I got it. I have found an idea how to get myself to stay.

I imagine a light bulb flickering over my head. And as if it's really psychically true, the others give me an anticipated look. I sway over my head and feel the air.

Now they're giving me a confused look. Good, stay that way. The more confused they are, the easier for me to surprise them. When I got to surprise them, they have less time to react. And I'm going to win that way. Take note.

"I see we're not going to get anywhere with this." I start.

Carrie groans, "It'd be easy if you just choose to walk out the door and mind your own fucking bussiness, Sunbae."

Okay, so much for confusion. Carrie's just angry. And that's not good.

I calm my tone, "Okay, but I'm not going to do that."

Carrie rolls her eyes. "Leave."

"What about this ? " I say.

But Carrie doesn't show any interest in my suggestive tone. All she hopes now is for me to give up on her. Sadly, I want to but I can't. I don't really have much of a choice here.

As long as I'm still alive, there's no freedom.

But Carrie doesn't show any interest in my suggestive tone. All she hopes now is for me to give up on her. Sadly, I want to but I can't. I don't really have much of a choice here.

As long as I'm still alive please kill me.

"What about what?" Carrie asks coldly, "noobish-face."

Hey, you don't need to add that.

I don't like the way she's biting her lips. I'll just wait until she decides to free her lips from her teeth before saying my suggestion.

But that tactic really don't go well. Carrie doesn't take it kindly.

Carrie shifts her weight to her right, "Get on with it, noobish face so I can reject the idea." She sighs, "this time I wouldn't want to play any games with you."

Oh no... this is already not going pretty well. But I will stick with my plan anyway.

"I'm afraid that's what we're gonna do," I say.

She crosses her arm as if she's that blonde hair girl in Nisek*i and tilts her head. Her mouth lets out a, huh? Trying to figure the fuck am I on about.

But then she shakes her head. Probably don't want me to have that satisfaction that I can make her so confused.

Still, I think the word ' game ' has caught her for a moment.

She snorts and twirls around her dragon tail as she says without a care, "Go play your own Mahjong or chess or whatever alone. I'm not going to entertain you any longer."

She's not wrong. I love talking with her. But it almost looks like we're both never going to agree on anything. Well, except that fuck is really disgusting. We were both agreed on that. Maybe the whole world.

"I'm not going to do that again."

Carrie makes a worry tone. I see what's going on here. She's not that confident anymore in having a little game with me. She thought I'd beaten them by skill back when we played our tilted all in poker game. Sunbae is skilled at deception and tricks, she shouldn't risk anything. Play safe. But in the end, that was just luck. You don't have to be scared of that. Oh and a few tries and death, but they are not that much. Still alive and well.

Alive and well.

Alive and well.

I assure her. If she is worry she's not going to take any challenge from me. And my plan is not going to run. I start, "Oh, we wouldn't play anything like that. We're going to compete in the visual world this time. And I think you're more comfortable with this one."

Finally, that line hooks Carrie's eyes back to me.

"That's what I thought last time... But really, what the fuck are you planning?"

"Is that you saying, what do you mean?"

She shakes her head, "No, that's me saying I don't believe in anything you say, say, and will say."

"The earth is round."

"Fuck off."

"I can prove it, you know?"


"I'll prove you, that I'm not worthy of being called a noobish-face."


Man, I should use a better word there. Language is so confusing. Why can't we just understand each other without saying anything? Without mouth, lips, and throat. I will save that question for the next time I meet Life and Death.

She looks at me blankly... "So you want something worse?"

"Er, no. You take them in the wrong direction."

I point at her rented computer and to the game still running on the desktop, "let's make a deal through that.

"If I win, I'll get to stay.

"If I lose I'll go."

She chuckles and shakes her head as if I was talking nonsense. But I kept my face up until she realised I was serious, "what makes you think you're better than me?"

"I--" hmm…

"Probably because I'm older and…smarter." Given the fact I am the tutor.

She didn't say anything for a while until, "you'll lose."

"Let's see if that happened then."

"You wouldn't stand a chance."

I shrug, "I won the chance last time."

"Even if I am to agree, this game needs a team. At least two people." She looks around me, "you didn't bring anyone other than you. No friend. No that pink bitch."

Hey, don't speak ill of Sohee. She's great. Her breasts are amazing, you should try to realise that she is more than her pink eyes and hair.

My eyes go down to the rest of YOLO squad and another light bulb digs out of my hair's skin.

"I can use one of them though, right?"


My eyes lock on Sharp EYes and she replies it with her dagger looks, "don't even think about it, who wants to be on your team?"

"She's right, though that's unusual," Carrie says, rubbing my wound with dirt. "So what now?"

I sigh, maybe it's time to give up on the idea.

Nerdy voices her, "go back to where you came from. It's not like you could be better than any of us. And as Fuck said, we shouldn't bring any other people other than our squad; the four of us."

With that Carrie smiles.

"I wonder."


The dragonic eyes sweep to her squad, "I wonder if he is better than one of you.

"I wouldn't want a weak team mates anyway. If anyone is to replace the less then I wouldn't mind."

Fatty almost throws out her ramen, "wh--what do you mean, Carrie?"

But Carrie doesn't answer her, instead she looks at me. "Let's change the deal a little bit."

"Fine by me."

"You get to stay if you beat any of them in Battlefield 2077.

"And replace them."

The other springs from their seat.

And Sharp Eyes' irritated voice, "this must be a joke right?"

Carrie returns her with a glare, "this is going to be a big competition. If anything could raise my chance of win then I would do it."

"Yo--you can't just do that."

"Why not? I'm the captain, aren't I?"


Her eyes return to me, "so what about it?"

I couldn't tell if I should do it considering the other looks as if refusing to match with me. But I could see other things lurking behind them. Something I know less about, but it is enough to see it. They are afraid.

What could they be so afraid of?

It's just a game with me.

And it's not like I'm a well-known pro gamer or anything. If anything, I don't even know what the fuck is Battlefield 2077 and why it is a battle in the future. Will there be lasers and shit?

"Are you on?"

I shrug, "I would take any chance to spend time with you more."

"Disgusting old man."

Man…what's with teenage girls calling me old when I'm not even close to the 'old' look? There's no wrinkles everywhere and I'm such a handsome chap.

And so we get on with the deal.

The YOLO squad have to accept it no matter what because the captain has decided for them.

"Go tell Fuck you want to rent a PC."

"How much is it?" I ask, taking out my wallet.

"Ask Fuck."

I then asked Fuck and he said, "ten dollars."

"Is this a scam?"

"No money, no game."

"Fuck," I call his name, "alright then." It's not like I'm short of money anyway. Just wanting to make a light talk.

For all it's worth, my match-up seems depressingly afraid.

And I realise it wasn't me.

It isn't me what they're worried about.

They are looking at each other, giving some kind of sign I wouldn't know because I'm not their friend.

I sit on my (scam) rented PC, turn it on like a pro, and click on Battlefield 2077.

"Alright then…"

I look at the YOLO squad.

"Who's first?"

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