It's May, midsummer.

The weather began to get hot, and the afternoon club activities became a test for many people.

"Yakuzu, concentrate!"

Kan Banda was also smiling and constantly feeding the ball to Yakuzu, and Yakuzu casually swung his racket to punch the net thrown by Kan Fuda into the basket not far away.

Unlike Kimura and Chishi, Yakutsu has never been properly trained in tennis, and his tennis balls are adapted to by his own eyes and body. For Kimuraji and Senishi Seijun Fuda Kan, they don't need to interfere too much with them, they will have their own planned training, so Fuda Kan also put all his attention on Yakuzu.

"Stinky old man, don't point fingers at me!"

Yakuzu looked impatient, and the other members of the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School were looking in this direction with a worried expression, they were afraid that Yakuzu would do something to Kan Banda as well, but Kanya Banda himself didn't seem to care about Akuzu's attitude at all.

In Kanya Fuda's heart, Yakuzu is like a piece of jade, uncarved jade. And he is the craftsman who holds the knife, and what Yakuzu will end up like is now unknown to anyone.

"Dongfang, have you seen Qianshi recently?"

Kentaro Minami withdrew his gaze that rested on Yakuzu and asked Masami Dongfang.

"No, lately he seems to be mysterious and often absent from club activities."

Dongfang Yami shook her head.

"Yes, the most important thing is that Kimura and his companion personally don't seem to care about Chishi's absence at all, which is really strange."

Minami Kentaro was puzzled, Sengoku's disappearance seemed to have no effect on Kimura and his companion at all, and the two individuals were completely as if Chiseki did not exist.

"Forget it, don't care. Dongfang, let's go to the senior for the doubles reinforcement practice.

Kentaro Minami shook his head and shook these extra thoughts out of his mind, today he was going to practice doubles with Masami Dongfang with seniors.


Masami Dongfang nodded, this was what he had discussed with Kentaro Minami yesterday.

It has been more than half a month since Kimura became the head of the tennis department of Yamabuki Middle School, and the members of the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School have become accustomed to Kimura, the new president of the first year.

This day.

After the daily training of the tennis club, Kimura instructed the group to practice separately, and the other members could practice if they had a free court, and then followed his companion to his office.

"Is there something going on?"

Kimuraji knew that Kan Fuda was generally not a big deal, and he would not look for him.

"Huh! You look at this!

Kanya Baida smiled and opened his drawer and handed a form to Kimuraji.

Kimuraji took a look, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose.

Finally about to start?

Regional Qualifiers!


On the first weekend of May, the warm breeze was intoxicating.

At the entrance of Yamabuki Junior High School, Kimuraji and Kan Fuda also stopped in front of a school bus.

Today is the day of the regional qualifiers, and the entire main selection of Yamabuki Middle School's tennis club is ready early in the morning.


With a wave of Kimuraji's hand, all the main candidates of Yamabuki Middle School got on the bus and slowly drove towards the competition venue this time.

The atmosphere in the car was a little tense, Chishi, Minami Kentaro, Masami Dongfang and others participated in such a regular open tournament for the first time after being promoted to junior high school, and their faces were solemn.

"Don't be too nervous, I'm sure you can win the championship."

In the car, Kan Fuda also seemed to sense the nervousness of everyone, and looked at the group of young people behind him with a smile, except for Hirota and Hiroshino, the others were all young first-year students, but Kanda Gan also believed that it was not a regional competition, but a metropolitan competition, a Kanto competition and even a national competition, they had a chance.

In the winter of last year, Kanya Fuda was still worried about next year's Yamabuki, and at that time, except for the two second grades Hirota and Kono, the remaining first and second grades can be described as embarrassing. The promotion of the main third-year team members has made Yamabuki, who was already insufficient in singles reserves, even worse.

Who would have thought that after entering the spring, the Yamabuki Middle School Society ushered in such a big change.

Now the new Yamabuki is full of vitality, and it continues to open a new chapter with a victory.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the bus arrived at the destination this time, Ivy Four Seasons Park.

Although the size of the regional budget tournament is small, the members of the tennis clubs of each school who come to watch the tournament are enough to fill the park.

The arrival of the Yamabuki crowd immediately attracted the attention of the other school players in the park, and for them, Yamabuki Middle School was undoubtedly their biggest opponent in this regional qualifier.

Along the way, the temporary guidance sign was placed along the way, and Takan led the people of Yamabuki to the reporting office of this regional qualifier.

Yamabuki Junior High School was already the last school to come to report, and the rest of the schools before them were all present. However, the other schools present did not have any opinions, after all, the deadline for reporting was nine o'clock, and they were just ahead of schedule.

At nine o'clock in the morning, under the guidance of the staff, Kimuraji and the others came to a stadium, which was the venue for their competition this time, and their opponent was Ivy Gakuen.

The players at Ivy League Academy seemed to be very confident, and as a school in the same area as Yamabuki, they naturally heard about the big change that happened in Yamabuki Junior High School's tennis department not long ago. After seeing that most of the main candidates of Yamabuki Middle School were changed to the first grade, the players of Ivy Academy were obviously a little happy.

Admittedly, Yamabuki Junior High School is the king of their region, but if the opponent is a first-year, the Ivy League players do not think they will lose, after all, there is a huge gap between the two sides.

"The first round of this regional qualifier is about to begin, Yamabuki Middle School vs. Ivy Gakuen Doubles No. 2, please play from both sides."

Soon, the voice of the staff came from the loudspeaker.

"South, East, you two need to come on!"

Kimuraji waved his hand at Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang, who had returned from warm-up.

"Don't worry, Kimura, wrap it around us!"

As his first open match with Tohinoku since he was promoted to junior high school, Minami Kentaro will not allow himself to lose.

As opponents in the South and East, the third-year group of Ivy League Academy happily walked with jumping, and they decided to draw a good pick themselves. They know the strength of the national doubles pair of Hirota and Kono, and if they meet Hirota and Haono they will definitely have no chance of winning.

However, they overestimate themselves too much, underestimate the strength of the South and the East.


"This game was scored by Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 1:0."



"The game was scored by Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 2:0."



"The game is over! Yamabuki Middle School Minami Kentaro, Touhou Masami Group wins, the score is 6:0. "

As the most tacit and most powerful pair in the first year of Yamabuki Middle School, Minami and Dongfang are highly valued by Kimura and his companions, and it is not enough to deal with a group of third-grade doubles that are only at the first grade of the competition.

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