
"At the end of the match, by Yamabuki Middle School Minami Kentaro, the Touhou Masami group won, the score is 6:0."

Although it was also 6:0, this one took a little more time than the previous rounds.

"They seem to be picking the ball that we don't like."

Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang, who returned to the sidelines, whispered next to Kimuraji.

"Well, I see."

Kimuraji nodded, he already understood who was behind the ghost.

Watch the beginning of the month!

In fact, he had just sensed that a malicious gaze was staring at him, and followed this gaze, Kimuraji's covert sweep.

I found Kangetsu and Akasawa Yoshiro.

It seems that the other party is a little worried about his cutting off Yutai.

However, Kimuraji didn't care, data tennis was only a scratch at the beginning of the month.

With his knowledge of data tennis, it would not have had any impact on Yamabuki at all.

"Yakuzu, it's time for you to play."

Kimuraji turned around and came to the shade of the tree behind him, where the guy Yakuzu was lying there behind closed doors.

"Cut! Do you still have to ask me to deal with these guys? Yakuzu

rolled over and sat up, expressing his dissatisfaction with Kanya Mita and Kimuraji sending him on the field again.

However, Kanya Fuda and Kimuraji felt that Yakutsu had already taken several breaks from the game, and it was time to play and maintain his form.

What's more, the three first-grade players in the team have played a bit too many times recently, and there is no need to overuse the first-grade body for one game.

"Please more... Advise..."

Akiyama Sanjung's singles number three swallowed his saliva, and he always felt as if the guy opposite him looked as if he was going to swallow him alive.

The information given to them at the beginning of the month did not include information on Kimuraji and Yakuzu, because Kangetsu did not feel that these people in Akiyama Sanjung High School could pose the slightest threat to Kimuraji and Yakuzu personally.

They don't have that strength.

And now the singles number three of Akiyama No. 3 Middle School can't raise the psychology of resistance in the face of Yakuzu.

Akuzu's empty eyes combined with his new look made him look like a bad boy.

It's scary.

And Yakuzu's violent style of play also made the singles number three of Akiyama Sanjung dare not fight back.

He was afraid that the next ball of Yakuzu would hit his body.

Ten minutes later.

The farce ended quickly.


Yakuzu rolled over and jumped, buckling heavily on his side.

The ball went straight through the empty bottom corner.

"The match was over, and Yamabuki Junior High School Yakuzuhito won, and the score was 6:0."

"In this Tokyo Metropolitan Championship Yamabuki Junior High School vs. Akiyama 3rd Junior High School 16 to 8, Yamabuki Junior High School won 3:0 and advanced to the quarterfinals!"


The loud sound of the broadcast spread throughout the stadium, and many people in the stadium around them raised their heads in dismay.

So fast?

Did Yamabuki Middle School already beat their opponent so quickly to advance to the quarterfinals?!

In particular, some weaker schools were hit at once.

For them, even if they passed this level, they would definitely not be able to break through the Yamabuki level, but they quickly perked up.

In any case, let's win the next place in the quarterfinals.

After advancing to the quarterfinals, they only need to advance one more place to get the ticket to the Kanto Tournament.

This year's hard work has also paid off.

The venue of Seigaku VS Osawa Industrial High School.

Fuji looked up in the direction where the voice came from.

"Yuta, it seems that you have given you a head start again!"

Fuji lifted the racket to himself, and a warm breeze blew by.

This May summer breeze has been hot, with a slight trace of cold heart.

Buji's eyes opened suddenly, and a trace of essence suddenly flashed in those azure eyes made his opponent subconsciously take half a step back.


The singles number three of Daze Industry swallowed his saliva, and he felt that the momentum on the single number three of the young school on the opposite side suddenly changed.

It's getting a little scary.

Ten minutes later.

Fuji flew up and jumped diagonally, flipped his body in mid-air, and pressed his arm straight down.


The high-pressure volley directly darkened the eyes of Daze Industries' singles number three.

He lost.

"The game is over, and the youth school is not two weeks to win, and the score is 6:0."

"In this Tokyo Metropolitan Contest Seishun Gakuen vs. Osawa Industrial Junior High School, Seishun Gakuen won 3:0 and advanced to the quarterfinals!"


Kansadaharu pushed his glasses, and he looked at Koji on the field with some surprise.

"How do you feel that today's fighting spirit is extraordinarily combative?"

Or not today, but not a long time ago.

Because now that he has returned from the court, he has returned to his previous gentle appearance with a smile.

"Maybe that's the real thing,"

Tezuka said lightly.

"Is it really not two..."

the people of the young school thought thoughtfully, and they couldn't help but think of how they looked when they were against Kamimuraji last year.

At that time, they also felt very strange.


After Yamabuki and Qingxue, the Ice Emperor also won and advanced to the quarterfinals.

The qualification of these three schools was expected by everyone.

St. Rudolph's Academy VS Bachen Secondary School's playing field.

At the beginning of the month, he sat outside the court as the manager of St. Rudolph, his fingers playing with the ends of his hair.

Yamabuki, Qingxue and Ice Emperor qualified as he expected, and the length of the game was not much worse than he expected.

In his estimates, the fourth to qualify would be their St. Rudolph Academy.

Although they are not as good as Shanbui, Qingxue and Ice Emperor, this does not mean that they are weaker.

Of course, this is what Guan Yue himself thinks.

Now on the court is their second-year singles ace Akasawa Yoshiro from St. Rudolf Gakuen.

He is the old man of the tennis club of St. Rudolph's Academy, and he is also the few old people left after experiencing the exclusion of the intensive group brought about by the beginning of the month.

However, he did not have any objection to the arrival of the beginning of the month.

Although it squeezes some of the living space of the elderly, as long as St. Rudolph can become stronger and go further, it is enough.

After tasting the bitter taste of failure last year, Akasawa Yoshiro never wanted to reminisce about that taste.

Akasawa Yoshiro's gaze was very firm, and he only had victory in his heart.

"Give me back!"

Akazawa drank lowly, and swung the flat-hit ball forward in pursuit of extreme violence.

That roar was like a cannon popping out of the chamber.


"The match ended with a victory by St. Rudolf Akasawa Kiro, the score was 6:0."

With Akasawa's victory, it meant that St. Rudolph also won a place in the quarterfinals.

Soon, the matches on the various stadiums came to an end.

Eight schools, including Yamabuki, Qingxue, Ice Emperor, St. Rudolph, and Yinhua, advanced to the quarterfinals.

Tomorrow they will have a battle for tickets to the Kanto Tournament, the Final Four.

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