Necromantic Myth

Chapter 995: Silver Dragon's Shell

   Chapter 995 Silver Dragon's Shell

Hearing what Liu Zhi said, the soul of the black dragon felt better. “It’s good if there is no mission for that guy. To be honest, although I have been upset with that guy for a long time, there is that guy who is holding him in front. In the coming years, no matter how the world changes, I can at least hold the bottom line."

  The final bottom line?

Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and was about to say something, the soul of the black dragon said again: "You are the first player to find here. It is because of you that I have got some time. I think we can make a deal. ."

  Yiu Zhizheng wanted to say, what good deal do we have, your soul is in my hands, etc., but in the end he closed his mouth.

  Liu Zhi looked at the soul of the black dragon, waiting for his suggestion.

  At this time, the soul of the black dragon flew in front of Liu Zhi and led Liu Zhi to say, "Look over here."

  Liu Zhi looked along the location pointed by the black dragon soul, and found that there were thousands of dragon eggs of various sizes stored in that location.

  These dragon eggs are full of lifelessness, and some have even been petrified.

   "If I say that these dragon eggs can still hatch, do you believe it?"

Liu Zhizheng wanted to say how it was possible, but he seemed to think of something. I don’t know how many times this world has changed from life to death, and from death to life. No creatures in this world know whether they are dead or alive. These look like It's a dead dragon egg, in case it can still be used.

  So Liu Zhi couldn't help looking at the dragon eggs.

  After looking at him like this, he found that there seemed to be a bit of life inside the dragon egg, but it was quite dead.

   "I can't tell."

  In the end, Liu Zhi shook his head.

"They have gone through several changes. The farthest one was brought when I became the guardian of the dragon. The most recent one is more than 500 years old. All of these are the hopes of the black dragon clan. However, since the beginning of five hundred years, no new dragon eggs have been born by the dragon clan.

Do you know how the young dragons of the current dragon clan are born? A part of the silver flesh is directly torn from the body of the dragon, and new dragons are directly transformed from the flesh and blood. You can believe that this is still the birth method of the dragon clan ? "

  Liu Zhi listened and heard the unwillingness in the heart of the black dragon, his existence is actually to preserve the last hope of the dragon clan.

  It is his duty and instinct to protect the dragon egg.

  Now that there is no dragon egg to protect him, he has no meaning to exist.

  Not to mention the existence of silver, and I want to turn the whole place into a silver texture. Maybe it won’t be long before he will be swallowed here.

  At that time, not only would he not be able to protect these dragon eggs, but instead he would watch these dragon eggs turn into silver.

  This may be the unwillingness in the soul of the black dragon.

   "What do you want me to do?"

  Ryuzhi asked with a serious face.

  "Take them away. In addition, here is a training book for the Dragon Guardian. After you take it, you can find a place to activate a dragon egg and let him become the new Dragon Guardian."

After   , the soul of the black dragon thought for a moment, "You only need to ensure that the black dragons of one race exist, and the other dragon eggs do what you want, so be it."

  "An ethnic group?"

"One male, two females and two young dragons. This is the most basic protection of a race. Of course, if you are willing to leave a way for the black dragon to survive, it would be better, but I can see that you are not following this route, right? With the taste of druids, you are studying something similar to the ecosphere.

  Plus you are a necromancer, you should be thinking of ways to transform normal living creatures into meditation creatures, right. "

   "How did you know?" Liu Zhi was surprised that the black dragon soul could guess this.

   "I have lived for a long time, I have seen everything, and the inheritance of the dragon clan is the inheritance of blood. Newly born young dragons will know many things.

   And the breath on your body is so obvious, it can be seen by an individual at a glance, no, how can you have..."

  It seemed to have discovered something in the soul of the black dragon. He stared at Liu Zhi, "I said, do you want to get a clone?"

   "What doppelganger?" When the topic of the black dragon's soul changed, Liu Zhi couldn't help but stunned.

  But if he is willing to believe in the soul of the black dragon, at least he is willing to give these dragon eggs directly to Liu Zhi.

   "A silver texture that can transform into a clone of other creatures. You have this opportunity."

  Black Dragon Soul God said mysteriously, but it could be seen that he seemed to be calculating something.

Several thoughts flashed in Liu Zhi's mind, and finally nodded.

  He saw it. For him, it was an opportunity.

  How much effect a clone has for Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi is very clear. If there is a clone, his growth rate will increase a lot.

  Not to mention, when Liu Zhi said the clone in the black dragon soul, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind. If he missed this opportunity, he would have a second clone in a long time.

  So Ryuzhi only hesitated and agreed.

"Very well, it seems that you are a smart person. Let me tell you about the situation here. What happened this time is not a task, but a situation that I discovered by myself. Do you remember what I said was made by my clan? Did the patriarch become the Silver Dragon King?"

  The story of the soul of the black dragon has just been told, so why can't Liu Zhi remember it?

  At this time, the soul of the black dragon explained in detail, “After his strength reaches a certain level, he has actually been sleeping in the ice and snow all the time, but in order to deal with the players who appear once every fifty years, he dare not really fall asleep.

  Look at the silver snowflakes outside, just the breath he breathed out. "

  Liu Zhi had been listening carefully, although he didn't understand, why Heilong pulled these out and said it again.

  At this time, the soul of the black dragon came to the point, "You may not know that when he is asleep, everything else can be controlled, but there is one place he can never control, and that is where the silver substance first appeared.

I have seen the silver substance appear. I will give you a map. You sneak in and say that you can find the shell where the silver substance first appeared. You only need to get the shell and inject the divinity in your body. Go in and you can get a second clone. "


  As soon as he heard this word, Liu Zhi stood up straight, "You saw the divinity in me, so you chose to tell me this?"

"Yes, if you don’t have divinity, it’s useless to get that shell. It’s just to die, and if you take out that shell directly, the Silver Dragon King will feel the existence of that shell, and then he can grab it directly. Take that shell, this is his last step on the path of God, what do you think will happen at that time?"

   "Don't you worry that I won't go?"

   "You will go, for your clone, think about it for yourself, by the way, take these eggs away."

  (End of this chapter)

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