Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 168 Precursor of the 168 World Championship! Visit from Byodoin Temple!

Chapter 168 168. Precursor of the World Tournament! Visit from Byodoin Temple!

"watch out!"

"Idiot, you can dance so much, why don't you go to heaven!"

On the court, facing Vulcan's jump, Aomine just stood back, waiting for the impending smash.

"Meteor smash!!"

Without the slightest hesitation, he played the stunt in his hand, and the fireball, like a falling star, slammed into Qingfeng's field.


Grasping the right spot, Qingfeng didn't wait for the ball to hit the ground, and directly swung his hands to meet it.

"That guy Qingfeng is sick again."

Bai Jin watched the duel between the two, knowing that the outcome of this match would change again.

"He always had such blind faith in his own power."

"The results speak for themselves."

Akashi put on his coat, also supervised the training, and then spoke.


The racket was sent flying, and the violent force even caused the ball to punch a hole in the ground.

"7:6, Vulcan wins."

Persist until the tie-break in the intra-team match, this time winning with Vulcan's smash.

"Damn it, I couldn't call back."

Even though he lost the game, what Aomine was upset about was not this problem, but his dissatisfaction with not being able to counter the Vulcan smash.

Half a month has passed since the youth trials, and the national competition will be held in one month.

Whether it is Teiko, Seigaku, or Kansai schools, they are seriously preparing for the national competition.

"By the way, the World Championship will start in a while, right?"

Bai Jin suddenly thought of a very important matter, and then said.

"There are still twenty-three days left, one week earlier than the national competition."

Akashi has also paid attention to this matter, and naturally has accurate information.

"If the national competition is not postponed, I will be able to watch the game just one week after it ends."

"A world-class game must be very interesting."

Saying you're not interested is a lie, but it's also boring if you can't play yourself.

How about continuing to compare with Tezuka, Yukimura, and Atobe in the national competition.

"If you want to watch the game, it's really impossible to watch all the games."

"But it's okay to pick a few games to watch."

Akashi was not so strict, but responded very loosely.

Who told their national competition to be later than the world competition? The training during the period must not be interrupted. You can only watch the live broadcast or replay during the rest time.

"Any noteworthy national teams?"

"Isn't that only the king of Germany? They are all eight-time champions."

The two of them talked without any evasion, and they didn't care about the people who were gradually watching the battle outside the club.

Since the juvenile trials ended, the school's tennis courts have often been visited by people.

Let’s not talk about whether it is the reporters of various newspapers or magazines, it may also be the personnel from other schools to collect information or the students of this school.

school gate.

"Is this the guy's school?"

With a somewhat mature demeanor, a young man with a racket in his hand stood at the door and looked at the school's sign and said.

"Byodoin, why did you choose to come here?"

Another tall and burly man with an overly scary face didn't understand what he was doing.

Oni Jujiro, the current NO.1 of the U17 training camp.

"I'm here to get the key to conquer the world."

Turning to look at him, Byodoin Phoenix spoke slowly.

The serious expression let the ghost know that his thoughts were not fake.

The ghost looked at the school in front of him, he didn't know anything about the outside world, and he didn't understand what existed here.

Does the school for mere junior high school students hide the "thing" that Byodoin even wants?

With such curiosity and suspicion, he walked into this school together with Byodoin

【Teiguang Middle School】

"The performance of the players is very stable, and this time the world championship is very confident."

Looking at the assembled players, Saitozhi stood on the stage, looked at them and said.

"Being stable during training doesn't mean you can play well in games."

Tuo Zhilong Er shook his head, feeling that it was not yet time to be optimistic.

"Hasn't anyone from the junior high school students you sent a letter to report so far?"

Kurobe remembered what he had discussed before, turned his head to look at Saitozhi and asked.

Compared with the group of high school students who are gradually starting to take shape today, he pinned his hopes on the group of middle school students who started very high.

There is a kind of idea that this year's high school students will use it to "explore the way". Anyway, there are better players who can be trained.

That's a solid, rich idea.

"That's a bit embarrassing to say."

"It seems that no one really came."

His face was a little embarrassed, and Saitozhi didn't know what went wrong, and logically speaking, there should be no wrong place.

And it also shows that the other party has signed for it, so there is no reason why there will be no news.

Generally speaking, after receiving their notification, the players will come very actively.

Why did this group of junior high school students ignore them when they received the news, as if nothing had happened.

"Confirm that the other party has received it?"

Frowning, although Kurobe didn't believe that Saitozhi would make such a small mistake, he still asked one more question.

Obviously, he didn't believe that anyone would be indifferent to the invitation here.

This is the top training place for Neon. If you want to go to the world, there is no more suitable place in China than their place.

From the beginning to the end, the possibility of the other party choosing not to come has been subconsciously ruled out by them, and they have not considered such an option that should not exist at all.

"I signed for them all, and none of them were returned or sent wrongly. I'm sure of that."

"Who did you send it to?"

"Of course only the junior high school students in the trials were sent."

"Tezuka Kunimitsu from Seigaku, Keigo Atobe from Hyotei, Masaharu Nioh from Rikkai University..."

"Teiko's Akashi Seijuro, Shiratsu Tomosei, and Kuroko Tetsuya."

"Although there are a few other middle school students who look good, I don't think their performance is as good as them."

"Call me later in person."

"I have this plan."

"Okay, let's talk about it."

"Byodoin seems to have brought a ghost to Teiko Middle School."

"What are they doing there?"

Kurobe, Takuzhi Ryuji, and Saito Zhi sat in the facility and talked in turn, and at the same time they were very concerned about the situation of the group of junior high school students.

"I don't know, but I heard what coach Sanchuan said"

"The Byodoin Institute said that they wanted to get something very important."

"Maybe it's the treasure that can change the fate of the Neon team."

The hope carried in those words seemed to carry a great mission.

For a moment, Kurobe and Tuozhi Ryuji frowned tightly, not knowing what it contained.

Could it be that there is still information hidden in Teiko High School that they don't know?

"Is it Akashi Seijuro or maybe"

"Baijin Zhixing?"


Replenishment of Wanshou, monthly pass to be refilled

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