Necromantic Myth

Chapter 986: Processing site

  Chapter 986 Dealing with the scene

  Such a discovery surprised Liu Zhi. He didn't expect the whole situation to be like this.

  At the same time, he also checked the player's memory, and he found that the mission three hundred years ago was not much different from the current mission.

  Although the situation falls on everyone's heads differently, their goal is all to bring something from the underworld to the real world.

  This made Liu Zhi a little skeptical, what happened to this world, how many games I didn’t know in three hundred years, how could this planet have not been transformed into the underworld.

  Liu Zhi who didn't understand this point couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't plan to think about it anymore. From the lessons of this player, it can be seen that there are some things that can't be done carefully.

  Liu Zhi intends to complete the promotion by himself, and leave as soon as he completes a few tasks.

  Don’t stay here any longer.

   With this thought, Liu Zhi suppressed the thought in his heart, he fell to the star battleship of the spirit sucker and pointed at this position.

   "Drag me this battleship out of the ice."

  At this time, Liu Zhi arranged to go out to deal with the undead forces of other nearby forces and just rushed over.

  Don’t look at these troops just rushing over now, in fact, they are the biggest heroes in this battle.

  If it weren't for them, they would clean up the nearby snowy creatures one step in advance.

  Finally, the psychic fluctuations of the spirit sucker elder will draw all the snowy creatures here.

   At that time, whether it is acting as a body of the spirit sucker, or directly eliciting the tide of beasts, it can change the entire battle.

  But those snowy creatures were cleaned up in advance, and the spirit sucker elders were not necromancers. They had no way to call the snowy creature's corpses to help themselves, and they never even thought that Liu Zhi would use such a method.

  Be aware that this is not a group of beasts or two, but all the snow biomes nearby.

  The spirit sucker has been here for so many years, and has not been able to swallow all the snowy creatures here. At most, it can only bring the most powerful ones here.

  Or place some back players in their ethnic group.

  Based on their thoughts, they would never have thought that someone could take action at the same time and clean up these snowy creatures in a short time.

   But Ryuzhi did it, so the spirit sucker failed.

  After finishing all this, the undead under Liu Zhi rushed to this side under the order of Liu Zhi.

  And Liu Zhi did not praise these heroes. The dead do not need morale.

  Ragi directly asked them to drag the star battleship out of the ice.

  These undead also acted quickly under the order of Liu Zhi. They did not directly drag the astral battleship out. This thing can be sealed here for three hundred years, it is certainly not a simple reason.

  The undead under Liu Zhi simply started from under the glacier, sculpting the thick ice layer a little bit.

This is a kind of hard work. The spirit suckers at the beginning also thought of using this method, but the number of creatures they controlled was insufficient, and they couldn't really use this trick to slow down, even they tried to smash the ice. The speed of the layer is not as fast as the snow falling down.

  So they gave up in the end, as long as the entrances and exits of the Astral Battleship were not sealed by ice.

  But Ryuzhi is different here. For the undead, there is no need for rest or the like.

  He can arrange for the undead to work like this forever.

  At the same time, the undead under Liu Zhi's are all very strong, and Liu Zhi also brought a group of heroes.

  These heroes also have their own abilities.

  So soon the ice layer was taken apart a lot, exposing a lot of the astral warships inside.

  At this time, Liu Zhi didn't let his subordinates go to dismantle the astral battleship, but flew in front of the astral battleship.

"This warship is stuck in the ice for a certain distance. It is unrealistic to forcibly dig out the ice. Although we can do it, we need to invest a lot of troops here. Let's switch to another one. By the way, we dismantled the ship and took out the ship little by little.

  With my strength, I can rebuild this kind of ship as long as I have seen the drawings. "

  Under the order of Ryuzhi, the undead who were cutting the ice quickly changed the way of action.

  A part of the undead has climbed onto the astral battleship, where they are studying how to open the door of the astral battleship.

   Soon the door of the Astral Battleship was opened, and Liu Zhi, who was notified, flew up immediately.

When    landed on the deck directly in front of the Astral Battleship, Liu Zhi noticed that the battleship did not look like it was made of wood. This thing looked a bit woody on the surface, but in fact this should be the result of the crystallization of the biological shell.

  It's just that these things look like wood.

  Yiuzhi touched the things on the ground, and couldn't help but have a little doubt. What kind of situation is this?

  Is it possible that I finally got the ship out and couldn’t get the materials to repair it?

  Yagiji thought while looking around.

  This astral battleship is not too big, the overall length is 60 meters long, but the height is not low, the entire astral battleship is divided into six layers.

   On the front deck, there is an entrance that looks like a grid. The entrance feels like a creature's eyelids, which are tightly closed.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi is also a little speechless.

  He didn't expect to encounter such a situation. This is not something that can be done by shipbuilding, but a magical method.

  It can be seen that when you reach the myth level, various deputy positions will be related to other skills. It is impossible to master one skill and get everything done like before.

  Instead, there are many times when you need to learn a lot of new knowledge.

  Like last time, if Liu Zhi hadn't mastered a considerable level of gemstone knowledge, he would not have been able to build a mythical solar boat.

  The other two methods of making ships that Yanagiji mastered have not yet produced a mythical ship, and it is precisely for this reason.

  Otherwise, with Yanji's shipbuilding skills, there is no reason to only build a mythical solar ship.

  The star battleship in front of him uses magic methods unique to spirit suckers. Although Liu Zhi is a necromancer, he still doesn't know much about these methods.

  He guessed that these entrances were all mentally controlled by the spirit sucker, and when the spirit sucker thought, these doors would open by themselves.

  But Liu Zhi did not have such ability. He turned a half circle near the star battleship and pointed to a position.

   "Pry open from here. This is a core point of the main structure of this battleship. As long as this is removed, the ship can be disassembled... Wait!"


  (End of this chapter)

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