"Who will we be against tomorrow?"

On the way back, Kentaro Minami looked at Kimuraji and asked.

"It's Yinhua Middle School."

Kimuraji said lightly.

"Yinhua Middle School... I always felt that Chiseki should be a good fit for this school.

Minami Kentaro said after a deep sigh.

He said this because Yinhua Middle School is a very amazing school.

Although he is not strong, he can always enter the top spot of the Tokyo Metropolitan Championship, and occasionally even accidentally enter the Kanto Championship.

In Tokyo, it is known as the lucky silver flower.

Lucky thousand stones with lucky Yinhua makes sense.

“... It's not okay to say that to my face, Anan. Qianshi

was speechless, could it be that he had no sense of existence like this.


The return team was filled with laughter.


Yamabuki and his party once again arrived at the Tokyo Central Tennis Garden.

Today is a battle for the Final Four.

More than 100 schools have been eliminated so far in the competition, and the teams that can reach the top eight are somewhat strong.

Even Yinhua is the same.

This year's Yinhua did have some strength, but they still met the mountain blow after all.

However, what surprised Kimuraji was that these people of Yinhua did not have the slightest fear in the face of them.

Their fighting spirit is the strongest Kimura team they have faced in this tournament so far.

Yuta also looked at his opponent with a surprised face, even though the score had reached 5-0, even if only the final goal remained.

His opponent still maintained full enthusiasm, and sweat could not hide the fiery fighting intent in the opponent's eyes.

After feeling the enthusiasm of the other party, Yuta decided to show his true skills to end the match.

This is the best return to the other person.

The horizontal knife immediately straddled the spot, and Yuta crouched in the back with a slight bent knee.

Holding the racket in his left and right hands, his figure swayed back and forth slightly, like a hunting beast.

His opponent threw the ball, and even with only the last chance left, he still did not have the slightest nervousness.


In the eyes of Kimuraji and others, the serve that is not very powerful is all he has.

Yuta moved sideways a few steps and was pumping his hand, but he didn't kill the ball right away.

How much to give the opponent a goal to perform the timing is not.


Yuta's counterattack has deliberately slowed down the ball, and it is naturally possible to fight back for Yinhua's singles number three.

However, in the next second, with a boom, a lightning-like golden light exploded from his side.

"So fast!"

"This first-grade

half-volley..." The

ball stunned the crowd, who had never seen such a fast half-volley.

It's like a bolt of lightning.

"Good, good!"

Kimuraji nodded with some satisfaction, and Yuta's half-volley finally hit a little decently.

As early as after Chiba Prefecture's party, Yuta had asked Kimuraji about the half-volley, and Kimuraji personally instructed him according to Yuta's personal conditions.

Now Yuta has finally practiced, lightning half-volley.

A half-volley for extreme speed.


"Thank you for your advice!"

"Thank you for your advice!"

After the game, Yamabuki and Yinhua once again saluted each other in front of the net.

Kimuraji: They couldn't see a trace of negativity in the eyes of these people because of failure.

These people are still so optimistic.

"What an interesting group of people."

It was the first time that Qianshi paid so much attention to a group of guys who were not of the opposite sex, and even he was infected by the optimism of these people in Yinhua.

"Maybe they're just enjoying the joy of tennis."

Kimuraji looked at the back of everyone in Yinhua with some emotion, these people are in a sense the closest to the limit of seamlessness.

They have never forgotten their original intention, what an interesting group of people.

"Let's go too."

Kimuraji turned and walked in the other direction, these people of Ginhua were interesting but destined to be only dry bones under their Yamabuki throne.

Now Kimuraji has begun to understand why Yukimura is so obsessed with winning.

Champions are both glory and baggage.

Once you get it, you don't want to lose it.


When Kimuraji and the others walked to the notice to see who their opponents were in tomorrow's semifinals, Tezuka and other young students also walked through the opposite aisle.

"Long time no see, Tezuka."

Kimuraji greeted him, and he and Tezuka hadn't seen each other for months.

"Long time no see, Kimura."

Tezuka responded lightly.

"It seems that this year, you have joined a very good new person."

Kimuraji looked behind Tezuka, and the first-year Kaoru and Momojo Takeshi were obviously much cuter than he remembered.

However, the temperament of these two people has not changed at all.

"You Yamabuki are also very good newcomers to join."

Tezuka said very calmly, his gaze focused on Yuta's body for a moment.

In fact, when Yuta was still in school, Tezuka accompanied Yuta from afar to see Yuta's classroom.

Tezuka thought that Yuta would join the youth tennis club sooner or later, but unfortunately he is now making a mistake.

Yuta went around and joined the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School.


Fuji squinted slightly at Yuta in Yamabuki's team, and he was relieved to see that his brother had done well in Yamabuki.

"See you in the final, if you can pass the Ice Emperor level."

After a few pleasantries with Tezuka, Kimuraji was ready to leave with the people.

Qingxue and Shan Fui are not in the same half of the district, they are in the other half with the Ice Emperor.

If there are no accidents, the semifinals will be Qingxue VS Ice Emperor, and only the winner may meet them Yamabuki in the final.

"It will definitely be our Ice Emperor who wins!"

Before Tezuka could reply, an extremely arrogant voice came from beside them.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was the traces of the Ice Emperor.

The Ice Emperor has also defeated their opponent to advance to the Final Four.

"Tezuka, the only one who wins tomorrow is our Ice Emperor!"

Jibu said with a faint smile.

Behind the trail is the Ice Emperor who is Shinobu and Himawari and others.

During the battle for these four finals, the Ice Emperor finally sent their team, and the Ice Emperor with all the personnel should not be underestimated.

"Is it? I think the winner will be our youth.

Not to be outdone, Tezuka responded.

"Tezuka, I hope you young people can recognize reality!"

Traces smiled high, and the tear moles at the corners of his eyes added a bit of charm to him in the sun.

This noble prince has been waiting too long, waiting too long for the opportunity to fight Yamabuki again.

He would not allow Qingxue to stand in the way of their Ice Emperor's path to revenge and victory.

Because he is a king!

He is the king of the Ice Emperor Tennis Club with a long history of more than 200 members.

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