Necromantic Myth

Chapter 966: Shock

  Chapter 966 Impact

  Leading the team out of the camp, Liu Zhi clearly saw the undead coming towards the camp.

  Those undead know at a glance that they have just gotten up. Undead that hasn't been strengthened, and snow is the most essential feature of dead creatures.

  Most of these undead are slowly advancing in the form of skeletons and zombies, and only a few ghosts are floating in the air.

  Ryuzhi is already quite a mature necromancer, and he has also learned a lot about the branch of the necromancer.

  For example, Liu Zhi nowadays can tell from the bones and appearance of these undead souls, the pedigree relationship between them.

  From the size and appearance of the undead, it can be seen that in the glacier, the creatures are getting bigger and bigger, and their appearance is getting more and more strange.

  At first, the size of the creature looked like a normal creature, but later creatures turned out to be as tall as a Tyrannosaurus rex.

  And they are mostly four-legged animals with lower body and humanoid upper body.

  It feels like a centaur or a centaur, but it's obviously much bigger.

Creatures like    tend to have relatively strong movement and impact. Coupled with a human figure on the upper body, they can make many movements and are the best units for riding and shooting.

Although    became undead and their movement speed slowed down, their instincts were still there.

  When rushing to the Liuzhi camp, these weird guys all moved forward in a charge.

   What made Liu Zhi speechless the most was that he noticed that some of these undead should be enemies of life and death before they were alive. This can be seen from their appearance, they are mutually restrained.

  But now that they have become undead, they have given up their original identities. At this time, they are all undead.

  They have only one goal, to kill Liu Zhi’s camp.

  Looking at the number of undead pressing towards the ancient tree camp, Liu Zhi raised the Staff of Soul Eater.

  "Be prepared for the battle. You guys wait for my order, and the spider girl will let your spider army move. All the spider artillery will be on the wall, and the spider infantry will be at the forefront."

  Under the order of Liu Zhi, all the spider artillery crawled towards the thorns.

  As spiders, they have good climbing ability. After climbing to a certain position, they distribute themselves.

  Yagiji clearly understands that the white people have arranged the spider artillery. In addition to strengthening the power of the plasma cannon, they have also strengthened the spider artillery attack method over the years.

  All spider artillery will automatically form a group of three and shoot in turns.

  In this way, the spider artillery fired before can stop and rest, so that the spider artillery can restore the speed of the plasma liquid, and the spider artillery of the same level can attack three more times in the same time.

  This is a rare enhancement for the spider artillery.

  After the spider artillery is in place, he quickly fixes himself, and there is no need for Liu Zhi to issue any more orders. So many undead troops are there, just spray them.

  Maybe because these spider artillery were born in this underworld, they are quite familiar with the environment of this underworld, and the plasma cannons they sprayed out have been assimilated by this underworld.

When    sprayed out, it was no longer the faint blue color of normal plasma liquid, but a dark blue liquid.

  When it was sprayed out, when the plasma liquid was flying in the air, some purple electric currents appeared around it, making the plasma liquid become brighter and brighter.

  Finally, when the plasma liquid hit the undead, it exploded on the spot.

  Each round of plasma fluid has the effect of kicking about three kilograms.

  Often within ten meters, all the bones are blown to pieces.

  The most important thing is that the spider artillery uses a scrubbing attack method.

  Blast from near to far, and then from far back again.

   Under this wave of explosions, there were only one third of the undead that seemed to be a considerable number in a flash.

  At this time, Liu Zhi waved his hand forward, and the three thousand spider infantry rushed forward directly.

  Then the two heroes under Liu Zhi stood forward and stood where the spider infantry was before.

  The two heroes both carry seven units each with a constitution, but they are not the main battle heroes under Ryuzhi, so they don't have the equipment such as deputy heroes, and there is no specially selected unit for them.

  All the troops under them are Liu Zhi who has been organized for various reasons over the past ten years.

  The strength of these units is between level 3 and 4. After the level 5 units are promoted, they are all arranged by Liu Zhi to the main battle hero or the big army.

  Their strength is stronger than that of the newly born spider infantry. When the spider infantry who served as cannon fodder died, it was time for these undead troops to enter the field.

  The two heroes looked at their undead troops seriously, planning their own battle plans in their hearts.

  The personalities and characteristics of these two heroes are also different.

  Of course, the first choice is to bring them to the underworld. They must be undead heroes, and those who can command troops are all combat heroes.

  It's just that they are not the type of main battle.

  One of the two comrades is a shield guard, with the ability to strengthen the defense of all soldiers under his own.

  The other is an axe warrior, he can strengthen the attack power of all his soldiers.

  There are at least a hundred and eighty under this kind of hero Liu Zhi. They have no characteristics and no advantages. If one of them is dead, Liu Zhi can immediately switch to a new hero.

  The reason why they were selected to participate in this game is entirely because of their high level and relatively better equipment.

  If it weren’t for their rank among the top 20 idle heroes, Yanagi would not even look at them.

   will only throw them into the plane of Id, allowing them to complete tasks or improve their strength on their own.

  Now for these two heroes, this is their best opportunity to grow.

  The two heroes glanced at each other, and the defensive hero first said: "You charge first."

   "No problem, the defense here is left to you. Everyone is ready to strengthen the weapon when the spider infantry meets the enemy. When the spider infantry approaches 30 seconds, we will charge the enemy."

  All the troops under this hero raised their weapons.

  Most of these soldiers are ordinary soldiers such as skeleton swordsmen, zombies, and ghouls, but the weapons they use are specially made by major cities in the plane of Liuzhi.

  Of course the best weapons, this kind of ordinary soldiers will definitely not be able to get, especially those enchanted weapons and equipment, all of which are standard equipment for soldiers above level 5.

  The weapons held by these soldiers are nothing but specially designed weapons.

  But this is good for the undead troops. Under the order of the hero, all the undead took their own items and polished the weapons in their hands carefully.

  (End of this chapter)

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