi sighed, “I’m useless, forget it, I’ll find someone to exchange it later...”

  (End of this chapter)

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