Necromantic Myth

Chapter 978: The enemy is a spirit sucker

  Chapter 978 The enemy is a spirit sucker

  Because of fear of misreading the situation, Liu Zhi turned the information over and read it twice, finally he raised his head and asked.

   "Is there any error in the intelligence of this force?"

  Amanet was a little puzzled, so she took a look, and then her brows wrinkled.

   "It looks like something is wrong."

  There are several credible words written on the document, but for some reason, there are only a few detailed pens about the situation of the force, and it is mostly written with some guesses or thoughts.

  There are many habits in it that are not the habits of Liu Zhi's undead.

  The undead have a bit of culture, but there are many times when they can’t write words.

  Not to mention that these credible words in front of them carry a kind of seductive power, which makes people involuntarily believe that what they see is the truth.

  In fact, if it weren’t for Ryuzhi himself as a master of soul, and soul extraction is close to the level of myth, he might also unconsciously believe in all this.

  Now this thing is the biggest flaw, and Armanet, who was awakened by Liu Zhi, looked serious. She took the information that was given to Liu Zhi, and prepared to re-investigate the neighborhood.

  After Armanet retreated, Ryuzhi also temporarily relaxed.

  Although it has been attacked by the herd, in any case, the plague camp has already taken root.

  Most of the buildings arranged by Liu Zhi had already been built, and they were placed in the pestilence barrel beside the building, and green mist began to gush out continuously.

  The influence of these green mists is getting larger and larger, and will eventually envelope the entire camp, making the camp more suitable for the life of the undead troops.

  As for the environment on this glacier, that is not something that Liu Zhi needs to consider at all, and Liu Zhi has another task, which is to introduce the underworld to the real world.

  The plague camp in front of him at least reached the basic standards required by Liu Zhi.

  It can also be seen from this point that, apart from the error in the information, Amanite is fairly qualified.

   "My lord, it has been found out."

  While Ryuzhi was checking the details in the camp, Amanette drove back in a sun carriage.

  Because there was a problem with the subordinates sent out before, this time Amanite went to check the situation in person.

  At the speed of the sun carriage, Amanite was not found at all, so she saw a very strange situation at the previous location.

  All the things written on the data are wrong. What looks like a simple beast, what is the nest under the ice cave, there is simply the most terrifying place in this area.

That force is about 30 kilometers away from the location where Liu Zhi chose to build the plague camp, but there are icebergs between them. If you want to come over, you must either fly or bypass some paths, so come normally. Said that this force is not the main enemy that Liu Zhi and the others need to face.

  But the intelligence brought by Amanite made Ryuzhi see another situation.

  The base of that force was a ship that was frozen in a glacier. The ship was half biological and half wooden.

The entire ship looks like a wooden sailboat that has been assimilated by a huge octopus. In the first half of the ship, at least seven or eight octopus tentacles are waving. Two of those tentacles have stretched out of the glacier, which can slightly Active.

  Amanite suspected that these two tentacles were the real reason why Liu Zhi's men sent false information back.


  When Amanite was talking about intelligence, Ryuji drew on the snow on the ground.

   Soon he drew the patterns he had imagined, and Amanite nodded to the side, "That’s it, by the way, there seems to be something wrong here, here..."

  Under Amarnet’s modification, Ryuuji drew the boat's pattern.

  After drawing, he stood up and took a look. At first, he just wanted to take a look at where the ship would attack better.

  But now, looking at it this way, Liu Zhi's face has also become a little serious.

   "No wonder there will be false news. This is a star ship of the spirit sucker. It seems that we have encountered the spirit sucker."

  Spirit sucker?

  Amanite was taken aback for a moment, and he also had a judgment in his heart. For more than ten years, Liu Zhi has been studying hard, and various materials have been sent to him through the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group.

  So no matter from the perspective or the mind, Liu Zhi has improved, and he will understand many things relatively well.

  Especially after he discovered his own problems, he even deliberately learned about the enemies of the soul.

  Ryuzhi is very clear that it is either the power of the soul or the power of the soul to change people's hearts.

  So Liu Zhi will pay more attention to the spirit sucker.

  Now Liu Zhi can naturally see the astral battleship of the spirit sucking monster at a glance.

   "It seems that the target of this area is these spirit suckers. Get ready to fight."

After judging the situation, Liu Zhi also had a plan in his mind.

  After all, Liu Zhi already knows what's the situation of the other party. Even in the glacier, the spirit sucker can't change their nature, so if you want to deal with the spirit sucker, then sending out a brainless skeleton soldier is the best choice.

   "Move the Deathbone Legion back, he will arrange other people to stare at it first."

  Liu Zhi quickly gave the order, and Liu Zhi couldn't believe it. Without a brain, how could the spirit sucker affect the hearts of others.

   Then Liu Zhi began to give new orders. Under this order, one after another troops and heroes quickly gathered towards the plague camp.

  At the same time, Yanagi and Amanite began to decompose the details of the task.

  Yiu Zhi understands that if you want to deal with this kind of enemy that can affect the hearts of others, then you can't tell your subordinates about your battle goals.

  This requires Liu Zhi to break down the entire task to people. Everyone can only know one or two tasks, and the overall command can only be in Liu Zhi's hands.

  This is the first time Liu Zhi has commanded such a big battle. Many things must be arranged by Liu Zhi himself.

   Soon one after another army was given the corresponding order, some under the leadership of the hero, and some were sent to the designated position to do something they couldn't understand.

  After sending all the troops out, the Deathbone Legion just rushed back.

The commander of the Deathbone Legion saw Liu Zhi and said, "My lord, we are back, what shall we do now?"

   "It's very simple. Your troops will attack the spirit sucker head-on. This time you will be the main force in the mission. Let me take a look at the strength of your legion."

  (End of this chapter)

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