Seeing that Yin Zhongkuan had not yet been destroyed by himself, Kimuraji was also a little surprised.

In the end, the elites selected by gathering the power of a country are still somewhat capable.

However, Kimuraji likes to strike at people who have the ability the most.

"Huh..." Kimuraji

sneered at the corner of his mouth, and he crouched down with his feet straddling the backfield.

Yin Zhongkuan took a deep breath and threw the tennis ball in his hand.


After suppressing the complicated emotions in his heart, Yin Zhongkuan's serve still maintained an online level.


"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"

Kimuraji drank lowly, and a spiritual power began to surge continuously.


Yin Zhongkuan's pupils shrank slightly, and in front of his eyes, it seemed that a hanging white-fronted worm flew towards him.

The fishy and pungent breath and the terrifying murderous intent made Yin Zhongkuan's breathing sluggish.

It took a long time for the strong spiritual oppression to dissipate from Yin Zhongkuan's body.

"Whew... Whoosh..." Yin

Zhong gasped heavily, what was going on in that suffocating terrifying moment!

"This player, please hurry up and serve!"

The referee in the training camp saw that Yin Zhongkuan had not served in place for a long time, and couldn't help but urge.

In his opinion, Yin Zhongkuan has no chance of victory.

It's better to be settled by Kimuraji like this!

After hearing the referee's urging, Yin Zhongkuan took a few deep breaths and served again, but everyone could see that the level of this ball was far less than before.

Kimuraji's last ball left an indelible shadow in his heart, and the strong spiritual oppression made him no longer have the psychology to confront Kimuraji.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"


With a roar of the tiger, Yin Zhongkuan once again fell into the strong spiritual oppression brought by Kimuraji.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Kimuraji wanted to keep a clean sheet for Yin Zhongkuan.

Naturally, Yin Zhongkuan would not be given the slightest respite.

The position between the two sides also determined that Kimuraji would not have the slightest mercy from his subordinates.

To be kind to one's enemies is to be cruel to oneself.



"The game was scored by Japan's Kimuraji, and the score was 4:0."


The game entered the fifth inning, again Kimuraji's serve.

"Tiger Cannon!"


The meteorite falling blow completely broke Yin Zhongkuan's heart, and now this game is already a torture for him.

He just wants to hurry up and end this hopeless game.

It doesn't matter if you will be severely punished later.



"The match ended with Japan's Kimuraji winning, and the score is 6:0."

In the end, the referee shouted that when the game was over, Yin Zhongkuan released the racket in his hand with relief.

He finally... Relieved.

"Ding! Mission completed, perfect completion, get five-dimensional fragments*20.

And Kimuraji's mind also sounded the sound of mission accomplished.

Although the five-dimensional fragments required to improve the five dimensions as his strength increased and became more, no matter how thin the mosquito legs were, they were also meat.

What is given in white is always fragrant.

"Nice job, boy!"

Tanegashima and Irie smiled and handed Kimuraji towels and special drinks.

Kimura's victory was expected by them, but the 6-0 ratio surprised them somewhat.

I don't know if Kimura is too strong or the No.2 strength of the South Korean U-17 team is too weak.

"It's that he's too far behind, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

Although Kimuraji said this, he was still very happy.

After all, this was his first time playing against a player in the world, which greatly boosted his confidence.

The world didn't seem as scary as he thought.

"Hmph! This time we did! I didn't expect you guys to be so cunning! Park

Deok, the head coach of the South Korean U-17 team, slapped the table and said indignantly.

In addition to anger, there was also fear in his heart.

He feared that when he returned to South Korea, he would not be held accountable by the guys from the South Korean Tennis Association.

The crowd came to play a friendly match, which was actually a kicking gym, but now he lost the match.

When he returned as a manager, he couldn't be blamed.

At worst, you have to lose your position as head coach.

"Why should Coach Park be so angry, didn't he say that it was a friendly match? Friendship first competition second, is it necessary to care so much about winning or losing?

Kurobe said with a smile.


Park Dekuai now saw Kurobe's face full of fire, and he snorted coldly and was too lazy to say anything more to Kurobe.

Now that the wood is ready, he has to think about how to prevent himself from being punished too severely after he goes back.

"Several coaches, can we start the next game?"

Park Ji-yong walked in front of Kurobe and the others.

"Huh? Isn't the game over? Kurobe

pointed to the scoreboard with some confusion, but before the game they said that they had three wins in five games.

Now that Kimuraji has won their third victory, the game is over.

"I haven't played yet! As long as I haven't lost my team, it's not a loss!

Park Ji-yong said very seriously.


Kurobe and Saito looked at each other, the South Korean U-17 team leader looked as if he was going to play a rogue?

"It's okay coach, just let me compete with him! I haven't played against anyone in a long time. "

Taishima, Irie and Kimura came over, and they naturally noticed Park Ji-yong over here.

For Tanashima, he didn't like to fly, and he had no chance with the expedition, but since someone was rushing to the door, he wouldn't mind teaching the other party a lesson.

After all, he is also the No.2 in this training camp no matter what.

In Byodoku's absence, he was obliged to preserve the glory of the training camp.

"Okay then."

Seeing that Takushima said so, Kurobe had to agree.

It's just a little more sitting around, but it doesn't matter.

The ending cannot be changed, how can Park Ji-yong be Takujima's opponent.

Even if he didn't use the Oni Jujiro of a different dimension, he couldn't defeat Takujima, so how could he do it with Park Jiyong's strength!

At the beginning, when Park Ji-yong came on the field, the South Korean U-17 team had high expectations for their master.

Expect him to win again for their South Korean U-17 team.

But soon, Tanegashima used his strength to completely destroy their vision.

"Destroy nothing!"

Tanegashima's wrist flicked, and the white cyclone wiped out everything on the ball.

The tennis ball disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it had collided with the ground with a crisp sound.

"The match is over, and Shuji Tanegima wins, the score is 6:0."

Another absolute crushing victory, and everyone in the South Korean U-17 team was in ashes.

This time the so-called friendly match can be said to have lost miserably.

PS: Woo hoo, how did you suddenly measure off so much. If you can, give a free power generation to soothe your wounded heart.

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