Necromantic Myth

Chapter 959: Reach the goal

  Chapter 959 Reaching the goal

  Ryuzhi and his party quickly arrived at the location they chose.

At this time, Liu Zhi’s troops have gathered. This time Liu Zhi has brought two of the three legions, six of the nine main battle heroes, and a total of 30 heroes who have not been formed. Each of these heroes They are all temporarily stuffed into the prepared troops, regardless of whether these troops are in line with their styles.

   Even so, Liu Zhi also brought a total of 80 troops with a constitution. In addition to the undead, there are also wild creatures brought by the Ark, such as the spotted beast and the phantom flying dragon.

  Originally, if Liu Zhi chooses the rainforest battlefield, these creatures will be the strongest combat power under him.

  The situation is different now.

  Although these creatures did not shrink into a ball, judging from their state, the cold wind made them quite uncomfortable. If it weren't for the Titan Creation to communicate there, maybe they had found a place to hibernate.

  There were other supplies that came with the troops. In addition to various ores and materials, Liu Zhi also transported a large number of spider eggs.

  This is the material used to make spider troops. Before they are transformed into spider troops, these eggs can only be regarded as materials. Don’t worry about shipping costs. One or two tons of materials only need 1 point of value currency.

  The spider eggs smuggled by Liu Zhi, as long as there is enough food, they can immediately form a number of millions of spider troops.

  Moreover, for more than ten years, Liu Zhi has been strengthening the situation of the spider army. In addition to the original spider infantry, spider artillery, and spider shield guard, the spider girl has also opened up new spider arms.

  Similar to spider mothers specially used to lay eggs, clover spiders that transport spider troops on their way, water spiders that can fight underwater and so on.

  Of course, for Liu Zhi, these are not the most important ones. The most important thing is that the spider infantry have the possibility to advance.

  Yagiji has been experimented, the spider artillery after level 5 has increased the amount of spray, and the power is also much greater.

  Minimum firing range can already improve the level of attacking spaceships.

  Unlike before, the plasma liquid can only be sprayed a few hundred meters away.

  This all depends on the previous Thunder core.

  Although he didn't bring that thing back, Ryuzhi already wanted to understand the characteristics of it.

   After the lightning core is shot out, not only will it not consume energy in the air, but will absorb the free electric ions in the air to increase its power. It can be said that the flying farther, the higher the power of the attack.

  After learning this by Yanagiji, he used it for his own magic, but the effect is not particularly strong when used on the spider artillery. The plasma liquid can also absorb the free energy in the air.

  But as long as it flew five kilometers, the plasma liquid with too much energy would explode by itself, and Liu Zhi had not yet thought of a solution.

  Just that should be enough.

   The long-range attack from five kilometers away is already a considerable advantage for Liu Zhi, because he has enough spider troops.

  After these spider eggs are transported over, they can be transformed into various spider forces immediately. There is no need to worry at all. Ryuzhi can't find the materials used to make the undead here.

  As long as there is enough flesh and blood, Liu Zhi can quickly draw out a force of more than 10,000 people. Although it is a temporary straggler, Liu Zhi understands what role such a force can play on the battlefield.

  Especially for a necromancer, this kind of spider sea is a kind of cooperation with the necromancer.

After    came to the selected location, Liu Zhi commanded the undead and said: "Just here, start digging down."

  Liu Zhi’s undead came in a lot. When the two legions stayed in Liu Zhi, they went directly to the sides of Liu Zhi's fixed position.

  On the way here, Liu Zhi had already arranged everything.

  The area of ​​his camp is too small to fit all the troops.

  For this, whether it is the Light of the Arena or the Deathbone Legion, you need to find a place for yourself.

  Fortunately, their commanders are all experienced in combat, and they know how to deal with the legions under them. The Legion of Light of the Arena is heading towards the way they came, and they have seen a valley where two peaks are at odds with each other.

  There are tall cliffs on both sides of the valley, and there is only one road that is not too wide to walk.

  Don’t talk about a legion, as long as a strong defensive force is blocked here, the passage in this valley can be blocked.

  Now that Liu Zhi has no time to deal with this matter, he will let the Light of the Arena troops be stationed here, and then arrange for other undead to come and build a defensive fortress when he is free.

  The Deathbone Legion went in the other direction. They were going to explore the way. Now Ryuzhi stopped here, and he must inquire about the surrounding situation and see if there are any enemies nearby.

  This kind of thing is the most suitable for the Deathbone Legion. It is normal for the Light of the Arena to directly attack and kill, and the Deathbone Legion can deal with various situations.

  No matter what kind of things they encounter, they can always have the upper hand.

  If you let the Light of the Arena Legion pass, you might start fighting, and you don’t know what's going on.

  After the two legions went out, Liu Zhi did not let the remaining main battle heroes and ordinary heroes separate.

  Instead, let them direct the undead to start sorting the land.

  Some undead have dug some distance underground.

  Yagiji noticed that under this snow layer, there was a thick layer of ice.

  I don’t know how long the ice has existed. Liu Zhi and the others have dug down more than ten meters and have not dug the ground yet.

  Fortunately, Ryuji is not the kind of person who wants to dig up the ice.

  He asked the undead to dig down here, in order to dig out a river.

  When Ryuzhi came here this time, in addition to troops and supplies, he also brought three boats.

The   Adariyat was already regarded as a Hades, so there was no way to bring it. The Space-Time Revenge was arranged to the Burning Blade City, and there was no way to bring it.

  Yagiji brought another mythical ship, the sun ship.

  This boat was made by Ryuzhi for a year, collecting materials little by little, using the sun's divine power in the feathered serpent's divine nature.

  A jewel of Eye of Horus imitation by Yanagiji is also inlaid on the bow.

  Of course, this thing is worse than the imitation that flies in the sky on the plane of Id. The imitation is also legendary, and this one is already considered as good if it has a transcendent level.

  Because it is inlaid with the Eye of Horus gemstone, this solar ship was named Eagle Eye.

   There are two corresponding auxiliary ships that were transported along with Eagle Eye, all of which are solar ships, but only reach the legendary level, and they are named Sky Fire and Underworld Lantern respectively.

  (End of this chapter)

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