Time passes slowly.

Soon it was time for Kimuraji and the others to return.

Everyone from Rokkaku Middle School came to see off with smiles on their faces, and they also prepared gifts for everyone at Yamabuki Middle School.

Some are wood carvings carved by themselves, and some are strings of beautiful seashells.

Each one is their own heart.

"See you in the Kanto tournament!"

Kimuraji and Saeki clenched their fists.

This time, we will have to wait until the Kanto Tournament when we meet again.

Kimuraji, on the other hand, first faced the challenge of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition.

"Then we must compete again!"

Saeki smiled dashingly, but the reluctance in his eyes was still captured by Kimuraji.

Not only Saeki, Kuroba, Tengen and others are the same.

They were all very reluctant, but they did not express it.

Because they knew that there was no banquet in the world, Kimuraji and they would have to leave sooner or later.


!" "Next time!" "

See you in the Kanto Tournament!"


, Kuroba, Tengen and the others watched the bus on which Kimuraji and the others were riding leave, and the reluctance in their hearts finally turned into a thick sigh.


"Go back in the evening and rest well, and remember to go to class on time tomorrow." After

arriving at Yamabuki Middle School, Kan Uta also gave the group a final message to the children, remember to go home immediately.

They have been on leave for several days, and I am afraid that if they do not return to class, they will not be able to keep up.


Kimuraji in the morning in the class was particularly busy, borrowing notes from other students to make up for the homework he had missed.

As a top student in the class, he will not let his homework fall because of these few days of intensive training.

The same goes for Yakuzu.

Although Yakuzu usually doesn't look like a good student who can read, he looks like a bad boy.

However, Yakuzu's homework is also an excellent student in the class.

There are always people who you look like they're not studying well, but the test results will shock you as soon as they come out.

And Yakuzu is such a person.

This has to be admirable.


Kimuraji and the others came to the tennis club early, and they had not come to their own territory for a long time.

With the return of the official players and Kanya Fuda, the tennis club has returned to the previous atmosphere.

"Kimura, how about a fight?" After

the club training, Yakuzu went directly to Kimuraji.

Although he knew that he might still not be Kimuraji's opponent, Yakuzu was not afraid.

And Yakuzu, who has not played with people for several days, has some itchy hands.

But the only person in the tennis club who can be his opponent is Kimuraji.

How about a game of seven?"

said Kimura with a nod.

Not only Yakuzu, but even Kimuraji himself had some itchy hands.

And he also wanted to see how Yakuzu had improved over the years.

After hearing that the two masters of the tennis club were going to fight, the people around them immediately gathered around.

There are not many opportunities to see the match between Yakuzu and Kimuraji.

"The opportunity to serve is given to you. "

Kimuraji went straight to the bottom line, anyway, it's not an official competition and you don't need to pay so much attention to it.

Yakuzu did not hesitate, and directly took out a tennis ball and threw it.

Then he swung his arm and quickly hit the tennis ball with a racket.


Yakuzu didn't mean to show mercy to his subordinates at all, because he knew that he was facing Kimuraji.


After landing, the tennis ball bounced straight to Kimuraji's face,

and such a dangerous ball caused a burst of exclamations from other members on the scene.

"Huh... Not bad!"

Kimuraji chuckled, the ball surprised him a little.

He remembered that he hadn't taught Yakutsu this trick, which meant that Yakutsu had learned it from the sidelines when he was teaching Yuta and Fukaji.

It's amazing how talented he is.

Yakuzu's talent is not only physical, otherwise he would not have learned to shoot the ball so easily in the future.

Kimuraji's arm swung in front of him in a very fast small movement, and Yakuzu's side-spin serve was directly hit back by him.

Is this the strength of President Kimura!"

Yuta, Kamio, and Fukaji's eyes lit up.

Although they had heard of the prestige of their own president, this was the first time they had seen their own president make a move.

Yakuzu's side-spin serve was no less sharp than Yuta and Fukaji's, but such a sharp shot was easily knocked back by Kimuraji.

How can this not amaze a few juniors of the last school.


serve net, Yakuzu's forward rush posture is particularly different.

Bend forward and swing your hands back.

Such a sprint posture is extremely demanding on body balance.

The oncoming ball was directly jerked back by Yakuzu, and Yakuzu's volley in front of the net was so simple and rude.

"Pretty good

, Yakuzu!" Kimuraji chuckled, although Yakuzu's style of play still did not change,

but his skills were improving little by little.

But there is still some distance compared to him.

Kimura's eyes flashed, and the powerful chipping ball of his backhand cut through the surface of the tennis ball.

A ball that floated high from Kimuraji's hand crossed the net in a blink of an eye.

Yakuzu kicked his feet, and the huge recoil force sent it into the air.

"This... This..." Yuta

, Kamio and Fukaji were stunned, it was the first time they had seen someone who could fly backwards and jump into the air.


Yakuzu slammed down heavily after a large aerial lead, and the spiraling killing ball hung down like a bolt of lightning.

The geese shook

, and Kimuraji's figure rose up.

This ball made Yuta, Kamio and Fukaji even more dumbfounded.

How is this possible

?! Someone can actually use a kill ball to hit a kill ball back in the air?!

This strange operation is the first time the three people have heard of it and seen it for the first time.

In the shocked gazes of the three,

Yakuzu took a few steps forward and also jumped up.

"Shouldn't it!"

the three of them were shocked in their hearts, shouldn't Senior Yakuzu also plan to fight back President Kimura's killing ball with a killing ball?!

In mid-air, Yakuzu's swing missed, and the ball fell directly on the

ground behind him along his flank.

After landing, Yakuzu's brows frowned slightly, and it was really too reluctant to use the kill ball back like Kimuraji.

His dynamic vision is not as strong as Kimuraji's.

"Why, want to learn my goose interception, I'll teach you!" said

Kimuraji with a slight smile.

"Cut, come again!"

Yakuzu tilted his head in disdain, so that he would not admit that he was imitating Kimuraji's goose volley

! "Yuta, do you want to fight me?" Sengoku

, who was watching from the side, had some itchy hands and went directly to Yuta and asked if the other party was willing to fight him.

Yuta naturally agreed directly, and he naturally would not refuse to be able to compete with the seniors.

And Minami and East also found Kamio and Fukaji.

Although the two of them were a little reluctant to be able to watch Kimuraji and Yakuzu's match, they would not refuse if they could compete with their seniors.

The tennis club immediately became warm.

The battle between the official team members also made the surrounding members excited.

It is an honor to be a member of Yamabuki.

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