"A lot of people!"

After arriving at the venue of today's game, Kamio was taken aback by the number of people around him.

Originally, he thought that there were enough people watching the regional qualifiers, but he did not expect that the number of people who came to watch them in the first round of the Tokyo Metropolitan Championship was several times more than that of the regional qualifiers.

"That's natural, this time the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Contest alone has more than 100 teams participating!"

Kentaro Minami likes his junior very much, and he can always see his original shadow in Kamio Akira.

"So many!"

Yuta was also taken aback by this terrifying number.

More than 100 participating teams?

Doesn't that mean that the Tokyo Metropolitan Championship is exceptionally long this time?

Soon, today Kimuraji and his opponent, the players of Kaiwagawa Middle School, also arrived at this venue.

It can be seen that the players of Kaiwa River have no fighting spirit.

After getting the news yesterday that their opponent today was Yamabuki Middle School, their hearts suddenly became very heavy.

After a year of preparation, I finally came out of the regional qualifiers, and as a result, I met Yamabuki Middle School in the first round.

How can this not be frustrating.

"Okay, okay, cheer up! Don't let others look flat! Although

I know that such a grouping is cruel for this group of children, the coach of Kaiwagawa Middle School must also boost morale.

After all, they have come, and they must show their best mental outlook and strength.


The coach said this, and the players of Kaiwa River had to fight hard.

Everyone is a middle school student, who is afraid of whom!

They can only comfort themselves silently in their hearts like this.


Kentaro Minami's figure moved rapidly across the tennis ball, and his rapid pace immediately attracted the attention of the doubles number one duo of Kaiwakawa.

They have already suffered too many losses from Minami Kentaro's volleys in front of the net.

"Hey, hey! You guys are fooled! The

corners of Minami's mouth rose slightly, and he enjoyed the moment when he teased his opponent in the ring.

His footsteps jerked, and his figure stopped in front of him slightly.

Behind him, the figure of Oriental Yami quickly rushed out.


The hearts of these two players of Haiyanchuan suddenly sank, this position of the other party... To suffer!


Dongfang Yami jerked his backhand, and his backhand was very powerful.

A straight curve passed straight through the gap between the two opposing people, and the dust that rose when the ball landed was like a cannonball falling.

"At the end of the match, by Yamabuki Middle School Minami Kentaro, the Touhou Masami group won, the score is 6:0."

Yamabuki Junior High School's light doubles victory, the bright 6-0 2-0 was particularly dazzling to the players of Kaiwagawa.

"Go, Fukaji! Go and win this battle for our Yamabuki!

Kimuraji looked at Fukaji who had returned from warming up.

"Yes! President Kimura!

Fukaji nodded lightly, now he only had one thought in his mind.


"President! It's all up to you!

"You're all our hope!"

All the members of Kaiwakawa's team gathered around their president, and after seeing Yamabuki Junior High School playing as a first-year, they pinned all their hopes on their president.

Because by coincidence, the three appearances in this singles are their president.

"Good! Just wrap it around me! The

president of Kaiwa was also encouraged by the members and agreed.

In his opinion, he is also a good player in his area, and his third-grade self may not be able to win this first grade of Yamabuki.

It is not a shame to lose, and if you win, you can blow for a lifetime.

This is what the president of Kaiwa is thinking at this time.

However, his wishful thinking was quickly crushed by Fukaji's ruthlessness.

Four side-spin serves.

In the first round, Fukaji used four side-spin serves to make the president of Kaiwa River understand the gap between himself and Fukaji.

Although he has practiced tennis for two more years than Fukaji, there is a gap between his practice and that of Fukaji.

Not to mention the absolute gap in talent.

No matter what the sport, talent is always a very important factor in determining the strength of a player.

Thirty minutes later.

Fukaji stepped across the bridge and turned his arm inside to pick it forward.

The front end of the racket slammed into the oncoming ball.


A straight streamer hit the net, then flipped and jumped under the recoil force and finally fell in the half of Kaiwakawa.

Wipe the net and good ball!

"The match was over, won by Shinji Ibu of Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 6:0."

This game did not end quickly, and the president of Kaiwagawa still had a few moves under Fukaji's hands.

Each of the teams that can participate in the Tokyo Metropolitan Championship is a team that has emerged from the regional qualifiers, and their standard is naturally better than the opponents that Fukaji faced in the regional qualifiers.

"Yamabuki! Yamabuki! The

shouts belonging to Yamabuki immediately occupied the court, and many players from other schools who came to scout immediately fell silent.

Yamabuki is more powerful than they imagined.

Even the first grade is so powerful.

The victory and defeat have been divided, and the morale of the players of Kaiwa River has been lost with the defeat of their president.

The last two singles matches were already garbage time, and Yuta and Kamio easily won without any resistance.

"In the first round of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, Yamabuki Junior High School vs Uiwagawa Junior High School won by Yamabuki Junior High School with a 5:0 record! Advance to the second round! The

referee's voice resounded throughout the audience, and Yamabuki won with an absolute crushing gesture.

"Yamabuki! Yamabuki! The

heat wave of victory celebrations swept around, and many players in the surrounding games were slightly startled.

Did Yamabuki already win so quickly?

It's terrible!

The stadium of the Ice Emperor Tournament is not far from Yamabuki.

After hearing the celebration of the Yamabuki members, Jibu also raised his eyebrows.

"Birch! Solve him for me! "

Although the Ice Emperor did not send all of their teams in this round, the Trail Department did not allow them to be behind the Ice Emperor.


Birch on the field responded dullly, his voice startling his opponent.

Before this, he thought that Birch was a dumb.


"Thank you for your advice!"

"Thank you for your advice!"

After the game, the two teams returned to the net and lined up to salute each other.

Kimuraji then led Yamabuki's crowd to leave.

There was not much joy on the faces of everyone in Yamabuki, and victory was already a commonplace thing for them.

Even Yuta, Kamio and Fukaji.

And this is also the side that Kimuraji wants to cultivate them.

Self-confidence, strong self-confidence.

The players who came to scout after Kimuraji and others left also brought back the situation of Yamabuki's first round to their teams, and everyone felt Yamabuki's aggressive posture.

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