"How is it possible!"

"Yamabuki is probably a little too strong in the first grade this year!"

Obviously, the performance of South and East was somewhat unacceptable to the Ivy League players. But the two first-grade people actually have such strength?!

Soon, the second doubles match began.

The players who appeared on the Ivy League Gakuen side looked helpless, because their next match was the ace doubles that Yamabuki High School had been famous for a long time.



"The match is over, Hirota of Yamabuki Middle School, and the Kono group wins, and the score is 6:0."

This match ended even faster than the last, and the doubles combination of Ivy Academy had no intention of fighting at all, and quickly surrendered.

Kimuraji shook his head, the regional qualifiers were still too difficult for Yamabuki, and there was no suspense at all. No wonder the Ministry of Traces will send individual main drafts to lead the second team to the regional qualifiers in the original work, and there is no difficulty at all.

Singles three, Yamabuki Middle School sent Senshi Pure .

The Ivy League players saw that it was another first-year grade, and they thought they could win a victory, but they were quickly slapped in the mouth by the cruel reality.

After the crushing defeat to Kimura, Chiseki fell silent for a while, but soon he came out of the shadow of defeat. He wants to become stronger and challenge Kimura again, and he will never allow himself to lose to anyone else until then.


Another 6:0, three consecutive victories made everyone understand that Yamabuki is still the same Yamabuki.

With the first round required to play five games, the nightmare of Ivy Academy continues.

Whether it is Yakuzu or Kimura, who appeared later, their strength makes the players of Ivy Academy begin to doubt life.

Is he really in third grade?

"Thank you for your advice!"

After the match, everyone at Yamabuki Middle School left the stadium with Kimuraji and Kanya Fuda, and their morning game was over.

As the news spread of Yamabuki's 5:0 victory over Ivy Academy, schools that thought Yamabuki had declined once again paid attention to Yamabuki.

Sure enough, Yamabuki is still the same Yamabuki.

In the afternoon, Yamabuki Middle School's opponent was another school whose name Kimura had never even heard of, and this time Yamabuki Middle School ended up faster, sweeping his opponent 3:0 in just one hour. And Yamabuki Middle School's victory once again made everyone feel the menacing of Yamabuki Middle School this year.


After yesterday's two big victories, the momentum on Kimuraji and others became stronger, and everyone's hearts were tightly united because of the victory, and everything in this newborn Yamabuki was moving in a beautiful direction.

Needless to say in the morning, it was another 3-0 victory.

This boring regional qualifier was kind of a place for Kimura to sit on the bench, but fortunately, as long as he won the afternoon final, Yamabuki's regional qualifier trip was over.

"It's really boring, there is not a single one who can fight!"

Minami Kentaro complained wordlessly.

Although his combination with Oriental can play every game, because the opponent's strength is too weak, he has no interest at all.

"Who are our opponents for the afternoon?"

"It seems to be St. Rudolph's Academy."

"St. Rudolph? It's another school that I've never heard of..." The

people on the return bus up the mountain discussed with each other, and the atmosphere in the team that had experienced so many matches had merged very well, except for Akuzu.

"St. Rudolph!"

This familiar word made Kimuraji come to the spirit, although the others were not familiar with St. Rudolph, but he knew, St. Rudolph's strength was much stronger than their opponents in the previous games, but that was after entering St. Rudolph at the beginning of the month.


Kimuraji's gaze swept over the group of St. Rudolph's main candidates, and sure enough, there was no figure at the beginning of the month, and only one of the familiar people in the impression appeared in St. Rudolph's team, and the other party's black and red skin was really eye-catching.

In the first doubles match, Yamabuki's side was still Kentaro Minami and Masami Oriental. Although the "Potato Soldiers" combination is only in the first grade, their excellent tacit understanding and strength still allowed them to win the doubles two without suspense.

Not to mention the doubles of the second match, Yamabuki's veteran national doubles combination is not only in the regional qualifiers, but also in the capital tournament, and the Kanto tournament is the only one.




Yamabuki, who won two doubles games in a row, once again ushered in his own match point, and the members and supporters of Yamabuki Middle School cheered and shouted for Yamabuki Middle School.

"Alas! Yamabuki is really still Yamabuki!

"Sure enough, I can't win them."

St. Rudolph's internal morale had fallen to the freezing point, and Yamabuki's strength made them feel a little powerless.

"Seniors cheer up, we haven't lost yet!"

Akasawa's face was square, and as the only first-year Saint Rudolph, he seemed a little out of place with the others. When everyone has given up, only he still maintains the belief of decisive victory.

"Akasawa! Forget it, Akasawa, you don't need any pressure, anyway, we have already obtained a place to enter the capital competition.

St. Rudolph's minister patted Akasawa on the shoulder.

"Minister, I will definitely win!"

Akasawa clasped his hands together, he wanted to awaken the morale of his predecessors with his victory.

"The match begins, a set of tiebreakers, Yamabuki Middle School Chiseki pure serve!"

As the referee climbed into the high chair, Yamabuki's match against St. Rudolph's singles trio officially began.

Akasawa's face was solemn, although Chiseki was the same as the first grade, but in the previous match, Chishi's record of not losing a game was really amazing.

“LUCK! Today is another lucky day! Chiseki

smiled slightly, he had never lost in the decisive serve.


Senishi threw the ball high, and today's sunlight is particularly dazzling, but this still does not affect Chishi's play.

The Senshi racket that jumped high was slammed down, and a golden streamer went straight to Akasawa's feet in a straight line.

"It appeared, it's the tiger cannon of Qianshi!"

Nanhe Dongfang shouted excitedly.

"Oh? Not bad!

Kimuraji smiled slightly, compared to before, Chishi's tiger cannon became faster and more powerful.

Chiseki cut out the extra moves and increased the strength and speed of this ball, apparently after losing to Kimura, Chiseki put a lot of effort into it.


The tennis ball that slammed heavily at Akasawa's feet made a muffled sound, and then bounced violently and hit the barbed wire behind Akasawa, startling the audience standing behind the barbed wire.

“ACE! Senshi Purity, 15:0. The

referee glanced at Chiseki with some surprise, and he was also surprised that Chiseki could play such a serve.



"This game was scored by Chiseki Seijun, and the score was 1:0."

"Both sides change sides!"

With the incredible power and speed of the tiger cannon, Chiseki took only four serves to win his first game.

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