Necromantic Myth

Chapter 974: beat

  Chapter 974 Defeat

  As the silver corpse dragon began to spit cold ice, Liu Zhi noticed that the silver dragon man had also rushed into the battlefield.

  The weapons in their hands looked like spears, following the breath of the silver corpse dragon, smashing the frozen things into fist-sized pieces.

  Liu Zhi noticed that under the ice, there was a faint blue liquid.

After    was smashed, the liquid seemed to want to struggle, but it was constantly attacked by the silver corpse dragon.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi felt that these silver corpse dragons seemed to be supported by the underworld. Every time they breathed, a large amount of yin energy would be injected into the silver corpse dragon's body to strengthen the silver corpse dragon's strength.

  This enhancement of Yin Qi and the elimination of the previous dark blue liquid are almost the opposite of the two effects.

  It can be said that just now, the underworld has already analyzed the situation of the dark blue liquid, and has figured out a corresponding way.

  At this time, Liu Zhi couldn't help but feel tight. Is the task of this game really that simple?

  This underworld is clearly an independent space with the existence of gods. It is such a world, but there is no way to invade the real world. Players need to come to help through missions. This shows how terrifying the real world outside is.

  In his heart, Liu Zhi has already begun to revise his judgment on this world. He originally thought that bronze, silver, and gold were just guiding items for players to enter the game.

  Now it seems that this is really not the case.

  The world in front of me was set up for the Necromancer to upgrade to level 5 and to advance to the death lord class. Then the bronze level corresponds to a force with level 5 strength.

  Silver level should correspond to a level 10 master. Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of this. How could he pick such a place for a while.

  The gold rank should correspond to the 15th rank, that is, the existence that is ready to open the path to the myth. With this kind of power, Liu Zhi can't deal with it at all.

  The corpse dragons that flew over from the diamond area just now proved that there is definitely a formal myth-level existence in the diamond area, not like Liu Zhi, who has a little bit of divinity.

  Not to mention others, just look at the divinity carried by these silver corpse dragons, and you can see how powerful the existence of that myth level is.

  "Why would I make such a choice?"

  Liu Zhi asked himself in his heart, why he had a brain twitch and chose the most troublesome place as his base.

  But a choice has been made, then some things have to be faced.

  When the silver corpse dragon and the blue liquid fought together, Liu Zhi flew towards the place where he had fought with the man before.

  The blue liquid is more terrifying, but the man can trap him in the coffin and use it. It can be seen that the coffin is somewhat useful.

   flew to the location where the coffin had exploded before, and Liu Zhi quickly searched for it.

   Soon he noticed that the coffin cover that had been blown up before.

  Turning the lid of the coffin over, Liu Zhi noticed that it was engraved with various lines.

  Liu Zhi has also learned a lot in the past ten years, but he can only recognize a few of the lines on this.

  Most of these lines are enchanted magic lines. Liu Zhi himself is not proficient in enchanting. He can only recognize that they have a strong and defense-enhancing effect.

  Looking at the lid of the coffin, Liu Zhi's eyes were filled with puzzles. Can you shut down the faint blue liquid with this one?

  But when I went to check it again, Liu Zhi couldn't find out anything. Instead, he found the bronze flag that was inserted on the coffin before.

  Although it was blown up in the big explosion, the flag was not damaged at all, and even the mud was smeared on it.

  Holding this flag with gears and bones, Yanagi has guessed what kind of guiding props the man used when entering the game.

  When Liu Zhi picked up the banner, there was a ding sound in his ear.

【Ding! Repel a bronze flag guardian, grab the opponent's flag, and get 1 point. 】

  This information made Liu Zhi also stunned. Is this a bronze battle flag worth 1 point, or is it 1 point for all battle flags?

Just as Liu Zhi was puzzled, he noticed a situation. When the bronze battle flag fell into his hands, an aperture was formed around him. With the bronze battle flag as the center, it spread out within a range of 1 km. The anger is not so strong.

  This discovery made Liu Zhi a little surprised. He thought about it and stretched his hand forward, and the silver battle flag that was given to him before appeared in his hand.

  Liu Zhi raised the silver battle flag and looked at the surrounding situation very seriously. He found that holding the silver battle flag in his hand did not seem to have much effect.

   What should be the Yin Qi nearby, or how.

  "Is it only after defeating other flag guards that the effects on this battle flag can be activated?"

  Ryuzhi has some judgments in his mind. If this is the case, then this game has imposed some restrictions on all players from the beginning.

  The real goal of this game is to make everyone fight each other.

  For a while, Liu Zhi also fell into contemplation here.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly heard a dragon roar.

  He turned his head and looked at the direction where the silver corpse dragon was fighting with the blue liquid in the distance.

  He found that there was only one corpse dragon flying in the sky at this time. The body of the corpse dragon was covered with blue liquid. It could be seen that this liquid was eroding the body of the corpse dragon.

  The corpse dragon was constantly twisting, trying to shake off the faint blue liquid.

  But no matter how much the liquid was shaken, it kept sticking to the body of the dragon.

  Seeing such a situation, Liu Zhi was secretly thankful that he had not been stained by this faint blue liquid, otherwise he would be the one who was unlucky now.

  Yagiji felt that the faint liquid is likely to be an enemy to face in the future, so he released a few eyes of the sky, wanting to observe how to deal with this in the past.

  Unexpectedly, the eye of the sky would fly over there, and it was because of the influence of the blue liquid that it was destroyed because of the influence of the blue liquid.

  In the last lens sent by Eye of the Sky, Liu Zhi saw something.

  The faint blue liquid actually didn't have much lethal power, and he did not intend to **** the body of the corpse dragon, but the faint blue liquid had the effect of destroying all magic.

  The corpse dragon was resurrected by magic. After losing the magic, the powerful corpse dragon is just a corpse.

   Having discovered this, Liu Zhi flashed a few thoughts about dealing with the blue liquid, but before Liu Zhi made a choice, some changes took place on the battlefield over there.

  (End of this chapter)

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