Necromantic Myth

Chapter 985: A player trapped for three hundred years

  Chapter 985 A player trapped for three hundred years

  Liu Zhi shot with a sword, and the world instantly turned black and white. No matter what kind of ability the guy who looked like a spirit sucker had, he couldn't even move under this blow.

  At this time, Liu Zhi clearly saw the expression on his face. There seemed to be a look of fear on his face, but there was a trace of relief in his eyes.

  It is as if someone who has been trapped for many years has been released.

  When Thor’s Destruction Fang pierced his forehead, he still had time to say thank you to Liu Zhi.

   Then Liu Zhi suddenly felt a movement in his heart, a kind of spiritual power was transmitting something.

  Ryuzhi hesitated, looked at the soul dissipating in front of him, and finally decided to let the spiritual power send things in.

  As soon as he touched that thing, Liu Zhi heard a hoarse voice ringing in his heart.

   "If you can't beat it, you will run away. If you can't escape, you will leave this game. If you really can't live without it, you will find a way to die. Don't fall into the hands of any forces in this world."

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then a lot of memories poured in like a tide.

   Then Liu Zhi got the memory of a necromancer who was close to level 4 and level 5 from this memory.

  He came to this game world three hundred years ago to participate in the Necromancer promotion.

  The player's ability is a stitch monster, he can stitch the most useful parts of other creatures to himself without any obstacles.

   And his next part is soul stitching. At that time, he can stitch the powerful souls of other creatures to his own soul.

  He had already done this step, even more in some aspects.

   But everything changed because he accidentally discovered the astral battleship of the spirit sucker when he was about to leave the game.

  I don’t know if the game was designed this way on purpose or for what reason.

  After players successfully reach their goals, they often encounter something they just want.

  At this time, if the players will not be moved by these things, then it’s okay. Players can leave safely with the things they got in this game.

  But if the player's heart is moved, it will take his own life to fight it.

  The player finally failed. He originally wanted to grab the soul of the spirit sucker.

  Because as a psychic, the soul of the spirit sucker is always very strong, and his profession is about to stitch the soul after 5th level, so this player hopes to get a stronger soul as a base.

  But he was finally controlled by the spirit sucker and became the research material and experimental object of the spirit sucker. He was trapped here for three hundred years.

  Even if he wants to go back to the back hand he had arranged before by dying, there is no way.

  Mind Master’s spirit suckers can affect his mind.

Under the control of the mind, he could not even commit suicide, let alone other actions. He could only watch, his body and soul were cut into one piece after another, and then combined with his power again. stand up.

  In the past three hundred years, he has been regretting why he chose such a path. He wants to be a death lord honestly, instead of trying to sew all his subordinates on himself.

  This time Liu Zhi killed him, which was regarded as giving him a way out.

  After he died, although all the things he got in this battle were gone, the back hand he had arranged before could be activated, and he could start again in other places and start over.

  In a few years, he is still a player.

  And with his original memory, he will grow quite quickly, and it may not take long before he can restore his strength to the original level.

  Rather than being trapped here all the time.

  For this, in addition to a thank you, he also left something for Liu Zhi.

After looking at the player's memory, Liu Zhi checked what the player said and left behind.

  This player really left something for Liu Zhi.

  As mentioned before, this player took the route of stitching monsters. Before level 5, he stitched the body, so that the best part of the corpse could be added to him.

   And basically after reaching level 4, the number of parts he can sew on his body is no longer limited, and at that time, he began to turn to the strengthening of the soul.

  In order to stitch the soul, he also has some research in the direction of the soul.

  Of course, it is definitely not based on stitching the soul at the beginning, but it must be to strengthen and refine the soul part.

  So this player left two skills for Liu Zhi.

   [Soul Strengthening Level 4: Strengthen oneself or the soul in the hand, the strengthening direction includes but not limited to soul growth, soul adjustment, etc. 】

   [Soul Refinement Level 4: Strengthen some details of the soul, including but not limited to the eyes, arms and other positions of the soul. 】

  For Liu Zhi, these two skills can only be regarded as enhancements in some details. He has nothing to do with his own soul. As for changing the soul of his subordinates, there is no need.

  After taking a look at the situation of these two skills, Liu Zhi didn't think much about it.

  Instead, he found a clue that there is a set of skills in soul strengthening, all of which come from a basic skill.

  This basic skill is called Soul Control.

  This is a situation that Liu Zhi did not notice.

  For so many years, Liu Zhi has been strengthening soul extraction, but he has never found the true source of soul power.

   And his subordinates are studying various skills, and he doesn't know why, so he hasn't studied this aspect all the time.

  Now that Liu Zhi discovered this, he found that he was actually not sure how far away from the Soul Control skill.

   shook his head helplessly, Liu Zhi has no way to learn this skill for the time being, so he can only put it aside.

  He looked at the player's memory twice again.

  Especially some details, for example, the player actually encountered these spirit suckers after successfully reaching level 5.

  At that time, he happened to be on this ice sheet. At that time, he planned to bring back some biological corpses on this ice sheet. After all, these corpses obviously strengthened him.

  At that time, he happened to see the astral battleship of the spirit sucking monster bursting out of the air, chasing a few giant dragons behind.

  He watched the process of the astral battleship being shot down. At that time, he had already determined that the opponent was a spirit sucker.

  At that time, he just wanted to have a new soul base, so he hit the idea on the spirit sucker.

  And Liu Zhi noticed a detail. The player encountered the spirit sucker not when he successfully advanced to level 5, but when he advanced to level 5 and felt that he had no need to stay here.

  (End of this chapter)

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