Necromantic Myth

Chapter 973: release

   Chapter 973 Released

  As the coffin fell to the ground, the man was taken aback. Then he didn't care about Liu Zhi, so he jumped on the coffin on the spot. It can be seen that he valued the coffin quite seriously.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi immediately felt that the situation was a bit wrong, because the man did not grab the coffin, but pressed himself on the top of the coffin, as if preventing the coffin board from opening.

  Is it possible that there is something different to come out of it?

  An idea flashed in Liu Zhi's mind. When he couldn't even roll, he raised his hand and went down with a sword.

This sword has the power of Death Thunder, so the speed is obviously faster. At the position where Thor's Destruction Fang traverses, a small letter Z appears, and everything is concentrated on one point. , That is exactly the link between the previous and the next in this set of swordsmanship, Yongye Sword Curtain.

  As the whole sword stabbed, a trace of unwillingness flashed in the man's eyes, and then he shrank his body and pointed to Liu Zhi as if he wanted to say something.

  But Liu Zhi heard nothing, because the man disappeared in front of him like this.

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the man reacted quite quickly. He knew that the situation in front of him was not good for him, and he had even failed.

  In order to save his life, he simply gave up the mission and quit this game.

  After the man disappeared, the coffin forest also slowly disappeared. Except for the little fairies attracted by the Soul Eater staff, everything else seemed to disappear quickly in this game.

  No, in addition to the little fairies, the coffin that has been carried on the back by the man is still there.

  Ryuzhi was shocked, thinking of the man's decisiveness when he left the game, he felt that there was something wrong with it.

  It is impossible that there is a problem in this coffin. The man left the game not because of him, but because he could not control the coffin.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, without saying a word, beckoned to the Eye of Soul Eater, activated the Star Beacon, and prepared to leave.

  But at this moment, the coffin suddenly exploded with a bang, and a large amount of blue liquid poured out of the coffin.

  Ryuzhi's transmission was directly interrupted, and at the same time he felt that his level and the breath of the underworld were rapidly weakening.

  Ryuzhi thought of the previous situation where the magic failed, and he instantly understood that this was the characteristic of that divine corpse.

  It's just that this corpse has become this faint blue corpse fluid, and this thing is out of control.

   Although I don’t know what the final effect of this liquid is, Liu Zhi clearly feels that his experience, level, and attributes are weakening.

  This is to make all the extraordinary effects disappear. This extraordinary effect also includes the environment and the player's level.

   "How could that guy make such a monster."

  Riuzhi said as he flew into the air.

  Yagiji moved here, and the faint blue liquid also chased Liu Zhi. Although the thing could not fly, it quickly flowed in the direction where Liu Zhi flew.

  As long as this dark blue liquid passes through, everything in the vicinity, such as the environment, will rapidly weaken and become the most common situation.

  The blue liquid is slowly becoming more and more because it has swallowed the extraordinary power.

  Although it is not very obvious, it can be seen that every time the extraordinary breath of a place disappears completely, the faint blue liquid will be 10% more.

  It didn't take long for Liu Zhi to fly, and he felt a strong breath coming from a certain direction.

  The breath is the breath of the undead, and at the same time there is a trace of divinity in it.

  Yagiji looked in that direction, as if it was exactly where the diamond location had been before.

  Ryuzhi never expected that there was a divine presence in that position.

  If the players outside knew about this, they would definitely go crazy toward the diamond area.

  As for everything in the golden zone, it will have no meaning to them.

  At this moment, an icy blue light flew from the diamond area.

  The moving speed was quite fast, and in a blink of an eye, the light passed by Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi noticed that what flew past was a giant dragon. The giant dragon was silver-white with silver scales on its body and sharp dragon horns on its head.

  Although the scales and body of this giant dragon are very plump, full of vitality and vitality.

  But from the faint blue eyes of the giant dragon, it can be seen that this is a corpse dragon.

  Liu Zhi was shocked. As a necromancer, Liu Zhi knew the status of dragons, especially undead dragons.

  Otherwise, as long as it is an undead dragon, even a fake undead dragon made of animal bones, it will start at level 5.

   A complete corpse dragon like the one in front of me is definitely more than level 10 existence, and the divine aura just now, the corpse dragon in front of me may have a level 15 level.

  With Ryuzhi's current strength, it is not that difficult to challenge this corpse dragon.

  And Liu Zhi didn't believe that this corpse dragon was the core of the diamond area.

  Maybe this corpse dragon is just the gatekeeper of that area?

  Think about the Duke of Dragon before the plane of Id, and think about the dragon knight that Ryuzhi met in the twisted world before. Raising a dragon is not too difficult.

  As long as there is enough time, any dragon can be raised.

  Yuzhi hasn't finished thinking about it yet, and there are three similar auras passing through the diamond area, and three silver corpse dragons that are obviously smaller than one circle fly by.

  Like the giant corpse dragon before, these three silver corpse dragons have no shadow of any undead on their bodies except that their eyes have the light of ghosts.

  After the three corpse dragons flew past, soon another group of troops flew past Liu Zhi.

  This group of troops is finally no longer corpse dragons, but some humanoid creatures with dragon horns and dragon wings.

  I have seen this kind of humanoid creature Liu Zhi. They are a kind of dragon people, a subspecies created by dragons in order to serve themselves.

  They usually serve and fight for dragons, help them clean scales, make food, and even take care of dragon eggs.

  It can be said that these dragons are relatively trusted creatures of dragons.

  The dragon men in front of them are obviously the subordinates of the silver corpse dragon before. They are the same as the silver corpse dragon, with silver scales on their bodies, and their eyes are flashing with the ghost fire of the undead.

After the dragon man flew past, Liu Zhi finally stopped. He turned his head and looked in the direction where the silver corpse dragon was flying. He found four corpse dragons of various sizes, spraying a kind of corpse dragon against the faint blue liquid. The breath like ice and snow.

  (End of this chapter)

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