Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 169: Chapter 169

Chapter 169

"Byodoin, is he your target?"

The ghost followed beside him, looked at Byodoin Phoenix's focused eyes and said.

A white-haired boy came into view.

"Ghost, this world is changing faster than imagined."

"The times may stand behind us this time."

"If I can get that, I have a hunch that this time the Neon team will definitely make history."

Recalling the results of the previous training in spiritual power, although he came to the door of Asura Shinto, in the end he just opened the door, but he didn't choose to go in, but left it for those who came later.

He finally headed towards the unpredictable tunnel

And after making up for the lack of mental power control, he hopes to get another kind of pure power.

In this way, when the spirit and the body are strong together, it will create stronger strength.

That "throwing of tiles" is necessary to conquer the world.

Ever since, Byodoin was rarely waiting outside the tennis court.

He and the ghost stand together to form a striking landscape.

The aura of the two of them as strong men can inadvertently deter the people around them.


"I said, isn't the sense of existence of those two people too strong?"

Compared to the silent Midorima, Kise pointed to Byodoin and Oni and said to the teammates next to him.

Standing far away, they could all feel the astonishing aura.

That kind of feeling was only felt on Xibo and Nash before.

"Xiaobai, is this your acquaintance?"

Momoi tilted her head and watched for a long time, confirming that the eyes of the two people had been looking at Bai Jin, she said in a strange tone.

"How can it be?"

Knocking her on the head with his hand, telling this little girl not to take advantage of the chaos and make trouble, Bai Jin said.

Although he didn't quite recognize Byodoin, the man next to him was too obvious.

Oni Jujiro...

That doesn't fit the young man's face at all, it's a big taboo.

Those who just looked at it like this and didn't know it thought it was an uncle in his thirties.

Look at another young guy with a slightly mature face standing next to him...

Byodoin Temple Phoenix…

If I'm not mistaken, it should be him.

Thinking of Byodoin, which is still young now, Baijin wanted to laugh inexplicably, that guy changed more and more every year.

I really don't know if it's like entering a time house, the old age is faster.

But the smile is all smiles, Bai Jin still doesn't quite understand what these two people are doing here.

It is impossible for himself and Akashi to reject the invitation to the u17 training camp, and then call the strongest duo in the training camp to tie him and Akashi back, right?

"They seem to be after you."

Akashi sensed the opponent's purpose at a glance, and turned to speak to him.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"It's fine for me to find them, so why take the initiative to find them?"

Even knowing that these two people will be the outstanding students of Neon High School in the future, it does not prevent Bai Jin from giving them face in the slightest.

He's the best at posing. He can only say that having talent and strength is self-confidence.

If you don't accept it, use tennis to fight it...


Until the sun went down, the club time was over, and the idlers left, Byodoin Temple and the ghosts stood there like door gods for a whole day.

"I think, these two people have quite a good temper."

"If it were Xiao Ziyuan, I'm afraid she would have lost her temper."

Although he didn't understand the current situation, Kise still admired the opponent's determination.

If anyone had made him wait like this, he would have left long ago.

"Why don't you go talk to someone else?"

Even Qingfeng looked a little sorry.

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, you can't avoid it, alas."

Sighing, Bai Jin finally walked towards the two under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing that the two of them had been waiting for a long time, he might as well give this face.

Otherwise, the ghost knows how long the two of them will stay.

Don't be afraid of others coming hard, just be afraid of coming soft.

"Are all u17s this idle?"

As soon as he walked in front of the two of them, Bai Jin spoke mercilessly.

"According to the style of those guys, players like you should have been recruited long ago."

Without saying the main purpose for the first time, Byodoin turned to talk about another thing.

Even he has to admit that the middle school student in front of him has excellent aptitude and talent.

"Although we tore up the invitation letter, it's not enough for the two of you to be lobbyists, right?"

The words that seemed like they didn't care at all made the ghost feel stunned.

The invitation to the u17 training camp was torn?

Although it was his first year here, it was the first time he had seen a player with such personality.

In the past, those guys were crazy to want to stay in it.

"Hahaha, it's really good. I think the expressions of the coaches will be very exciting when they hear the news."

Byodoin laughed generously, as if it didn't care about this at all.

In the past, no one dared to lose face like this, but now they have encountered a hard problem.

"Okay, let's stop joking here, what do you want to do with me?"

After stopping Byodoin's smile, Bai Jin then spoke seriously.

"What else can a player do to find a player?"

"Is there any other meaning besides dueling?"

After uttering lines with unclear meaning, Bai Jin even mistakenly thought that what he was holding in his hand was not a tennis racket but a duel disk.

"Come play with me..."

"It seems that it is useless for me to say no."

When Byodoin said that sentence himself, Bai Jin also knew that he could not avoid this man who was on his way to domination.

But just right, he also wanted to see what the standard of Byodoin is today.


"Huh? You're not humble at all, but you really don't have the spirit of seniors."

Seeing that the Byodoin Institute really planned to compete with him for the first move, he began to make metaphors.

"Come on, kid, I'm not that naive."

Although he didn't go to Kansai specifically to watch the Great War of the Century, he at least heard about Nash's defeat.

The House of Equality believes that he is not much better than Nash today.

But it's also a matter of course...

At this stage, he... has no miscellaneous world moves, no different dimensions, no resurrection from death, and no alaya consciousness.

It can be said that it is still in its infancy, and it was after this World Championship that Byodoin Phoenix really rose and blossomed.

This is also the reason why Byodoin now puts down its dignity and urgently comes to Teiko Middle School.

The World Championship is just around the corner, and now he needs a powerful move...

A hole card that allows him to gain a foothold in the world and lead the Neon team forward.

And it just so happened that the kid in front of him had that kind of moves.

The memory of that day came back again...

The crimson arrogance covers the whole body, and it can even resist the power of seamlessness...

He came here this time precisely to learn this move.

Byodoin still remembers the name of that move...

Kaiwang Fist...

ps: Rewards for "20190111101338952" and "Heavy Rain After Summer". This is +4 again according to the regulations, and the total number of monthly pass stamps is 5 chapters. Alas, I am starting to struggle.

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