Necromantic Myth

Chapter 967: Watch the battle

  Chapter 967 Watching the battle

  The weapons of the undead soldiers are quickly polished, and the sharpening stones they use are the most basic temporary enchanting props.

  Weapons like long swords that have been beaten by this whetstone can have +3 attack power.

  Of course, this effect is not long, only less than half an hour.

  This is exactly why, the undead hero will let his subordinates do this when they are about to go on the battlefield.

  When the weapon is polished, the spider infantry has also collided with the enemy's undead.

   Standing at the back of the battlefield, Ryuzhi saw the combat power of this batch of spider infantry.

  Although they are spider infantry just made, their natural instincts are still there. When they rushed into the enemy group, they took the initiative to wave their hands and attack the enemy.

  It can be seen that in terms of spider infantry, Fangming Spider Girl has not changed randomly.

  The biggest feature of the spider infantry is that it trades life for the enemy's life.

   Often when a spider infantry rushes in front of the enemy, it can cut four to five knives in an instant.

  This is under four or five knives. Either the enemy is killed and the spider infantry seeks the next enemy, or the enemy is not killed, and the spider infantry is killed by a counterattack. There is no third possibility.

  So even if the spider infantry is upgraded, they will not strengthen their own defense or life, but will strengthen their own attack power and attack speed.

  It can be clearly seen that their attitude is that as long as the opponent quickly kills the enemy, they will not be counterattacked by the enemy.

  It is also for this reason that the place where the spider infantry killed, the battlefield of the undead is obviously much empty.

  At this moment, the hero under Liu Zhi also waved his hand and rushed out with the undead troops prepared.

  As combat heroes, in addition to enhancing the power of the undead troops, they must also participate in the battle personally.

  Unlike some commanding heroes, there is no need to go to the front line in battle.

  This battle hero needs to go to the front line to fight in person, and he often has to rush to the forefront position.

  Unlike undead soldiers, if battle heroes are killed on the battlefield, they can be transferred to hero altars or taverns for resurrection.

  It's just that the experience of the hero is deducted proportionally, and all weapons and equipment are lost.

  This is nothing for the main battle hero or the main hero of the legion. After the resurrection, they will be replenished immediately.

  But for this kind of miscellaneous heroes, every death is a terrible thing, and a renewal of weapons and equipment means that their hard work for several years or more than ten years is wasted.

  So when these ordinary heroes are fighting, they will always find ways to play their best role and prevent themselves from fighting.

The same is true this time. The attacking battle hero is a zombie. He is taking an agile route that is rare among zombies. The weapon in his hand is not a machete or battle axe commonly used by zombies, but something like a pair of claws. .

  That is actually the attack method of ghouls, but as a zombie, it can also be used in this way.

  Speaking of which, the pair of claws in his hand is still a rare-level hero weapon, he chopped it down from the hands of a ghoul king in a mission.

After   , he specifically looked for the blacksmith's shop in the Hades, and specially made the ghoul's claws into hero equipment.

  In order to equip himself with this pair of claws, he also specially modified his body to some extent.

  For example, the tubes on his hands are a means to increase the speed of his swinging hands.

  At the same time, some green tubes in his chest are used to inject venom into his paws.

When    rushed forward with the team, the hero activated all his power.

  When he yelled, his body swelled rapidly, his gray skin turned into a strange green color, his upper body was full of muscles, and his whole body was like a tank, rushing towards the undead.

When    hit, he even knocked out a weird undead that was more than three meters high.

   Then he waved his hands again and again, every time his claw hits an undead, it will leave a green wound on that undead.

  The wound is strongly corrosive. Even if the enemy undead did not die under this blow, their bodies would quickly turn into green liquid.

  With this kind of battle hero leading, the forces under this hero are naturally also kind of open and close.

  They have temporarily enchanted weapons, led by battle heroes, and rushed into the enemy's team at one end.

  Although the enemy has a large number of undead, on the one hand, they are just undead who have just been resurrected.

  On the other hand, they also went through a scrubbing attack by spider artillery, and suffered a full range of spider infantry strikes.

After   , the number that can survive is not too much.

  The original tens of thousands of undead, now there are only a few thousand.

  Moreover, it is relatively scattered.

  The battle hero brought his subordinates but did not plan to act separately. They gathered together, and only after they killed the undead in one area, would they head to the next area.

  Although the attack speed will be slower than the spread attack, it is more efficient.

  One hour after the start of the battle, the opponent's number of undead has run out.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction, turned his head and said to the defensive hero who was still guarding the main entrance of the camp.

"After the battle is over, all the corpses of the opponent will be transported back to me, Spinning Spider Girl, and I will leave it to you next. I still need 5,000 spider troops, including 3,000 spider infantry and 1 spider artillery. Thousand, one thousand Spider Shield Guards."

  Liuzhi’s request did not exceed the limit of the Spider Girl Spinning. As long as the number of spider eggs is sufficient, this requirement is actually the amount of one day.

   "Yes, there is no problem, but sir, there seems to be something wrong with the yin in this underworld, do we want to..."

"I know there is a problem with Yin Qi in this underworld." Liu Zhi knew very well that if the Spider Girl Fangming was asked to speak, she would always be talking about it for the rest of the time, so when the Spider Girl Fangming asked questions. , Liu Zhi interrupted her.

   "But we must overcome this problem. This time the battlefield management is left to you. After the corpses that can be used are transported into the camp, you can clean up the corpses outside."

  "Okay, can I clean up whatever I want? Actually, I have always had several ideas. You must not know it, adults. Sometimes corpses are also useful.

  That’s what I think. These corpses can be used to grow something. Really, I didn’t intend to use these corpses to feed spiders. I am a druid, and planting is also my ability..."

  (End of this chapter)

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