Necromantic Myth

Chapter 977: intelligence

  Chapter 977 Information

  Behind the snow beast, a large number of icicles sprang out from the ground, and a huge snow beast that could swallow the snow beast one by one sprang out from the ground. On this snow beast, there were several snow beasts lying on their stomachs.

  Different from the previous snow beasts, these snow beasts are significantly larger, and at the same time they have something more similar to armor.

  This kind of armor is made of white bones, and it looks like an enemy killed by these snow beasts.

  After this batch of snow beasts sprang out, it directly caused a reaction from the Deathbone Legion. The skeleton soldiers who had already surrounded the snow beasts spread out quickly.

   Following the two groups of skeleton soldiers, one of them is specially controlled.

  Naturally, these skeleton soldiers do not use weapons such as chains and hooks like zombies and stitch monsters. They use a relatively lightweight fishing net.

  This kind of fishing net is made of metal wire and human hair, and uses various enchanting effects, and its toughness is no worse than the iron chain on the side of the zombie or the suture monster.

  The most important thing is that this kind of fishing net is just one piece.

  As long as you get entangled by this thing, you can’t get rid of it unless you burn it with fire.

  Looking at the snow worm and snow beast rushing out, these controlling skeleton soldiers were the first to take action.

  They threw out the fishing nets in their hands. After three fishing nets were thrown, they took out a bottle-like thing from behind and threw them at the snow beasts surrounded by the fishing nets.

  Those bottles were very thin. After being thrown out, they exploded on the spot, and liquids of various colors poured out all around. After a while, a huge bubble mountain was formed, trapping the snow beasts inside.

  At this time, the last batch of skeleton soldiers also rushed over.

  This batch of skeleton soldiers is very similar to the first set of skeleton soldiers, they are all attacking skeleton soldiers.

  It’s just that the first batch is based on agility, and this batch is based on strength.

  It is precisely for this reason that they sometimes fail to defeat the enemy, so they need someone to help them trap the enemy.

  And when the enemy is trapped, these power-type skeleton soldiers are useful. Most of these skeleton soldiers use battle axes or two-handed epees.

  They all have the effect of beheading.

  These snow beasts are already trapped in front of them, so this group of power-type skeleton soldiers naturally used their own big moves.

  The skeleton soldiers rushing in the front use a two-handed epee. They have learned something from the decapitator. Although they can't directly kill the enemy like the decapitator, they still have considerable research on the enemy's weakness.

  Although the snow beast is called a beast, it actually exists in human form. Such an enemy can be cut directly from the neck.

  These skeleton soldiers did the same. The two-handed epee in their hands slashed directly at the neck of the snow beast.

  It's just that they don't have the strength of the decapitator, and the decapitator's decapitator sword can cut down even a giant dragon.

  They faced this snow beast, which was more than five meters high, but there was no way to chop off the neck directly like a decapitator.

  Although the two-handed epee they used were all made of stainless steel and had enchantments such as sharp on them, this sword could only cause serious injuries to those snow beasts.

  Fortunately, at this time, the skeleton soldier holding a battle axe rushed out.

  They are different from the skeleton soldiers with two-handed epees. These skeleton soldiers do not learn the ability to beheaded.

  The battle axe they use is the heaviest weapon among all skeleton soldiers. What they learn is to slash the enemy's skull head-on.

  This is the characteristic of these Tomahawk skeletons, they are used to being positive.

  And these tomahawk skeletons will be larger than normal skeletons. If you insist on comparison, you can think of them as berserkers or barbarians in the skeleton soldiers.

When the epee skeleton chopped off the snow beast's head in half, the tomahawk skeleton's attack just happened. Their axe was cut on the forehead of the snow beast. This is where the tomahawk skeleton likes to cut. .

As soon as    was cut down, it happened to be cut into the skull of the snow beast.

  In the next instant, a power like ice came out from the skull of the snow beast.

  Those battle axe skeletons let go on the spot, let go of the huge battle axe, and at the same time, Shuang pulled out two small axes from his waist and slashed at the snow beast.

  It's just that they actually don't have this need anymore. Those Snow Beasts have already died under their previous attacks, and the cold air that comes out is just the last blow of the Snow Beasts.

  After killing these snow beasts, the commander of the Deathbone Legion checked the situation while sending a man back to the plague camp to report.

  At this time, the Plague Camp knew that the Deathbone Legion had encountered such a situation.

It’s just that Liu Zhi was not there at the time. Amanite also hesitated and issued an order to the Death Bone Legion not to come back, but to ask them to find out where the Snow Beasts came from. Where is their gathering place.

  After having a goal, the Deathbone Legion moved quickly, and quickly found something.

  It's just that the plague camp at that time was considered to have encountered the biggest crisis since the camp was established, and Amanite didn't have time to pay attention to them. Now the Dead Bone Legion is still waiting for news at the snow beast's site.

  As for the battle at the Plague Camp, Amnet didn't give much introduction.

   just encountered three waves of beasts attacked, these beasts are unique beasts on the glacier, it seems that there are some dragon beasts in it.

  The first wave of attacks came from the sky, the second wave of attacks came from the sky and the ground, and the third wave of attacks had underground attacks in place.

  In order to cope with these three waves of attacks, Amanite can be regarded as calling all the troops left by Ryuzhi, and then killing those enemies.

  On the contrary, the two legions were not affected because they were sent out. I don’t know if this is a good thing.

  After killing the enemy, Amanit followed the enemy’s source to trace the past, and soon found several hidden forces in this area.

  Now that the intelligence of these forces has been processed, just wait for Liu Zhi to come and check it.

Looking at the pieces of information sent by Amanite, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction. It was really good to have a subordinate doing something. If you need to check it yourself, it will definitely become like the situation in the underworld. In the end, it will be with some unknown people. The enemy fought.

  Where will it be like now, you can carefully look at the intelligence of these forces to judge which ones can be wooed and which ones need to be fought.

   Looking at the information in his hand, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction. The information was quite detailed. There are records on where the enemy is, how many people there are, and how strong it is.

  Yiu Zhi was about to say something, he couldn't help but stunned, because he saw a piece of information, and it seemed something was wrong.

  (End of this chapter)

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