Necromantic Myth

Chapter 961: Camp construction

   Chapter 961 Camp Construction

  When the sky fire flew along the river course into the air, the Eagle's Eye solar boat quickly ascended upwards and flew about a thousand meters into the air.

  There, the Eagle's Eye seems to be fixed, always stuck in that position in the air, neither moving nor falling.

  For Yanagi and the others, the Eagle's Eye in the sky is like a small sun, covering an area of ​​about 20 kilometers around it, forming a not-so-cold area on the glacier.

  When snowflakes are blown in by the wind, they will be significantly smaller. Some snowflakes will slowly begin to melt when they fall on the ground, turning into water and pour into the glacier dug out by the undead of Liu Zhi.

After   , the current will slowly flow to the distance, rushing the glacier farther and farther.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi has also begun to build his own camp at the source of the glacier.

  This time, the camp that Ryuzhi chose here is the plague carriage.

  Of course, Liu Zhi had given up his plan to move the plague carriage again. After releasing the plague carriage, Liu Zhi chose the option of the plague camp.

  After making a choice, a weird carriage appeared in front of Ryuzhi.

  The carriage is like an enlarged version of the plague carriage model. It is a huge carriage drawn by four green warriors.

  The entire carriage is made of a black iron sheet with a little green light inside. The carriage is ten meters long and four meters wide. On top of the carriage are stacked two and a half layers of wooden barrels.

  There are some pipes connected to the edges of these wooden barrels, and some green liquid is dripping out of the pipes little by little.

  It can be seen from this that these liquids are enhanced plagues.

  Behind the wooden barrel, there are some cauldron-like devices, but these devices have not been used yet.

  Under the order of Liu Zhi, the carriage was automatically dispersed without seeing any movement of the undead forces under Liu Zhi's.

  Four chariot horses ran around, wherever they ran, the ground began to turn into a strange green.

  At the same time, green gas poured up from the ground, causing a strange smell to slowly appear in the air.

Most of Liu Zhi’s subordinates were undead, so they didn’t feel much about this situation. They just watched the carriage in front of them disintegrate automatically, and some of the pipes were plunged into the ground, and at the same time, the barrels themselves Roll around.

  After a while, various signs began to appear on the ground, which was the location of the foundation that was determined to be used to build the building.

  Before and after the foundations, there will be some wooden barrels. It can be seen that these wooden barrels are the style and direction of these buildings.

Liu Zhi counted it up. There are four large vacancies covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, which cover an area of ​​less than 1,000 square meters. There are six medium-sized vacancies with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters. The remaining eleven small buildings occupy an area of About 500 square meters.

  And between the open space and the open space, there is a wider open space. After all, the scope here is too big, and all the buildings are not intended to be crowded together.

  Instead, there is a distance of at least 300 meters between each building. If you don’t care, it is enough to squeeze the dead in this space.

  After confirming the construction site, Liu Zhi quickly took out some things and arranged them.

  In more than ten years, Liu Zhi has not done nothing.

  Although he can’t produce special-effect buildings like a system, his architecture is not learned in vain. He still has a plan for how to build certain buildings.

  The design drawing in his hand was drawn by himself.

  Of course, it is not the same as the design drawings used in shipbuilding. The architectural design drawings painted by Liu Zhi can only be understood by him.

  He has a large stack of design drawings in his hands. These design drawings do not have the functions that a system building should have, and there is no way to directly train various arms.

  But other aspects are not lacking at all.

Liu Zhi pointed to a few open spaces and said, "Yes, about five units of stones will be transported here, and I need crystals too ore here. You must also transport some of them, the Spinning Spider Girl, arrange for some spiders to come here. Prepare to put all the spider eggs under this.

  You bring things here and build me a house in this style. Yes, this is a design drawing. "

   Liu Zhi quickly arranged that all the twenty-one spaces were used by Liu Zhi.

  Each space has a corresponding arrangement. The center position is naturally based on research and production, while the periphery is based on intensive training and defense.

It will take some time for   Ryuzhi's men to get things done here.

  This point is definitely not better than those players who are willing to ship their own cities.

  But Ryuzhi also has his own ideas.

  It is not that he is stingy and unwilling to abandon a city, but that he feels that not bringing a city over may be the best choice.

  After arranging things here, Liu Zhi turned his head and glanced at Amnet.

  Since entering the game, Armanet has not spoken much. After all, the glacier environment is quite unfavorable for her.

   "Amanite, I'm going to the underworld for a while, and I will leave the matter here to you first."

  Dressed in thick clothes and wrapped herself into a ball, Amanai nodded. She appeared in the desert and didn't like ice and snow at all.

  As a huntress, even if she is promoted, she will work hard to live in various environments.

  So no matter how upset she was, she tried to make herself stand up straight, indicating that there was nothing wrong with it.

  For Amanite's potential and strength, Liu Zhi still believes very much. He talked about his thoughts on the current situation.

  The position he chose is not conducive to his style, but the potential here is quite high.

   is quite beneficial to the development of Liu Zhi. What Liu Zhi has to do now is to build two camps in the real world and the underworld in a short time.

  In the real world, the camp has been half built. Next, Liu Zhi needs to go to the underworld and make a circle and connect the two camps.

  This matter is really only Liu Zhi can do well, even if other people go to the underworld and start a camp, there is no way to deal with the connection between the two camps.

  After listening to Ryuuji's arrangement, Amanite nodded affirmatively.

"Don't worry, I have already made all the plans. I will complete the construction of the camp within a week and wait for the docking with the underworld camp. After the docking is completed, head to the southeast, which is the golden area, centered on the camp. Rest assured, I know How to do."

  (End of this chapter)

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