Necromantic Myth

Chapter 960: The sun boat sails

  Chapter 960 The Sun Ship Sails

  The three sun boats were dragged away by some undead. Fortunately, they were walking on ice and snow, and the resistance was not too big. In addition, the undead were not afraid of tiredness, so it was not too difficult to transport.

  Only Ryuji knew that boats are boats after all. Even if there are boats without a river, it is useless.

  Yagiji also wants to make the sun ship play the special effects of free movement in the sky and the underworld.

  When he is here, he can move freely.

  But if you want the boat to start up, you need at least a river channel. If you only rely on the undead soldiers to tow the boat, even if the sun boat has the ability, the speed at the start can't be raised.

  The undead of Liuzhi dug a river about 30 meters wide and 3,000 meters long.

  It’s just that the river in front of you looks more like a huge ice slide with no water in it.

  What Liu Zhi wants is not the real river water, what he wants is just a look.

  When the river was dug out, Liu Zhi waved his hand, and a mummy hero jumped onto the boat.

  This is the captain selected by Yanagi to operate the Eagle's Eye.

In fact, Liu Zhi originally planned to equip each ship with a heroic captain, but later found that this was not possible. The goblins would have a higher demand for ships. After ordinary ships and extraordinary ships were built, they were taken away by goblins. Up.

  So in the end, only a hero-class captain is required for each legendary ship or higher.

  This type of captain is only responsible for the driving of the ship, and does not affect the battles of the sailors on the ship. At the same time, it is for this reason that they have a very high level of ship handling and have a deep understanding of their own ships.

  It can be said that they know very well what their boat wants.

   commanded the sailor to push the eagle's eye onto the river just dug out, and the mummy hero commanded the sailor to open all the sails.

  In the absence of wind, the captain commanded the sailors to tighten all the sails.

After   , a group of sailors pushed the ship behind the ship. The sun ship was like an ice row, sliding down the slide.

  At this time, under the control of the sailors, the sails actually bulged, and the high wind pushed the solar boat forward, faster and faster.

  When the solar boat rushed to the end of the river, the speed of the boat had reached a speed that a normal solar boat could not imagine.

  At this moment, a beginning was initiated on the mummified boat at the rudder position, and the sun boat dashed into the underworld before rushing out of the river.

  Looking at the situation of Eagle's Eye, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction.

  The characteristic of the sun ship is like this. After the myth level, it is equivalent to the re-engraved version of Rashen’s sun ship. This ship has a sun-like effect.

   Liu Zhi’s original thoughts of Rasha’s Eyes, the effect may not be as strong as that of this boat.

  This ship is not like the Transcendent level now. It requires various means to enter the underworld. Now as long as the speed is up, you can easily enter.

   is not like the legendary class. If you want to fly into the air, you need some skills. In addition to the speed when you just set sail, the ship can fly if you want to fly.

  Sure enough, when Liu Zhi nodded, the eagle's eye sprang out from the neighborhood.

  This time the Eagle's Eye was flashing golden light like sunlight, hanging high in the sky.

  The sunshine that has not been seen for many years on this glacier fell from the Eagle's Eye, and the snow layer began to show signs of melting.

  Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction, and began to command the undead troops to break up the snow blocks and throw them into the glacier course.

  And the eagle's eyes linger back and forth over the glacier course, letting the temperature of the sun fall into the glacier course little by little.

  Slowly some flowing water appeared in the river. Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction, and directed the manpower to push the two smaller solar boats into the river.

   These two ships are obviously smaller than the Eagle Eye. The length of the Eagle Eye is close to 100 meters, and the sum of these two ships is just a little over 100 meters.

  There are also corresponding captains on these two solar boats.

  One of them is a mummy that looks like a bug, and the other is a mummy of a lizard.

Under their influence, the two boats were naturally different. The insect-like mummy operated the sky fire. He even painted the entire boat red, and used insect corpses as decorations on the hull of the boat. .

  If it weren’t this style or the style of the sun boat, Yanagi would doubt if the boat had been modified.

  The underworld lamp is different. The mummy lizard doesn't have much idea about the transformation of the ship, and even some basic repairs are done by hand.

  So this sun boat looks like a boat that has been in the water for a long time. It looks a bit rotten, only the headlights emit a faint light.

  For a lizard mummy, this little light is enough.

Of course, perhaps for this reason, the Underworld Lantern is more suitable to move in the underworld than the Skyfire. In the words of Captain Lizard Corpse, this ship moves in the underworld. As long as it does not actively attack, there will be no ghosts. .

  Now the two boats also need to start, the underworld lamp is simpler, the lizard corpse directly took the hands and jumped onto the boat.

  Ryuzhi was talking about his plan.

"After you arrive in the underworld, you don’t need to come back. Just show me the way to the underworld. This time all the players should be necromancers. They will also go to the underworld. I need you to find out and see what's nearby. The presence."

  The mummy lizard nodded while listening.

  He did not stretch all the sails like the previous mummy.

  Eagle's Eye is radiating sunlight in the sky, and there is already some flowing water in the river at this time.

  Although the current is not enough to support the sailing of the sun boat, it is enough for the lizard corpse.

  Under the control of the lizard corpse, the sun boat was moving forward with only a little water at the bottom of the river, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

  At the end, the sun boat disappeared in the river before it rushed out of the river.

  The bug mummy on the other boat has long been familiar with this situation. The lizard was originally a desert species and claimed to be able to survive as long as there are a few sailors.

  After he became a hero, this ability has become more powerful, and many things can be used as long as they are related to water.

  It's like a boat going to sea. If other boats don't have water, they can't start at all, but he is different. As long as there is a little water, he can drive the boat out.

  The same is true in front of him. The Skyfire still needs to wait for the water flow in the river to increase, but the underworld lamp is different. A little water can already set him on sail.

  (End of this chapter)

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