Not long ago, Kimuraji once gave Fukaji a point.

He distilled the concept of temporary paralysis from Yukimura's extinction five senses.

Although it is a little difficult for Fukaji to achieve the five senses like Yukimura, Kimura believes that Fukaji can still learn the technique of temporarily paralyzing the opponent's wrist by using the alternating control of the topspin ball and the downspin ball.

After all, he has this talent himself.

Fukashi's talent in spinning and ball control is amazing.

This match was won by Fukaji.

"Yay, I knew you could win, Fukaji!" Kamio

waved his arm excitedly on the sidelines.

He didn't care what the Ice Emperor was not the Ice Emperor, he only knew that Shensi's strength was super strong.

"I lost, the roll of sweat bands is yours!"


sighed slightly, very simply admitting his failure.

He is not a person who cannot afford to lose, and naturally he will not play a scoundrel.

Hiyoshiruo's crisp appearance made Fukaji look up at him again, not everyone can face their failures.

"I'll definitely win it back next time!"

said Hiyoshiru wiping the sweat from his face and looking at Fukaji seriously.

Since the other party is an official member of Yamabuki Middle School, Hiyoshiruo believes that he will have the opportunity to meet the other party again in the future.

At the official Open.

At that time, he must get today's account back, but for now, his main thing is to win the seat of an official player first.

Otherwise, even if Yamabuki Middle School and Ice Emperor Academy collide, he will not be eligible to play.

"You can't win me!"

said Fukaji lightly.

Those left behind by him cannot catch up with him.

Fukaji firmly believes in this.

In the body of the predecessors, Fukaji saw a higher realm of scenery.

In order to catch up with his predecessors, he would not allow himself to slack off in the slightest.

So he also has confidence that he will not lose to Hiyoshiru.

Now and in the future.

Hiyoshiru and Nagataro left, and the back of the failed Hiyoshiro looked a little bleak.

"Shiro made half the money, can you treat Yuta and me to ramen noodles!"

Kamio smiled as he hammered Fukaji's shoulder.

"Okay, let's go!" Although

he was sweating and wanted to go home and take a shower, since Kamio said so, Fukaji would not refuse.

"I happen to know that there is a ramen shop nearby that tastes very good, so go there.

Yuta also showed a hint of a smile.

Since coming to Yamabuki, the smile on Yuta's face has become more and more.

Compared to the oppressive Yamabuki in Qingxue before, it brought Yuta too much happiness.

At least in Yamabuki, no one has ever called him by the title of Shusuke's younger brother, and the only king of Yamabuki is Kimuraji.

Yamabuki's students also discuss Kimuraji the most.



Everyone from the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School gathered at the school gate early.

After seeing the spiritual outlook of everyone, Tian Gan also nodded with satisfaction.


Yamabuki Middle School's group got on the bus and headed towards Tokyo Central Tennis Garden, the destination of today's competition.

Tokyo Central Tennis Garden.

Today there is a lot of traffic here.

Competitors dressed in various uniforms, spectators, cheerleaders, etc. provide plenty of popularity for the park.

Small vendors push carts in the park to sell their wares, and this is when they make a big profit.

"A lot of people, Inoue senior, this is much more lively than when the regional qualifiers were held!"

Shiba Saori sighed as she looked at the crowd coming and going around her.

"Of course, this is the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition! The number of teams participating alone is more than ten times that of the regional qualifiers. "

Mamoru Inoue also enjoys such days.

It's great to be able to see the teams sent by one school after another giving them one wonderful game after another.

"Don't drop the chain today, Azhi.

Mamoru Inoue seemed to have thought of something, and instructed Shiba Saori on the side.

Since the first round of the competition started at the same time, Mamoru Inoue had to send Shibasaori to shoot live footage of the Yamabuki Middle School competition.

And he himself naturally wanted to watch the competition of the youth school.

This year's Seigaku has added two good newcomers, and Mamoru Inoue wants to see how they perform.

Aiya and U, as a fan of Echizen Nanjiro, Mamoru Inoue has a great affection for Seigaku.

"Wrap it around me, Inoue-senpai!" Shibasaori

was also in charge of an interview alone for the first time, and she was a little excited.

"Alas... Hopefully..." Although

Mamoru Inoue was a little uneasy, he always wanted Shiba Saori to learn how to be a qualified media person for a professional tennis monthly magazine.

"It's Yamabuki Junior High School

!" "What a terrible momentum!"


this moment, a loud voice came from next to Mamoru Inoue and Shibasaori.

The dense flow of people around him automatically diverted to the sides, and from the distant horizon, a dark green legion walked in a neat step.

Yamabuki Middle School... Here it comes.

The people around did not dare to gasp, and watched Kimuraji and the others move forward.

"Is this last year's national champion team?"

"Just looking at it makes people unable to think of confronting them

!" "It's amazing!"


Kimuraji and the others walked away, the people around dared to start talking.

The momentum that Kimuraji had accumulated along the way just now was too amazing, and these teams who had never seen the world were afraid at once.

Maybe he dared to say a few cruel words when Kimuraji was not in person, but when they really faced Kimuraji and the others face to face, they suddenly languished.

The light of rice grains can compete with the bright moon.

They still have this self-knowledge.

Where in this world are there so many dark horses, they are originally ordinary teams.

Except for Seigakue, Ice Emperor and Yamabuki, most of the other teams participating in this year's Tokyo Tournament only aimed at the ticket to the Kanto Tournament.

As for the champions, it's not that they don't have this ambition, they really have more than enough and lack strength.

"Inoue-senpai, I'll go first!"

Shiba Saori carried her bag and chased after Kimuraji and the others in the direction of departure.

"Slow... A little. Inoue

Mamoru had just blurted out the silhouette when Shiba Saori's figure had already disappeared in front of his eyes.


Inoue Mamoru shook his head helplessly, Shibasaori was always so frizzy that he was uneasy.

"Forget it..."

Inoue Mamoru sighed and turned to walk towards the venue of the Seigaku competition.

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