This day.

The tennis club sat around the club.

It's late afternoon, and the rest of the tennis club has disbanded and gone home.

All those who remain are official team members.

The door of the tennis club was opened, and Kan Fuda walked in from outside.

"Who are our opponents in the first round?"

quickly pulled out the chair for the companions.

It turned out that the companion had just gone to get the match list for the first round of this Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament.

"This time, there are a lot of schools participating in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition. Gang

also posted the list of matches he got on the small blackboard in the social office.

The big piece of paper was densely packed with schools participating in this Tokyo Metropolitan Competition.

"Isn't it... So many!" Everyone

was taken aback by this dense name, which can be said to be one in a hundred.

Kimura's gaze quickly swept past the schools, and soon he found the name of Yamabuki Middle School.

Then his gaze sank downward.

Their Yamabuki Junior High School was rivaled in the first round of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition was Kaiwagawa Junior High School.

An obscure school.

"It seems that there will be no pressure tomorrow!"

Kentaro Minami whistled.

Kaiwagawa Middle School... Haven't heard of it at all.

"The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, and I hope you understand this. Minami!"


sharp gaze swept over, and Minami Kentaro immediately straightened his sitting posture.

He almost forgot that Kimuraji had asked them to be strict about anything they had to do.

"But don't be too nervous, as long as you play normally, they are definitely not your opponents. Kan

Fuda also saw Yuta, Kamio and Fukaji said with a smile after being given a serious look by Kimuraji's words.

He didn't want the three first-year freshmen to be under too much pressure.


Yuta, Kamio, and Fukaji nodded, signaling that they understood.

Naturally, they won't feel any nervousness about tomorrow's game, but just now Kimuraji's unfrustrated reprimand made them unconsciously serious.

"Go back and rest in the evening, and I'll let the three of you play first tomorrow. Kan

Fuda also came to Yuta, Kamio, and Fukaji with a kind smile on his face.

As in previous regional qualifiers, Kan Fuda will give the three more playing time before meeting strong opponents.

Because the first half of the tournament didn't help Kimuraji, Yakuzu, and Chiseki much anymore.

They're long past the time when they need to stack up experience with the number of games.

After simply telling everyone to rest well in the evening, Kanya Fuda asked everyone to go home, leaving only Kimuraji.

He also had something to discuss with Kimuraji.

Yuta, Kamio, and Fukaji walked out of the gate of Yamabuki Middle School side by side.

The three of them are all newcomers to the tennis club, and they are all led by Kimura into Yamabuki, and they have the same talent.

There are too many similarities in their bodies, so the three of them are also exceptionally compatible.

Although the personalities of the three people are different, they are not as arguing between them as Qingxue's Begonia and Taocheng.

Of course, there is still a secret competition.

After all, everyone wants to be the strongest.

"By the way, there's a new tennis shop nearby. I heard that the price is cheap and the stuff is good. Would you like to take a look together?" Yuta

seemed to have suddenly remembered something, he found a newly opened tennis equipment store when he passed by yesterday.

Naturally, there are many new store opening events.

"Okay, just as my sweat band is running out, I just went to buy a new roll."

Kamio said with a smile.

"Then Fukaji, are you going?"

Yuta looked at Fukaji who didn't speak.

Fukaji nodded, and it seemed that his sweat absorbent belt was about to run out when Kamio said so.

Yuta led the two to the new store he had discovered yesterday.

The storefront looks very well decorated and the contents are also very complete.

Shenji actually found the sweat absorbent of the brand he commonly used in this store, you must know that this brand is rare in China.

Most of the small shops basically do not sell them.

Fukaji's luck seems to be good, and there is just one volume left.

At the same time that Fukaji reached for it, another person next to him also extended his hand towards the roll of sweat bands.

"Huh?" Fukaji

turned his head just in time to see a guy with short blonde hair standing beside him.

Fukaji increased the strength of his hand, but the other party also firmly grasped the other end of the sweat band.

"Let go, I got it first.

Fukaji looked at the other party and said lightly.

Hiyoshiruo snorted coldly, what kind of eyes is this from the other party?!Originally

, if Fukaji said it well, he could give it to the other party,

but Fukaji's expressionless words to let go also aroused Hiyoshiruo's competitive spirit.

"I got it first, right?"

replied Hiyoshiruo unceremoniously.

"I said

let go!" "I won't let go

!" "What a stubborn guy!" "

It's you who is stubborn!"

"What's wrong Fukaji?" Yuta

and Kamio rushed over immediately after hearing Fukaji's voice, and Chotaro on the other side also heard Hiyoshi's voice and rushed over.

"You guys are from Yamabuki Junior High School!"

Nagataro glanced at the Yamabuki school uniform on the three of Fukashi.

Yamabuki Middle School, Nagataro has been hearing this name in the mouths of Mr. Shinto and Mr. Himawari recently.

He also went to find out and knew that the other party was the school that won the national championship last year.

Their minister is even known as the number one master in the middle of the country.

"You are from the Ice Emperor Academy!" Kamio

also saw the school uniforms on Hiyoshi and Chotaro, and the school uniforms of the Ice Emperor Academy were also obvious.

After knowing the identity of the other party, it is even more impossible for Fukaji and Hiyoshi to let go.

In the hearts of these two individuals, Shan Fui and the Ice Emperor are naturally enemies of each other.

"Boss, do you still have sweat bands from this brand?"

asked Yuta, pointing to the roll of sweat bands that Fukaji and Hiyoshi held in their hands.

He didn't understand what these two individuals had to argue about, so it would be nice to ask the boss to take a roll.

"I'm sorry. This brand of sweat band sold well, now only this last roll remains..." The

boss scratched his head embarrassedly.

This brand of sweat absorbent sweat belt sells well, plus he doesn't have much stock.



was helpless.

Well, now it's time to keep fighting.

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