Necromantic Myth

Chapter 996: Yuji's Discovery

  Chapter 996 The Discovery of Liu Zhi

  After the conversation with Liu Zhi is over, the soul of the black dragon is not like other game missions. It has to watch Liu Zhi complete the task before giving the reward to Liu Zhi.

  Instead, he gave out all the things he had promised to Liu Zhi.

  In addition to the nearly a thousand dragon egg fossils here, they also handed over precious maps and the way of inauguration of the Dragon Guardian.

  Looking at the situation here, Liu Zhi didn't know what to say.

  He wanted to capture the soul of the black dragon again, but when he took a look at the soul extraction method, he found that the soul of the black dragon had integrated himself with the earth veins.

  Liu Zhi can extract his soul again, but when it is extracted, the veins will be destroyed. In the end, Liu Zhi is either buried here or has to leave without getting anything.

  He was obviously telling Liu Zhi that he wanted to take my soul out again, okay, but you have to be prepared to get nothing.

  Such a thing made Yanagi helplessly shook his head.

After   , Liu Zhi lifted his hand, and a portal appeared here.

  This is the portal from Liu Zhi to his plague camp. After the portal was opened, some undead inside ran in, and Liu Zhi directed them to start moving the dragon eggs here.

  As for this ground vein, Liu Zhi did not intend to take it away.

  There are so many dragon eggs in front of him, which is quite a treasure for Liu Zhi.

  After all the dragon eggs were transported away, Ryuzhi took Widnina and Alex and followed the map provided by the black dragon soul to the other direction.

  The map provided by the Black Dragon Soul can be said to be a more detailed map, and where it can be excavated and where to go will not be discovered, all are marked by the Black Dragon Soul.

  Sometimes when Liu Zhi encounters a problem, he can contact the Black Dragon Soul for remote help. It can be said that this time he moved forward quite smoothly.

  After turning seven and eight, Liu Zhi easily found the place that the soul of the black dragon said.

   Although it seems to the outsiders to turn around and turn around, it seems that there is no copy before when the copy is assembled. I don't know where the door is, and there is no way to find it.

But with the soul of the black dragon, the situation is different. In an instant, Liu Zhi felt that from the beginning of the era to the era when the dungeons lined up to automatically enter the capital, there was no need to shout people in the main city, gather, and then the old The driver leads the way.

  As long as you turn around, you can appear directly at the door of the dungeon. What's more, the person who sends the task sometimes appears directly in the safe area at the door of the dungeon.

  The same is true this time. When seeing the shell of the black dragon soul, Liu Zhi also saw a corpse lying here.

  The corpse was a little weird. On the corpse, Liu Zhi saw traces of silvering, but it was not completely silvered.

  Only the abdomen of the whole corpse was silvered into a hollow, which can be seen. Something silvered before used this body as a nest.

After inspecting the corpse, Liu Zhi noticed that the corpse had been dead for at least a thousand years, but there was still blood in his veins.

  Maybe his blood will record something.

  Just as Liu Zhi was about to find something in the blood of the corpse, the eyes of the corpse suddenly lit up.

  Ryuzhi was also taken aback by the corpse.

   Then he took a serious look and found that one of the eyes of the corpse had been silvered, and the other was still black.

  Liu Zhi was a little puzzled. He felt that this should be a clue left by the corpse, but he didn't know how to use it.

  So he hesitated, and reached out and took down the pair of eyes with different colors.

  The moment he took down his eyes, the pair of eyes turned into two pools of liquid, and in front of Yanagi, he performed a story of a scientist's experiment failure and another failure when he escaped.

  Because of the relatively small size of the eyes, there is not much liquid transformed into it. Yanagi can only see some of the changes, and liquids such as the background cannot be transformed.

  But the general plot can still be seen.

  The black liquid that black eyes turned into is performing a scientist, he accidentally made a silver thing, that thing can turn all the existence in contact with it into silver.

  At first, the scientist didn't care about this. Silver was actually not an important thing to him, so he tried to seal the silver thing.

  But once a scientist needed a large amount of silver to act as the outer shell of a machine when completing an experiment, he took out what he had made and wanted to transform some silver.

  As a result, this thing actually fell into that machine, turning the whole machine into silver.

  If it’s just like this, it’s okay, but that machine is the highest technological research product of the country behind the scientist, and what they were studying at the time was a virtual god.

  The reason why Liutai knew this was completely because he couldn't simulate a huge machine, so he just made a shell and wrote two lines on the shell.

  One line is ‘Huge Machine’, and the other line is ‘Virtual Godhead’.

  Because this kind of thing can be made in a world, even if it is quite remarkable, the country behind the scientists has no ability to make another such machine.

  So the last choice for the scientist is to control the silver virtual godhead.

  But the power of the virtual godhead was too strong. Silver swallowed the virtual godhead and turned into a life form.

  After the scientist discovered that the situation was not right, he removed something from the huge machine and ran away in the spacecraft.

  Originally, he escaped well, but the things he took down were also stained with a part of the power of silver, and that part of the power slowly turned the spaceship into silver.

  It is precisely for this reason that the scientist did not escape to where he wanted to go in the first place, but fell into this game instead.

  At that time, the scientist had already discovered a way to deal with the transformation of silver, and he hid the most important thing he brought out.

  But at this time, the small part of the silver items he brought with him changed again. Not only did he successfully stabbed the scientist, but he also succeeded in doing what the subject had not done, and he had a flesh and blood body of his own.

  After that, the silver object was hidden in the scientist's abdomen, and one grew by absorbing the energy in the scientist's body. After it had grown to a certain level, he left.

  As for the scientist's corpse and the things he hid, the silver flesh and blood when he left did not pay any attention.

  Looking at the last remaining black liquid on the ground, Liu Zhi recalled all the details when he saw the corpse.

  (End of this chapter)

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