It has been several days since the South Korean U-17 team came to the stadium.

The training camp returned to its previous calm.

The South Korean U-17 team sending their faces to the door to be beaten has become an after-dinner conversation in training camp.

The high school students did not measure up the South Korean U-17 team at the same time gained a new understanding of the crouching tiger, hidden dragon in this training camp.

Whether it is the Mutsu brothers or the three of Tanishima, Irie, and Kimura.

Their strength made the high school students feel powerless.

The gap is obvious.

However, they did not give up on themselves because of this, but trained harder and harder.

The amount of training is also a little more than before.

These are the new faces that Kimura has brought to this training camp.

After seeing that Kimura is already so strong and insists on practicing a lot every day, these high school students will inevitably feel a trace of shame and urgency.

And this effect is exactly the original intention of Mifune Inomichi and Byodoin who recruited Kimuraji into this training camp in advance.

This day.

In the blue sky, on a plane flying from Europe to Japan.

A group of young people lazily lay on their chairs and looked out the window, and in front of them was a handsome boy with blonde hair.

The domineering appearance reveals a bit of wisdom, he is the No.1 who leads the Japanese U-17 team, Byodoin Phoenix!

No one in the cabin dared to communicate, because the Byodoin didn't like them to talk nonsense.

What's more, this expedition overseas took a long time, and they were indeed a little tired.

Byoban-in quietly looked at the blue sky outside the field, and his mind didn't know why he suddenly thought of that little ghost.

I don't know how that little ghost stayed in the training camp!

The other side.

After receiving the news of the imminent return of the U-17 team, Kurobe and Saito also began to make urgent preparations.

There is a tradition in this training camp.

That is, whenever the U-17 team's first army returns from an overseas expedition, there is a shuffle battle with the second army candidate selected by the coaching staff.

It can also be regarded as giving those players of the second army a hope to join the first army.

As long as they can win, they can eliminate the original members of the first army and join the first army.

Most of the senior players in the first army are squeezed into the first army through this way.


Dense footsteps sounded in front of the Centre Court, all of whom had been notified of the players of Court One.

That is, the candidate of the Second Army of this training camp.

"It won't be long before the members of the First Army return, and I think many of you know exactly what that means."

Saito looked at the group of candidates of the Second Army in front of him and said with a faint smile.

His gaze more or less rested on Kimuraji's body.

Because in Saito's opinion, the only candidate of the Second Army is likely to take the position of the glorious twenty from the hands of the First Army Zhengxuan.

It's just Kimuraji alone.

As for others, if they have this ability, they don't have to wait until now.

Oh no, and two more people.

This time the shuffle battle is also a good opportunity for the Mutsu brothers.

Because the shuffle war of returnees from the first army is different from the shuffle war launched on weekdays.

The shuffle battle of the return of the First Army from overseas allowed to be challenged in the form of doubles, and this was the opportunity that the Mutsu brothers were waiting for.

If it is singles, they really have no chance, but if it is doubles, they are confident that they can make a bloody way from the bottom of the first army.


Disembarking from the plane, Byodoin and the others quickly got on the bus arranged for them by Kurobe.

The roar of the bus engine in the silent mountain road is particularly clear, and the birds are startled in the forest.

The maple leaves in September are like a sea of fiery red flames, and the red waves are surging through the mountains and forests.

At the entrance of the training camp, Kurobe's figure has been waiting here for a long time.

"Finally here!"

Kurobe chuckled and opened the barricade for the bus, which slowly drove into this secret base hidden in the deep mountains and old forests.

"I said stupid coach, you should have arranged a shuffle battle for us with those stupid guys again, right?"

After getting off the car, Byodoin glanced at Kurobu faintly.

"It's an old tradition in training camps, and I think you all know it."

Kurobe smiled and looked at the people who got out of the car, he knew that Byodoin was just saying it casually.

There is no prejudice against such traditions.

On the contrary, the House of Equality appreciates this tradition.

After all, there is pressure to be motivated.

If the people in the first army are not under pressure, how can they become stronger.

"Really, are you going to play boring games with that bunch of guys again?"

"Spare me, I'm tired!"

"Every time it's like this, isn't there a little novelty?"

As for others, they also complain mostly, but they don't really refuse such a shuffle battle.

For many of them, using such a shuffle battle can avoid some guys who don't measure themselves to challenge themselves.

Life in the bootcamp will also be because of some leisure time.

In front of the center court.

The surrounding area of Wuyang Wuyang is full of high school students.

As soon as the news of the imminent return of the First Army spread, it soon spread throughout the training camp.

The return of the first army means that there will be a big drama opening, a shuffle battle between the first army and the second army!

For many people, even if it is a field that they cannot touch, it does not prevent them from being a spectator.

After all, who doesn't like to watch a great game.


Footsteps came from the end of the horizon, and each step of the firm and powerful step stepped on the hearts of these high school students.

Before they knew it, they felt a little stuffy in their chests, as if they were overwhelmed by something.

"Well... What a terrifying momentum!

"You can feel such a strong oppression from such a distance, is this the first choice of the U-17 training camp?"

The high school students were all shocked, and before they arrived, they were already shocked by the momentum of the First Army.

"It's very in line with the style of the students of Byodoin!"

Irie said with a smile.

This is clearly the work of the Byodoku.

There are few in the entire U-17 training camp that can use the momentum to this point.

And in this regard, the Bongyuan is one of the best.

The Equality Yuan took the lead in pulling and integrating the momentum of everyone in the First Army, and this kind of disgrace was in line with the style of the Equality Yuan.

"Yes, the ball style of the senior of the Byodoin Academy is as domineering as his people."

Kimuraji nodded, which he felt deeply.

"Here it comes!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone stared with bated breath at the group of red-clad soldiers who kept coming.

The big red uniform on the Byodoin and the others was completely different from the uniform of the training camp, it was the color of blood.

There is never a shortage of warriors on the world stage who shed their blood.

"Welcome back victorious! Good work! Saito

greeted the crowd of the First Army.

"Hmph! Are these guys the guys you picked out to die? Byoyoin

snorted coldly, his gaze lingering slightly as he swept over Kimuraji's body.

Although he was a little surprised that Kimuraji actually entered the first army so quickly and was selected by these stupid coaches to become a candidate for the second army, Byodoin was quickly relieved,

and he was still a little bit of Kimuraji's strength.

Kimuraji does have this ability, although it is indeed a bit amazing compared to his age.

"Leave it to me, and I'll negotiate it next."

Kimishima Yuto walked out of the team, but he liked to negotiate with people the most.

"Next, it's up to us to arrange the list for today's exhibition match, no problem, coach?"

Kindoshima Yudou said with a faint smile.

"As long as you have no opinions!"

Kurobe and the others don't care what kind of form this shuffle battle will be today, anyway, there is only one rule for this training camp from beginning to end.

That is, the strong go up and the weak go down.

The law of the jungle is very applicable in this training camp.

"No need, I'll be generous today. Allow them to pick their opponents! Byodoin

waved his hand.

Instead of wasting time thinking about what to do with the battle list, let's just be casual.

This also allows him to see if that little ghost's spirit is strong enough.

"Okay then, then give them a chance."

Jun Dao saw that the Byodoin Temple said so, so he had to helplessly spread his hands.

The result of his hard negotiations was actually rejected by the Equality Court.

It's so uncomfortable.

"Good, since you have no opinion, let's start!"

Byodoin sat down in the audience outside the center court, and everyone from the First Army sat down behind him.

Originally, according to tradition, the form of shuffle matches was a common team format of two doubles and three singles.

But now that the Byoyoyuan has said that these candidates of the Second Army should choose their opponents, it means that even whether to play singles or doubles is left to the candidates of these Second Army to decide.

"Then let's start with the two of us."

As soon as everyone in the Second Army sat down, the Mutsu brothers couldn't wait to stand up.

No one would refuse the ticket to the world stage, and there are only twenty such tickets.

The Mutsu brothers were finally waited for this opportunity by them after being silent for so long.

This is the opportunity to win that ticket to the world stage with doubles.

The Mutsu brothers selected No.16 and No.17 in the first army, which are two high school juniors, and their strength is also at the bottom of the entire army as their ranking.

However, even at the bottom, he was one of the twenty people selected by the army, and he was also wearing the red robe that symbolized blood and fire.

"Oh? It's both of them! "

Byodoin has a little impression of the Mutsu brothers, who were good doubles players when they were in junior high school, and they also worked very hard after entering this training camp.

Although the strength of singles is not very strong, but doubles is definitely passing.

The moment the Mutsu brothers stood on the court, the breath of homology flowed through them.

At the moment of spiritual power fusion, a powerful momentum burst out from their bodies.

This made the NO.16 and NO.17 players opposite them wary.


PS: Thank you all for your support, don't call me short in this chapter!! 1000 more words than before.

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