Necromantic Myth

Chapter 976: Battle on the glacier

  Chapter 976 Battle on the Glacier

  Amanite is more attentive than Liu Zhi's other subordinates in doing things. Just a few explanations, Liu Zhi knows the general situation in front of him.

  When Liu Zhi entered the underworld, they encountered attacks from all around.

This kind of attack is similar to the situation that Liu Zhi encountered when setting up a camp in the underworld. It is a test of this game for players to camp. After passing the player, they can camp and grow in the place of their choice. If not, the player will lose. The chance of this game.

  It's just that Ryuzhi and the others are playing a little big.

  On this glacier continent, Liu Zhi released a small sun.

  The solar ship in the sky envelops an area with a radius of 3,000 meters, and the temperature in the entire area has significantly increased by about ten degrees.

  In this area, the ice and snow have begun to melt.

  This kind of change also attracted the attention of some nearby forces. When the troops arranged in the game came to attack the plague camp, two forces also launched an attack on the plague camp at the same time.

  One of the forces came from the golden area.

It is a huge snow beast force. The snow beasts are more than five meters high and have white fur on their bodies. They look a bit like humans. They have a pair of sharp horns and thick arms. Like a gorilla, when walking, the arm will support the ground.

  It is precisely for this reason that this snow beast can easily run on the ground glacier and snow, and can even jump to a certain height and attack other people from top to bottom.

The number of them is not very large. When they came here this time, there were about 80, but when they were running, they were obviously divided into teams. These snow beasts often act in groups of five. It looks like they should be. There is a system.

  The location where they appeared was exactly where the Deathbone Legion went to explore the way.

  The Deathbone Legion did not immediately notice that an enemy was attacking the plague camp. They were still exploring the way forward under the leadership of their own commander.

  It is precisely for this reason that the Deathbone Legion uses the Pathfinder mode, and all the sharp-eyed skeleton soldiers are sent out.

   And this snow beast troop suddenly appeared, directly hitting the position of the middle army of the Dead Bone Legion.

  The Deathbone Legion is all composed of skeleton soldiers. Generally speaking, the Chinese army is the position of the main hero, and the commander has his own privileges and skills.

  He can quickly exchange the troops controlled by the hero.

   can correspond to every situation, allowing each hero and organization to exert the greatest combat power.

At this time, the Deathbone Legion is in the path-finder mode, so most of the moving speed is fast, and all the troops that are far away are placed outside. On the Chinese side, they are all slow-moving troops, and there are some heavy-load attacks. City forces.

  As for the mages and archers, those will not appear in the Chinese army. They will be transported with the supplies on the side of the logistics unit. They will arrive after the troops are camped, and they can directly enter the rest or battle.

  So when these snow beasts appeared on the side of the Chinese army, the Chinese army was full of troops such as skeleton swordsmen, skeleton spearmen, and skeleton shield guards.

  The appearance of the snow beasts broke a group of skeleton soldiers on their way into pieces at the first time.

   did exactly the same thing, let the commander react, he quickly sent a signal, and the three heroes beside him rushed out directly.

  This is the normal combat method of the Deathbone Legion. Among the ten heroes of the Deathbone Legion, all are commanders. The remaining nine heroes are usually like a nanny with an unfamiliar organization.

  Only when the commander needs it, the appropriate troops will be placed in their hands in the shortest time, so that they can achieve certain goals.

  And I have to say that the commander’s vision and determination have been correct over the years, and each time these heroes can accurately make these heroes easy to accomplish the corresponding task.

  The same is true this time. The three heroes were each assigned to seven formation units, one in front and two in the back rushing towards the snow beast.

  The hero who rushed to the front was an eagle warrior transformed into a ceremonial skeleton. Of course, this hero was already an official eagle warrior when he was spawned from the tavern.

  The men he leads have a very good strengthening effect on jungle battles and spear battles.

  This time the hero got an order. Under the command of the commander, he led the seven teams of skeleton soldiers and quickly rushed to the snow beasts.

  The skeleton soldiers he brought here were all the skeleton soldiers of the Eagle Samurai type with faster moving speed and shooting speed.

  The levels of these skeleton soldiers are all around level 5, and the equipment on hand is all the best and most suitable for them.

Even among the seven teams of skeleton soldiers, there is a team of skeleton swordsmen who have been specially trained in the Bekasa Sword Hall to master the Z-shaped secret sword, and there are even genius masters who have mastered the Eternal Night Sword. .

  The role of these troops is only one, and that is to draw the attention of those Xue Beasts.

  Because in the Chinese army, in addition to the main force, there are a large number of siege devices. If these attacks are destroyed by the snow beasts, then if you really encounter some cities in the future, it will not be so easy to fight.

  When these skeleton soldiers rushed out, they naturally divided into seven teams. Each team automatically picked five snow beasts and fought those snow beasts head-on.

  Their attack power is quite high, no matter whether they use a spear or a thin stabbing sword, they will hurt those snow beasts every time.

  The snow beasts were still there waving their arms to kill them. When they were attacked like this, their eyes naturally shifted to these skeleton soldiers.

  The snow beasts roared and smashed at the skeleton soldiers with their arms raised.

  They moved very hard, and their arms looked like meteor hammers wrapped in ice. As long as they were smashed down, they could smash four or five skeleton soldiers into bone meal.

  But those heroes didn't care at all. They all saw that these snow beasts looked tall and powerful.

  But their level is almost between 3-4.

  Instead, they are skeleton soldiers, each of whom has level 5 or higher strength.

  They just didn't react at first, and there was an enemy who could attack from the sky.

  After reacting now, their respective abilities plus their number can easily be blocked by these snow beasts.

It’s just that these snow beasts have thick skins, a lot of blood, and fur on them, and they can also release wind and snow attacks from time to time. This drags down the battle, otherwise the skeleton soldiers under the Eagle Warrior Heroes can take them all It's solved.

   Just as the two heroes behind led the team to surround the snow beasts, the ground suddenly shook.

  (End of this chapter)

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